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Created October 23, 2021 20:03
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[Draft 1] serialization
using Base.Order
serialize(order::Ordering, x)
Map `x` to an un unsigned int, maintaining sort order.
The map should be reversible with [`deserialize`](@ref) when `!lt(order, a, b)` is
for `a, b <: typeof(x)`. Satisfies lt(order, a, b) === (serialize(order, a) < serialize(order, b)).
Return missing if unimplemented.
See also: [`serializable`](@ref) [`deserialize`](@ref)
serialize(order::Ordering, x) = missing
serializable(order::Ordering, x)
Return wheather [`serialize`](@ref) is implemented for the provided arguments
See also: [`deserializable`](@ref)
serializable(order::Ordering, x) = !ismissing(serialize(order, x))
serializable(order::Ordering, x::Type) = !ismissing(serialize(order, zero(x)))
Serialize(order::Ordering, x::Type) = typeof(serialize(order, zero(x)))
deserialize(T::Type, order::Ordering, u::Unsigned)
Reconstruct the unique value `x::T` that serializes to `u`. If implemented,
satisfies `x === deserialize(T, order, serialize(order, x::T))` for all `x <: T`.
Return missing if unimplemented.
See also: [`serialize`](@ref) [`deserializable`](@ref)
deserialize(T::Type, order::Ordering, u::Unsigned) = missing
deserialize(T::Type, order::Ordering, u::Missing) = missing
deserializable(T::Type, order::Ordering, u)
Return wheather [`deserialize`](@ref) is implemented for the provided arguments
See also: [`serializable`](@ref)
deserializable(T::Type, order::Ordering, u=serialize(order, zero(T))) = !ismissing(deserialize(T, order, u))
# TODO how do we do (de)serializable. The current implementation is broken b.c. in the case
# of non-homogonous arrays we need to take an eltype as argument (and refurn false), not an element
# and perhaps return true.
# It is possible to used serializible and deserializible
# or to use missing, but this system is pretty nice if it's safe
# isempty(Base.return_types(serialize, (O, El))) (it's not safe.)
# what is the best way to recognize serializibility?
# 1) Manual
# a) general definition of seializable as false
# b) serialize is defined `function serialize end` without defaults
# c) wherever serialize is specialized, so is serializable
# +) performant, straightforward
# -) more code, users need to specialize serializable & serialize
# 2) Run it
# a) serialize is defined to regturn missing by default
# b) serializable runs serialize concretely
# +) concise, easy to extend serialize
# -) *no support for eltype*, performance overhead
# 3) Muck with Base.return_types etc.
# a) idk
# +) easy for user to specialize serialize & supports eltype.
# -) mucking around
#TODO support Bool somewhere
#NOTE fails on negative NaN
#ForwardOrdering of various types
serialize(::ForwardOrdering, x::Unsigned) = x
deserialize(::Type{T}, ::ForwardOrdering, u::Unsigned) where T <: Unsigned = u
serialize(::ForwardOrdering, x::Signed) = unsigned(xor(x, typemin(x))) #TODO compat julia 0.4
deserialize(::Type{T}, ::ForwardOrdering, u::Unsigned) where T <: Signed = xor(signed(u), typemin(T))
#TODO support Float16 (double check that tests pass on NaN)
for (float, int) in ((Float16, Int16), (Float32, Int32), (Float64, Int64))
#NOTE we could change ForwardOrdering => Union{Base.Sort.Float.Left, ForwardOrdering}
# which would be consistant,
# but we should never both serialize and use Base.Sort.Float.fpsort!
@eval function serialize(::ForwardOrdering, x::$float)
y = reinterpret($int, x) #TODO this is not reversible
unsigned(y < 0 ? ~y : xor(y, typemin(y))) - ~reinterpret(unsigned($int), $float(-Inf))
@eval function deserialize(T::Type{$float}, ::ForwardOrdering, u::unsigned($int))
y = reinterpret($int, u + ~reinterpret(unsigned($int), $float(-Inf)))
reinterpret(T, y < 0 ? xor(y, typemin(y)) : ~y)
#=TODO in Base/sort.jl
- struct Right <: Ordering end
- right(::DirectOrdering) = Right()
+ right(::DirectOrdering) = Reverse(Left())
- lt(::Right, x::T, y::T) where {T<:Floats} = slt_int(x, y)
#Extend to other orderings
serialize(rev::ReverseOrdering, x) = ~serialize(rev.fwd, x)
deserialize(T::Type, rev::ReverseOrdering, u::Unsigned) = deserialize(T, rev.fwd, ~u)
#TODO maybe include
#serialize(::ReverseOrdering{ForwardOrdering}, x::Real) = ~serialize(Forward, x) # maybe unnecessary; needs benchmark
serialize(o::By, x ) = serialize(o.order,
# deserailizing a By Ordering requires inverting the by funcion. A user can implement
# deserialization on specific By Orderings like this:
function deserialize(T::Type, o::By{F, O}, u::Unsigned) where {F <: typeof(identity), O <: Ordering}
deserialize(T, o.order, u)
# Perm orderings break ties with index. In general this is hard to serialize.
#serialize(o::Perm, i::Int) = serialize(o.order,[i])
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