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Last active March 22, 2021 15:56
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To Mock a Mockingbird puzzle in Haskell/SBV
-- A Haskell solution to:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
import Data.SBV
import Data.List
data Color = R | Y | B
mkSymbolicEnumeration ''Color
type Flower = SInteger
col :: Flower -> SColor
col = uninterpret "col"
validPick :: SInteger -> Flower -> Flower -> Flower -> SBool
validPick n i j k = distinct [i, j, k] .&& sAll ok [i, j, k]
where ok x = inRange x (1, n)
count :: Color -> [Flower] -> SInteger
count c fs = sum [ite (col f .== literal c) 1 0 | f <- fs]
puzzle :: Goal
puzzle = do n <- sInteger "N"
let valid = validPick n
ef1 <- exists "ef1_modelIgnore"
ef2 <- exists "ef2_modelIgnore"
ef3 <- exists "ef3_modelIgnore"
af1 <- forall "af1"
af2 <- forall "af2"
af3 <- forall "af3"
constrain $ valid ef1 ef2 ef3
constrain $ map col [ef1, ef2, ef3] .== map literal [R, Y, B]
constrain $ valid af1 af2 af3 .=> count R [af1, af2, af3] .>= 1
constrain $ valid af1 af2 af3 .=> count Y [af1, af2, af3] .>= 1
constrain $ valid af1 af2 af3 .=> count B [af1, af2, af3] .== 1
-- *Main> main
-- Solution #1:
-- N = 3 :: Integer
-- This is the only solution. (Unique up to prefix existentials.)
main :: IO ()
main = print =<< allSatWith cfg puzzle
where cfg = z3{satTrackUFs=False, isNonModelVar = ("_modelIgnore" `isSuffixOf`)}
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