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Created July 10, 2021 20:25
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module "Ue1TiGitHubBuilders" {
source = "./modules/ecs_on_fargate"
ecs_name = "ResourceGroupName" # Name to use for customizing resources, permits deploying this module multiple times with different names
image_ecr_url = "url_of_ECR" # URL of the container repo where image is stored
task_environment_variables = [ # List of maps of environment variables to pass to container when it's spun up
{ name : "ENV1", value : "env_value1" }, # Remember these are clear-text in the console and via CLI
{ name : "ENV2", value : "env_value2" }
task_secret_environment_variables = [ #Use this secret block for secrets, passkeys, etc.
{ name : "SECRET", valueFrom : "secrets_manager_secret_arn" } # Note we're using 'valueFrom' here, which accepts a secrets manager ARN rather than plain-text secret
execution_iam_access = {
secrets = [
"secrets_manager_secret_arn" # ARN of secret to grant access to
kms_cmk = [
data.aws_secretsmanager_secret.kms_cmk_arn.kms_key_id # For secret encrypted with CMK, find CMK ARN and grant access
s3_buckets = [
"s3_bucket_arn" # S3 bucket ARN to grant access to
task_role_arn = "arn_of_task_role" # This role is used by the container that's launched
service_subnets = [ # A list of subnets to put the fargate and container into
service_sg = [ # A list of SGs to assign to the container
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