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Created September 18, 2019 00:57
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# Generate .tf and .tfstate for existing AWS VPC resources
# Author: Kyler Middleton, 7.9.2019
# Limitations/bugs
# SG rules are stripped of descriptions during import for some reason
#/bin/bash -e
# Establish directory for temp config files
echo "Creating temp directory to stash files"
mkdir temp
# Export single region
echo "Which region do you want to run against, e.g. us-east-2"
read region
export AWS_REGION=$region
# Find all files in AWS, generate terraform config for them in individual files in temp folder
echo "Utilizing terraforming to sync config files for all resources into temp folder"
terraforming help | grep terraforming | grep -v help | awk '{print "terraforming", $2, ">", "temp/"$2".tf";}' | bash
# Build the .tfstate file as empty so it can be iterated on
echo "Over-writing terraform.tfstate file with an empty shell"
cat <<EOL > terraform.tfstate
"version": 1,
"serial": 12,
"modules": [
"path": [
"outputs": {
"resources": {
# Identify which resource .tf files aren’t empty (resources exist of that type) and generate tfstate for each existing resource
echo "Identify resource types which exist, generate tfstate for them"
find temp -type f -not -empty -name '*.tf' -exec basename {} \; | sed -e 's/.tf//' $1 | awk '{print "terraforming", $1, "--tfstate", "--merge=terraform.tfstate", "--overwrite";}' | bash
# Delete previous if it exists
echo "Removing old files"
rm -f
# Build single file with all .tf configuration in it
echo "Building a single file with configuration for all existing resources"
find temp -type f -not -empty -name '*.tf' -exec basename {} \; | sed -e 's/.tf//' $1 | awk '{print "terraforming", $1, ">>", "";}' | bash
# remove previous file if exists
echo "Removing file which block 0.12upgrade process"
rm -f
# Fixup file for terraform 0.12, will automatically response yes
echo "Auto-upgrading config and tfstate to 0.12 terraform standard"
echo "yes" | terraform 0.12upgrade
# Format all local scripts
echo "Formatting scripts via terraform fmt"
terraform fmt
# Remove temp directory, no longer needed
echo "Deleting temp directory and all contents"
rm -rd temp
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