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Created December 14, 2016 08:50
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- DFA minimizer. See:
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module DFA (main) where
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.List (sort, nub, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
data DFA s i = DFA { states :: [s]
, finals :: [s]
, inputs :: [i]
, step :: [((s, i), s)]
instance (Show s, Show i) => Show (DFA s i) where
show DFA{states, finals, inputs, step} = intercalate "\n"
[ "States: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show states)
, "Finals: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show finals)
, "Inputs: " ++ intercalate ", " (map show inputs)
, "Step : " ++ intercalate "\n " (map show step)
example :: DFA Char Int
example = DFA { states = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
, finals = ['c', 'd', 'e']
, inputs = [0, 1]
, step = [ (('a', 0), 'b'), (('a', 1), 'c')
, (('b', 0), 'a'), (('b', 1), 'd')
, (('c', 0), 'e'), (('c', 1), 'f')
, (('d', 0), 'e'), (('d', 1), 'f')
, (('e', 0), 'e'), (('e', 1), 'f')
, (('f', 0), 'f'), (('f', 1), 'f')
newtype Search s a = Search (State [((s, s), Bool)] a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState [((s, s), Bool)])
recordVisited :: Ord s => s -> s -> Bool -> Search s ()
recordVisited a b isSame = do v <- get
put $ ((a, b), isSame) : [p | p@(ss, _) <- v, ss /= (a, b)]
isVisited :: Ord s => s -> s -> Search s (Maybe Bool)
isVisited a b = do v <- get
return $ lookup (a, b) v
sameSearch :: (Show s, Show i, Eq i, Ord s) => DFA s i -> (s, s) -> Search s Bool
sameSearch dfa@DFA{finals, step, inputs} (aIn, bIn)
= do let (a, b) = if aIn <= bIn then (aIn, bIn) else (bIn, aIn)
mv <- isVisited a b
case mv of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> if (a `elem` finals) /= (b `elem` finals)
then do recordVisited a b False
return False
else do recordVisited a b True
let move s i = fromMaybe (error $ "No transition for: " ++ show (s, i)) ((s, i) `lookup` step)
bs <- mapM (\c -> sameSearch dfa (move a c, move b c)) inputs
let allSame = and bs
recordVisited a b allSame
return allSame
eqStates :: (Show s, Show i, Eq i, Ord s) => DFA s i -> [[s]]
eqStates dfa@DFA{states} = nub $ sort $ map classify states
where initState = [((s, s), True) | s <- states]
pairs = [(s1, s2) | s1 <- states, s2 <- states, s1 <= s2]
runSearch = let Search f = mapM (sameSearch dfa) pairs in execState f initState
equivs = [p | (p@(a, b), True) <- runSearch, a /= b]
classify s = nub $ sort $ s : concat [[a, b] | (a, b) <- equivs, s == a || s == b]
minimize :: (Show s, Show i, Eq i, Ord s) => DFA s i -> DFA [s] i
minimize dfa@DFA{finals, inputs, step} = DFA { states = ss
, finals = filter (any (`elem` finals)) ss
, inputs = inputs
, step = [((s, i), locate (head s, i)) | s <- ss, i <- inputs]
where ss = eqStates dfa
locate (s, i) = case (s, i) `lookup` step of
Nothing -> error $ "No transition for: " ++ show (s, i)
Just s' -> case [ns | ns <- ss, s' `elem` ns] of
[n] -> n
_ -> error $ "Cannot locate the transition for: " ++ show (s, i)
-- We get:
-- *DFA> main
-- States: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
-- Finals: 'c', 'd', 'e'
-- Inputs: 0, 1
-- Step : (('a',0),'b')
-- (('a',1),'c')
-- (('b',0),'a')
-- (('b',1),'d')
-- (('c',0),'e')
-- (('c',1),'f')
-- (('d',0),'e')
-- (('d',1),'f')
-- (('e',0),'e')
-- (('e',1),'f')
-- (('f',0),'f')
-- (('f',1),'f')
-- =====================================
-- States: "ab", "cde", "f"
-- Finals: "cde"
-- Inputs: 0, 1
-- Step : (("ab",0),"ab")
-- (("ab",1),"cde")
-- (("cde",0),"cde")
-- (("cde",1),"f")
-- (("f",0),"f")
-- (("f",1),"f")
main :: IO ()
main = do print example
putStrLn "====================================="
print $ minimize example
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