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Created February 16, 2016 19:44
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- /back <- Teleport to last location
- /buttoncommand <create> <commands ...> OR /buttoncommand <permission> <commands ...> OR /buttoncommand <remove|get> <- Binds server command to any block
- /commandmute <player> [time] <- Removes the ability to write in chat and execute commands
- /custmsg <player/ALL> <message> <- Sends custom formatted message to player (support colors, use &)
- /dropall [player] <- Drops all items in inventory
- /dupe [count] <- Dupe the item in hand
- /fastwarp <app|remove> <name> <- Add fastwarp
- /gm <- Toggle gamemode
- /heal [player] <- Restores health and hunger
- /home [name] <- Teleports you to your home, sets with /sethome
- /item <item> [count] OR /item <player> <item{NBT with spaces}> <- Get specified item stack
- /localspawn <- Teleport to local spawn of current world (vanilla logic)
- /mute <player> [time] <- Removes the ability to write in chat
- /openender <player> <- Opens the player's ender chest
- /openinv <player> <- Opens the player's inventory
- /removehome <name> <- Removes your home with specified name
- /removewarp <name> <- Removes warp with specified name
- /resetwarp <name> [randomradius] <- Sets new or overrides exists warp at current location
- /sethome [name] <- Sets your /home teleportation point
- /setlocalspawn <- Set local spawn of current world (vanilla logic)
- /setspawn [randomradius] <- Set spawn point
- /setwarp <name> [randomradius] <- Sets new warp ar current location
- /tphere [target player] <- Teleports target player to you
- /unmute <player> <- Unmutes the player
- /vanish <- Makes you invisible for other players
- /warp <name> <- Teleports you to specified warp point
- /warplist <- Displays list of all server warps
- Use /forge <subcommand>. Subcommands are tps, track
- /pconfig <save|reload> <- Save or reload all permissions configs
- /pgroup <group> <add|remove> <permissions ...> OR /pgroup <group> meta <key> <value> <- Add/remove permissions OR set meta for group
- /pmixin <mixin> <add|remove> <permissions ...> OR /pmixin <mixin> meta <key> <value> <- Add or remove permissions to specified mixin
- /puser [world] <player> <add|remove> <permissions ...> OR /puser [world] <player> meta <key> <value> <- Add/remove permissions OR set meta for user in world (current is default)
- /backup make [worlds...] OR /backup list OR /backup apply <number/path> [flags: -noplayers -temp -restart -worlds ...] <- Makes on applies backup fo all or specified worlds
- /chunkdebug <start|stop> OR /chunkdebug <TOP> [average|peak] [count] <- Starts per chunk profiling or displays results
- /chunkgc <- Unloads all unused chunks
- /clearentity [all|mobs|items] <radius> <- Removes Entities radially
- /countentity <radius> <- Specifies the number of Entity radially
- /debuginfo [world/player] <- Some debug information
- /entitylist [world] <- Displays list of all loaded entities in specified or all worlds
- /genworld OR /genworld <radius> OR /genworld <world> <x> <z> <radius> OR /genworld [world] stop <- Generates area radially or inside world border
- /id <id> <- Displays information about specified item id
- /javaGC <- Perform system garbage collector
- /killentity <id> <- Kills entity with specified ID
- /memstat <- Displays max, current allocated and free memory
- /multiworld <load|unload|hold|destroy|delete|wipe|unregister|drop|goto> <world> or /multiworld list or /multiworld import <file> [path] <- All multiworld commands
- /recipecache clear <- Clears crafting recipe cache
- /reloadcfg <- Reloads UltraMine server configuration (in /settings directory)
- /restart <delay> OR /restart abort <- Delayed server restart
- /startlags percents OR /startlags stop <- Simulruet server overload on a specified percentage
- /uptime <- Displays server's up time and load information
- /achievement give <stat_name> [player]
- /ban <name> [reason ...]
- /ban-ip <address|name> [reason ...]
- /banlist [ips|players]
- /clear <player> [item] [data]
- /debug <start|stop>
- /defaultgamemode <mode>
- /deop <player>
- /difficulty <new difficulty> <- Changes difficulty setting of selected world
- /effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier]
- /enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
- /gamemode <mode> [player]
- /gamerule <rule name> <value> OR /gamerule <rule name>
- /give <player> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag]
- /help [page|command name]
- /kick <player> [reason ...]
- /kill
- /list
- /me <...>
- /msg <player> <message ...> <- Send private message to player
- /list
- /op <player>
- /pardon <name>
- /pardon-ip <address>
- /playsound <sound> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimumVolume]
- /reply <message ...> <- Send private message to the last player which you sent message with /msg
- /save-all
- /save-off
- /save-on
- /say <message ...>
- /scoreboard <objectives|players|teams>
- /seed
- /setblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]
- /setidletimeout <Minutes until kick>
- /setworldspawn OR /setworldspawn <x> <y> <z>
- /spawnpoint OR /spawnpoint <player> OR /spawnpoint <player> <x> <y> <z>
- /spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams true|false> <player ...>
- /stop
- /summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
- /tell <player> <private message ...>
- /tellraw <player> <raw json message>
- /testfor <player>
- /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [dataTag]
- /time <set|add> <value> <- Sets time in current or specified world
- /toggledownfall
- /tp [target player] <destination player> OR /tp [target player] <x> <y> <z> <- Teleports target player (or you) to another player or coordinate
- /weather <clear|rain|thunder> [duration in seconds] <- Sets weather in current or specified world
- /whitelist <on|off|list|add|remove|reload>
- /xp <amount> [player] OR /xp <amount>L [player]
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