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Lau B. Jensen LauJensen

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;; Examples from:
(def employees (table connection-info :employees))
(def departments (table connection-info :departments))
;;== Projection ==
;; SELECT salary FROM employees
@(project employees #{:salary})
LauJensen / gist:789530
Created January 21, 2011 10:52
First cut at interface for CASE
clojureql.core> (project (table :t1)
[:id (case :wages
(<= :wage 5) "low"
(>= :wage 10) "high"
:else "average")])
WHEN (wage <= 5) THEN low
WHEN (wage >= 10) THEN high
ELSE average
END AS wages
clojureql.core> (let [photo-counts (table {} :photos [:user_id [:count:* :as :cnt]])]
(-> (table {} :users [:*])
(join photo-counts (= {:users.user_id :photos.user_id}))
"SELECT users.*,photos_aggregation.cnt FROM users
(SELECT photos.user_id,count(photos.*) AS cnt FROM photos GROUP BY user_id)
AS photos_aggregation ON (users.user_id = photos_aggregation.user_id)"
(-> (join [:employees :e] [:employees :b] {:e.mgr})
(select (= "John"))
LauJensen / ab
Created November 3, 2010 11:17 — forked from anonymous/ab
Server Software: aleph
Server Hostname: localhost
Server Port: 9292
Document Path: /
Document Length: 6 bytes
Concurrency Level: 50
Time taken for tests: 9.565 seconds
Complete requests: 10000
;;; See the inspirational SO question:
(require 'clojure.contrib.trace)
(defn trace-ns
"Replaces each function from the given namespace with a version wrapped
in a tracing call. Can be undone with untrace-ns. ns should be a namespace
object or a symbol."
(doseq [s (keys (ns-interns ns))
(defn with-timeout [thunk]
(let [task (FutureTask. thunk)
thr (Thread. task)]
(.start thr)
(.get task 10 TimeUnit/SECONDS)
(catch TimeoutException e
(.cancel task true)
(.stop thr (Exception. e))
;new num branch results
(defn fib [n]
(if (>= 1 n)
(+ (fib (dec n)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(time (fib 38))
"Elapsed time: 3716.828 msecs"
git bisect start
# good: [59b65669860a1f33825775494809e5d500c19c63] added 1.0, test all public doc-ed fns have :added
git bisect good 59b65669860a1f33825775494809e5d500c19c63
# bad: [d694d6d45fb46195ae4de01aab9a2b9f9c06355f] place to hang defn error messages
git bisect bad d694d6d45fb46195ae4de01aab9a2b9f9c06355f
# bad: [4f729ba2432d8ffbe7c2f74f680b472e528cba4c] Merge branch 'patches'
git bisect bad 4f729ba2432d8ffbe7c2f74f680b472e528cba4c
# good: [40f3dc93b926721e94b75a10a9c88815ea4691aa] clojure.repl with -fn naming, #310
git bisect good 40f3dc93b926721e94b75a10a9c88815ea4691aa
# good: [3b07c0e98ebfd7025a5e36c7e47f6562e4750e14] Merge branch 'patches'
(:use compojure)
( File)
(org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet ServletFileUpload)
(org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk DiskFileItemFactory)))
(def *max_size* (* 30 1024 1024)) ; 30 Megabytes
(defn upload-file