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Lemon King Lemon-King

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Lemon-King / GameUserSettings_Async.ini
Last active January 24, 2025 04:37
Ashes of Creation Custom User Settings
Just Performance
Adding the following to your GameUserSettings.ini under [/Script/GameSystemsPlugin.IntrepidGameUserSettings].
The GameUserSettings.ini can be found under %localappdata%\AOC\Saved\Config\WindowsClient
async settings are the secret sauce for performance with UE5.
Lemon-King / rules.txt
Created January 25, 2020 20:11
Xenoblade Chronicles X/Graphics/Resolution: Decoupled screen resolution from shadows, skell view, and post-process effects scale,
titleIds = 0005000010116100,00050000101C4C00,00050000101C4D00
name = Resolution
path = "Xenoblade Chronicles X/Graphics/Resolution"
description = Changes the resolution of the game. Made by getdls.|Modified and updated to v5 by Lemon King.
version = 5
$width = 1280
$height = 720
Lemon-King / Scalability.ini
Last active November 1, 2018 02:28
Cinema quality settings for Soul Calibur 6 that work with the setting scales ingame. To use this you'll need to copy the following into Scalability.ini located under %localappdata%\SoulcaliburVI\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\ and set it to Read-Only or else SC6 will overwrite everything! These settings are tested on a fairly high end machine so p…
; Soul Calibur VI: Cinema Quality
; Version: 1.01
; TextureQuality@3 is combined with ViewDistanceQuality@Cine as the setting does not exist on SC6