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Created October 26, 2015 21:44
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Python script that runs an http server that creates an API to fetch system information for Orange PI machine(Could work in others, I didn't test it)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, json
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
from SimpleHTTPServer import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler
from subprocess import *
def callCommand(comm):
return check_output(comm+"; exit 0", stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
def getCpuInfo(req):
cpuInfo = str(callCommand("cat /proc/cpuinfo")).split('\n')
cpuData = {'processor':[]}
core = 0;
for section in cpuInfo:
if ":" in section:#search key for processors
section = str(section).split(':')
if 'processor' in section[0]:
cpuData['processor'].append({'core' : section[1].strip(), 'BogoMIPS' : ""})
elif 'BogoMIPS' in section[0]:
cpuData['processor'][core]['BogoMIPS'] = section[1].strip()
core = core + 1
cpuData[section[0].strip()] = section[1].strip()
return cpuData;
def getMemoryInfo(req):
memInfo = str(callCommand("cat /proc/meminfo")).split('\n')
memData = {}
for section in memInfo:
if ":" in section:
section = str(section).split(':')
memData[section[0].strip()] = section[1].strip()
return memData;
def getSystemInfo(req):
sysData = {
'Kernel_version':str(callCommand("uname -mrs")),
'System':str(callCommand("uname -a")),
lsbData = str(callCommand("lsb_release -a")).split('\n')
for section in lsbData:
if ":" in section:
section = str(section).split(':')
sysData['Distribution'][section[0].strip()] = section[1].strip()
return sysData
def getSystemTemp(req):
nSensors = str(callCommand('ls /sys/class/hwmon/ | egrep ^"hwmon"')).split('\n')
tempData = []
for sensor in nSensors:
if sensor != "":
'sensor_name': str(callCommand('cat /sys/class/hwmon/'+sensor+'/name')),
'temp': str(callCommand('cat /sys/class/hwmon/'+sensor+'/temp1_input'))
return tempData
class InfoHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(req):
req.send_header("Content-type", "application/json")
response = {}
if req.path == '/allinfo':
response = {
'systemp': getSystemTemp(req),
'cpuinfo': getCpuInfo(req),
'meminfo': getMemoryInfo(req),
'systeminfo': getSystemInfo(req)
elif req.path == '/cpuinfo':
response = {'cpuinfo': getCpuInfo(req)}
elif req.path == '/meminfo':
response = {'meminfo': getMemoryInfo(req)}
elif req.path == '/systeminfo':
response = {'systeminfo': getSystemInfo(req)}
elif req.path == '/systemp':
response = {'systemp': getSystemTemp(req)}
response = {'error': {'message': 'route inexistent: "'+str(req.path)+'"'}}
if __name__ == '__main__':
httpd = HTTPServer(('', 8000), InfoHandler)
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