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Created October 12, 2021 14:59
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  • Save KyMidd/58fc9d3aec246d0768c3bf9da79a1241 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KyMidd/58fc9d3aec246d0768c3bf9da79a1241 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Attempt git push, check for archived to safely catch
gitPushResults=$(git push --force --set-upstream origin main 2>&1 || true)
# Check if failed to push due to archived read-only
if echo "$gitPushResults" | grep -q "This repository was archived"; then
echo "This repository is archived, and is read-only, skipping"
# Cleanup
cd ../
rm -rf $repo
# Continue to next loop
elif echo "$gitPushResults" | grep -q "already exists"; then
echo "Pull request already exists with this name, skipping"
# Cleanup
cd ../
rm -rf $repo
# Continue to next loop
# Repo cloned successfully
cd $repo
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