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Last active January 23, 2023 15:19
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List of bugs in Duskers with video examples. Steam has a max character limit for reviews.

See the full review here: Duskers review

All bugs on this list have happened to me or someone else on video at least once. The ones without video examples are common enough or easily reproducable enough that there would be too many examples. Consider that there aren't many videos on Duskers from which to construct this list, and remember that there are many more players who have purchased the game than there are YouTubers who upload video recordings of Duskers. Every bug is likely to have happened many more times to people who never reported the bug or didn't have video evidence of it.

This list was originally created when v1.041 was the latest version. There have since been several new versions that have fixed dozens of bugs. I have gone through and removed bugs that I believe are fixed now, but there may still be a few on this list that have already been fixed. If you know for sure, let me know!

Game-breaking bugs

These bugs should be the first ones to receive attention.

  • the boarding craft (r1) can become permanently stuck in a state of vacuum, which makes it impossible to do anything but reset and lose all your progress (video example)
  • the boarding craft (r1) can become unpowered, making it impossible to open airlocks unless you power a power inlet. This can strand drones. (video example, image example)
  • in the weekly challenge, the warp gate needed to end the challenge can be corrupted and turned into a corrupt derelict which softlocks your game and makes it impossible to end the challenge (video example 1, video example 2)
  • the game can actually generate corrupt save files that crash the game unpon loading, permanently ending your run. (video example)
  • Drones can bug out and become unusuable when narrowly evading the vacuum of space (video example)
  • The exit command, which is required to leave a mission when you're done, can break (internal error processing command) making it impossible to leave a mission (video example 1, video example 2)
  • Players with low framerates can end up stuck inside walls or outside the confines of the game (video example)
  • Transporting drones to the docking bay while redocking results in drones stranded in space (video example)
  • Successfully commandeering a ship but then cancelling out from the "too many drones" dialog completely and utterly breaks the game in numerous ways (video example)

Major bugs

These bugs aren't game-breaking, but they are problematic enough that they cause obvious problems in day-to-day play.

  • If the boarding craft redocks while a Leaper is backing up between leaps at a Lure or drone, it can cause the Leaper to phase through the wall out of the boarding craft and even enter the room through the closed airlock. (video demonstration)
  • Sometimes when commandeering a ship, you will lose the upgrades that are supposed to come with it. (video example 1, video example 2)
  • the daily challenges, which are supposed to be identical for everyone, aren't actually identical. For proof, just watch various daily challenge videos of the same challenge from different players on YouTube. The result is unfair score variations on the leaderboards.
    • asteroids have different effects (radiation vs vacuum, which doors are blown open or destroyed)
    • pipe ruptures happen in different rooms or not at all for some players
    • Collector collects scrap and items for some players and not others
  • the weekly challenges are completely different for everyone. It's possible to get identical ship layouts as someone else, but it's very rare. This makes the leaderboard score useless for comparison as it's entirely down to luck.
  • the daily challenges, which are supposed to be one attempt only, have a bug that lets players restart the run after dying, which is effectively cheating. (video example)
  • The System view can bug out and show a jump gate icon and nothing else, and jumping to the system causes strange corruption (video example)
  • editing the alias file doesn't pause the game but does pause the time displayed by the time command, which can ruin strategies relating to the in-game timer. The timer is a crucial gameplay element but I won't spoil how.
  • Sometimes drone view can bug out and make everything look black (video example)
  • If all your drones are sucked into space and Collector saves one or more of them, the game still thinks you have lost with no way to continue (video example)
  • Swarm doesn't always properly find the next target before changing rooms after finishing off a previous target (video example)
  • If you have two of a certain upgrade, you can make it last indefinitely (video example for devs/modders only)
  • WIth certain Power Inlet positioning, a certain drone upgrade can allow you to power multiple Power Inlets with a single Generator module (video example for devs/modders only)

Minor bugs

These bugs are usually just annoyances, but under the right circumstances can still be detrimental to play.

  • Sometimes the Tow module will refuse to work, internal error processing command (video example 1, video example 2)
  • sometimes pfuel doesn't recharge when you use a warp gate, and the dev has publicly acknowledged this as a bug.
  • if you kill a sentry/security bot in r1 and then redock, the scrap it drops stays behind. You have to dock back at where you killed it to find the scrap. (video example)
  • scrap dropped by sentries can land inside of turrets, interfaces, and room blockages and thus become impossible to pick up. It can also land inside the wall.
  • if you happen to close the door to the next room that vacuum wants to spread to, it can stop spreading even if there are other rooms for it to spread to.
  • enemies can sometimes bug out and remain frozen in place permanently, leading to confusion (video example)
  • probes will kill themselves when entering a room with an active ship defense even if the room isn't powered (video example)
  • Scrap revealed while icons are turned off will remain invisible in schematic view even when icons are turned back on (video example)
  • Sometimes the position or type of derelicts on the system view can be corrupted (video example)
  • the gather command can stop working forcing you to use the pickup alias instead (video example)
  • you can end up with negative scrap (video example)
  • if a room is radiated first, it will never be able to show as having vacuum, but if it has vacuum first, it can easily show radiation at the same time.
  • Long Range Scanner only scans properly when you switch to Galaxy view, so if it breaks as soon as you put it on (which can happen) and you aren't in Galaxy view, it does nothing.
  • Once doorways become radiated, decontaminating the rooms never unradiates doorways, so doorways stay radiated forever (video example 1, video example 2, video example 3, video example 4)
  • The inventory change readout at the end of missions can get cut off if it is too long. A scrollbar or some pagination would help avoid hiding important information about breaking modules.
  • Incoming asteroids can sometimes just vanish without showing the "failed to collide" message. When this happens a null pointer exception appears in the logs, and it seems to be related to when the asteroids wanted to hit the docking bay at a specific airlock.
  • When you buy fuel from autotraders, the colors on the system view don't update to match.
  • Many people experience occasional corruption of the drone views with one drone's vision being upside down and all drones' vision lacking overlays (video example)
  • Typing probe; pickup creates a fake dead probe (screenshot example
  • Sometimes a daily challenge is impossible to start (video examples)
  • You can't commandeer a vessel unless you euthanize the space dogs on board (example)
  • Sometimes Sentries can teleport into walls (video example)
  • drones will still try to gather from destroyed fuel accesses, and when they do, it breaks the game in odd ways until a drone gathers from a normal fuel access. It's also annoying.
  • Collector can either give duplicate drones and items, or not give drones that were supposedly saved (video example)
  • There is a race condition when exiting where Collector can collect objects after the game reclaims previously-collected objects, causing a loss of the objects (video example)


While not necessarily bugs, these are still problems with the game that make it feel unpolished.

  • The daily challenge never gives upgrades with modifications installed or any variety in starting upgrades, you just always get the same starting upgrades and one of four explore upgrades.
  • when you teleport sensors from where they're first placed, they can leave a ghost behind
  • Outposts are often the most challenging missions, yet the Daily Challenge doesn't offer outposts as an option despite offering Transporter as an option.
  • Daily Challenge missions can be quarantined, but you're never given a Quarntine Bypass ship upgrade.
  • some typos are still in the game, e.g. when a sensor is untriggered it says "Sensor untriggeredr1", missing a colon and a space before the room number, whereas the corresponding message for when it is triggered is just fine
  • the dev has been quoted saying that fuel depots are supposed to have more than one fuel access, but they don't
  • occasional graphical glitches and oddities that make the game feel like it's literally corrupting in front of you rather than just as part of the style (video example 1, video example 2)
  • Drones constantly try to gather from fuel accesses even if the fuel access is destroyed or has already been gathered from. It's incredibly annoying.
  • The pickup command also runs gather which is incredibly annoying. Often you will just want to pick up a lure or probe and suddenly your drone drives off to gather fuel again.
  • Probes and enemies bug out and move back and forth when the boarding ship redocks. Generally annoying since it makes probes take longer to explore.
  • sometimes motion can continue scanning r1 from inside the ship even after redocking (video example)
  • Destroyed sensors don't get sucked into space even if they don't have magentic clamps.
  • Doors not visible on schematic view will generate notifications when they stop responding, but not when they are attacked by a swarm.
  • Whereas room numbers are based on the order you explore rooms, door numbers are predetermined and can reveal the rough size of the ship and number of airlocks (since door numbering starts after airlock numbering). This doesn't feel in-universe enough.
  • When an asteroid impact occurs or an airlock failure occurs, adjacent rooms connected by an open door can instantly display the vacuum overlay before actually being affected by vacuum spread.
  • Sometimes doors can get permanently stuck in a state of being undiscovered (dashed outline) such as by scanning the room before discovering the door.
  • You cannot commandeer a ship with a DBF (video example)

Questionable Game Design

These aren't bugs in the traditional sense, but they certainly feel like bugs. While Duskers has some outstanding game design, it isn't perfect.

  • The schematic view can fail depending on how long you've had your ship, and is expensive to repair. There is no in-universe explanation for this, as you can still see drone feeds, so your character in the game must still have a working monitor that they can move the schematic view to. The dev stated they added this mechanic to encourage commandeering, but as you progress through the game, ships get older and thus come with pre-broken schematic views. The mechanic becomes a major annoyance that either sucks up scrap or time depending on how patient you are.
  • Normally you can scrap drones and salvage upgrades from them, but when your drone fleet is full and you try to leave a mission with additional droens, the game warns you it will delete them and any modules they have. Why not automatically scrap the drone and salvage the modules there's space for? Why must the player be presented with a confusing dialog as they leave a mission? Yes, the player might also be full on scrap capacity and/or module slots, but that's not a reason to not at least try.
  • The Transporter ship upgrade is difficult to explain in-universe and isn't explained well to players. At the start of the mission, one or more rooms have transport signals, and at least one is guaranteed to have a generator. Throughout the mission, transport signals can stengehten, weaken, or be lost, and new rooms can acquire signals. This leads to the player having to constantly move base, which is stressful because they may have to spend a long time waiting for a signal they can actually reach. All rooms with signals were safe at the start of the mission, but that's never explained to the player. Additionally, the transporter has a limited number of times it can acquire a new signal or reacquire an existing signal based on the size of the derelict, and if you run out, you can't use it anymore and could end up having to leave drones behind. But then the player doesn't have to spend scrap to recharge or add signals between missions, so it's really just a forced mechanic with no in-universe explanation for its behavior. I like the idea of having to rush from signal to signal to be able to return to the docking bay, but I don't like the lack of explanation and the limited signals. If you're going to limit the signals, at least let the player have some control over that, e.g. spending scrap to add more or add a mod to the upgrade that makes it have more signals or behave in a more predictable manner. As it stands now, it's a Random Heart Attack Generator.
  • The weekly challenge score is unaffected by purchased mods on upgrades and drones, so speeding up your drones or showing rooms with weak hull integrity do nothing but subtract from your score instead of breaking even. This may be intentional, however.
  • You can't commandeer in daily challenges. Why not? It should give bonus points for commandeering, because the player has to go through extra effort to eliminate all threats in the challenge.
  • Terminals can be generated in an already-broken state, but this is pointless because there's no way to repair them or interact with them. From looking in the game's files, it appears there was going to be a Repair module, but it currently isn't coded into the game. A broken terminal might be selected to be the one and only terminal with the defense command, meaning you could get a mission with unusable defenses, too. This is most likely a cascade of mistakes and forgotten intentions.
  • Cannon isn't very useful. Why not let it target approaching asteroids?
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sshilovsky commented May 10, 2021

Whereas room numbers are based on the order you explore rooms, door numbers are predetermined and can reveal the rough size of the ship and number of airlocks (since door numbering starts after airlock numbering). This doesn't feel in-universe enough.

This can be easily lored into the universe. Let's say, doors are controllable through internal ship network, so they have a consistent numbering order which is used to open/close them. While rooms may also be numbered on the ship, these numbers are not accessible via external connection APIs, so the player's computer have to assign numbers in its own, arbitrary, way. (Commands like open r1 are probably expanded by the player's ship computer into open d10 d11 d12).

And enumerating airlocks before internal doors may just be an industry standard. It's an additional hint for the player, but imho it fits fine.

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LB-- commented Aug 14, 2021

@sshilovsky Perhaps so, but it still doesn't explain why airlocks are not visible on schematic view at the start of the mission. Perhaps there is no external camera to see the airlocks from outside, but then this still leaves the mystery of why an unseen failing airlock shows as unknown - with your logic the number should be known even if the airlock hasn't been discovered yet. (I will admit though it could be intentional to quickly get the player to try and get more rooms on schematic view to find it, but it's still a sacrifice to attention to detail).

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