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Created September 7, 2014 09:14
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SS Basic authentication
public class UnitTests
private readonly ServiceStackHost appHost;
public UnitTests()
appHost = new TestAppHost();
public void TestFixtureTearDown()
public void TestMethod1()
var service = appHost.Container.Resolve<MyServices>();
var response = (HelloResponse)service.Any(new Hello { Name = "World" });
Assert.That(response.Result, Is.EqualTo("Hello, World!"));
public void TestMethod2()
const string userName = "TestUser";
const string password = "TestTest123";
var client = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:10100/");
var registerResponse = client.Post<RegisterResponse>(new Register
DisplayName = userName,
Email = "",
FirstName = "Joe",
LastName = "Blogs",
UserName = "TestUser",
Password = password,
AutoLogin = false
var loginResponse = client.Post<AuthenticateResponse>(new Authenticate
provider = "basic",
UserName = userName,
Password = password,
RememberMe = false
Assert.That(loginResponse, Is.Not.Null);
public class TestAppHost : AppSelfHostBase
public TestAppHost()
: base("TestAppHost", typeof(MyServices).Assembly)
/// <summary>
/// Application specific configuration
/// This method should initialize any IoC resources utilized by your web service classes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container"></param>
public override void Configure(Container container)
//Config examples
this.Plugins.Add(new PostmanFeature());
//this.AddPlugin(new CorsFeature());
//Construct an array of auth providers that will allow users to authenticate with your application
var authProviders = new List<IAuthProvider>();
//In this example, just the CredentialsAuthProvider
authProviders.Add(new BasicAuthProvider());
//Create the AuthFeature plugin, registering the factory method that will create the session. See SessionFactory method below.
var authFeature = new AuthFeature(SessionFactory, authProviders.ToArray());
//Add the feature to the AppHost
//Register a connection factory for your database, in this case Sqlite, this is our persistence layer used by our user repository
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
//Register a user repository, specifying OrmLite with our new connection factory.
container.Register<IUserAuthRepository>(new OrmLiteAuthRepository(container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>()));
//Initialize the user repository schema
//Register a cachle client to be used for session management.
container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
//Enable user registration using the RegistrationFeature plugin.
this.Plugins.Add(new RegistrationFeature());
/// <summary>
/// A method that generates a new AuthUserSession when a session trying to authenticate.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private IAuthSession SessionFactory()
return new AuthUserSession();
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