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Created September 2, 2015 18:01
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- (RACSignal *)localUpdateSignal
return [[self localBundleUpdateSignal] flattenMap:^RACStream *(NSString *path)
return [self exerciseUpdateSignalWithBundlePath:path];
- (RACSignal *)localBundleUpdateSignal
RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber)
NSArray *bundledExercises = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathsForResourcesOfType:@"zip" inDirectory:nil];
for (NSString *exercise in bundledExercises)
[subscriber sendNext:exercise];
[subscriber sendCompleted];
return nil;
return signal;
* Returns reactive exercise extraction chain
* @param path extracts, reads the data and updates database chain
* @return signal
- (RACSignal *)exerciseUpdateSignalWithBundlePath:(NSString *)path
RACSignal *signal = [[[self exerciseExtractSignalWithBundlePath:path] flattenMap:^RACStream *(NSString *path)
return [self exerciseReadSignalForPath:path];
}] flattenMap:^RACStream *(RACTuple* result) {
return [self exerciseUpdateSignalForData:result.first path:result.second];
return signal;
* Extracts archive at path and sends destination path on next event
* @param path to extract from
* @return signal
- (RACSignal *)exerciseExtractSignalWithBundlePath:(NSString *)path
RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber)
// Unzip and notify
NSString *destination = [self destinationPathForArchivePath:path];
[Main unzipFileAtPath:path toDestination:[self destinationWithArchiveDestination:destination] progressHandler:nil completionHandler:^(NSString *destinationPath, BOOL succeeded, NSError *error)
if (succeeded)
[subscriber sendNext:destination];
[subscriber sendCompleted];
[subscriber sendError:error];
return nil;
return signal;
* Signal will read and verify the path, if it contains format for exercise. On success, it will return a RACTuple,
* containing directory path and dictionary of exercise data.
* @param path to directory with exercise data.
* @return signal
- (RACSignal *)exerciseReadSignalForPath:(NSString *)path
RACSignal *signal = [RACSignal createSignal:^RACDisposable *(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
NSFileManager* fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSError *error;
NSArray* files = [fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:[self destinationWithArchiveDestination:path] error:&error];
// Check for directory error
if (error)
[subscriber sendError:error];
return nil;
// Search for content property list
NSString *contentPath = nil;
for (NSString *file in files)
if ([file.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"Content.plist"] && [file.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"plist"])
contentPath = file;
if (!contentPath)
[subscriber sendError:[NSError errorWithDomain:@"parse" code:1 userInfo:nil]];
NSDictionary *exerciseData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", [self destinationWithArchiveDestination:path], contentPath]];
if (exerciseData)
[subscriber sendNext:RACTuplePack(exerciseData, path)];
[subscriber sendCompleted];
[subscriber sendError:[NSError errorWithDomain:@"parse" code:3 userInfo:nil]];
return nil;
return signal;
* Signal will create or update exercise with data
* @param dictionary data of the exercise
* @param path to exercise located locally
* @return signal
- (RACSignal *)exerciseUpdateSignalForData:(NSDictionary *)data path:(NSString *)path
RACSignal *signal = [[[Exercise rac_updateSignal:data] doNext:^(RACTuple *result) {
Exercise *exercise = result.first;
[[self updatePackageSignalForData:data withExercise:exercise] subscribeCompleted:^{
NSLog(@"Updated package... %@", [NSThread currentThread]);
}] flattenMap:^RACStream *(RACTuple *result) {
Exercise *exercise = result.first;
return [self assetUpdateSignalWithAssets:data[@"assets"] atPath:path forExercise:exercise];
return signal;
- (RACSignal *)updatePackageSignalForData:(NSDictionary *)data withExercise:(Exercise *)exercise
NSDictionary *packageData = nil;
if ([data[@"package"] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]])
packageData = @{ @"identifier" : data[@"package"] };
else if ([data[@"package"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
packageData = data[@"package"];
return [[Package rac_updateSignal:packageData] doNext:^(RACTuple *result) {
Package* package = result.first;
[MagicalRecord saveWithBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *localContext)
Package *targetPackage = [package MR_inContext:localContext];
Exercise *targetExercise = [exercise MR_inContext:localContext];
targetExercise.package = targetPackage;
// Code to run this chain
[[self localUpdateSignal] subscribeCompleted:nil];
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Legoless commented Sep 2, 2015

Basically the critical signal (that should be executed on the same thread) is in the last function:

[Package rac_updateSignal]

This is a signal that inserts a new row into the database or retrieves existing row, if a row with same id already exists. The problem I am having is that this gets called simultaneously in certain cases, thus creating two rows with same ids. In this case I must ensure that the signal always executes on the same thread, so only one ID is created. This signal is executed on line 163 with:

 [[self updatePackageSignalForData:data withExercise:exercise] subscribeCompleted:^{
            NSLog(@"Updated package... %@", [NSThread currentThread]);

I've already tried adding deliverOn with a static background scheduler to this (just before subscribeCompleted), but the thread that is outputted here still happens to be different.

What exactly am I doing wrong?

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Hmm, I think you need to put the deliverOn: within the rac_updateSignal function, so it itself performs its work in serial. Another problem could be the MagicalRecord saveWithBlock: – I don't know if that's synchronous or not.

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Thanks for the reply, @ashfurrow. I tried that, did not work. The problem was with MagicalRecord, as it created a new instance of NSManagedObjectContext every time. Solved by calling it's synchronous method, so signal does not return until it is saved.

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