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Workin' on Rust Stuff

Lokathor Lokathor

Workin' on Rust Stuff
View GitHub Profile
//! Operations which rely on use of `std`. Not included by default.
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering},
Mutex, MutexGuard,
/// Uses the system clock to get an arbitrary `u64` value.
pub fn u64_from_time() -> u64 {
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};

Rust Console Group Info

Hey, I'm Lokathor, the admin for the group.

Currently we have members who are working on:

  • GBA
  • PS2
  • Switch
  • 3DS
  • Introduction
    • Goals Of This Book
    • Prerequisites
    • Getting Outside Help
    • Development Setup
    • Hello Magic
    • Volatile
    • Core Only
  • Broad Concepts

Houserules 2e

  • The Core Rules are the For Gold and Glory book, which is a retro-clone of ADnD 2e Revised.
  • Stats are rolled with 4d4+4 in order. You can thank Acid for this one.
  • Weapon Proficiency is mostly using the Baldur's Gate 1 system, because that lets people use more of the random loot that they find. * You buy proficiency via Weapon Groups. Adding 1 rank to a weapon group is 1 Combat

Altered Dragon

Altered Dragon is a (relatively) rules light fantasy adventure game based upon the mechanics of dice pool games and the stories/ settings/ themes of classical fantasy adventure games.

Core Mechanic / Game Terms

The core mechanic of Altered Dragon is a "dice pool" roll. When a player wants

Prelude to Skeletons

"Now, listen carefully, for what I'm about to tell you really happened..."

Long ago, even before the era of Marduk, when wielders of dark magic could walk the earth as they pleased and prey upon all they found, there was a particular warlock in the far north of the world who ravaged the lands to carve out a space of his own. The warlock's true name has been lost to time, but his signature magic was a vile blast that melted away the flesh, leaving only the bones behind. Those killed by the skeleton lord's magic would instantly become

Lokathor /
Last active October 7, 2018 04:36
A re-skinning of Earthdawn 4e

The Legend of Zeldawn

The Legend of Zeldawn is a "reskinning" of Earthdawn 4e. The editions of Earthdawn are sufficiently close to one another, so this would probably work with any other edition too, but 4e is the primary target.


The Kingdom of Hyrule is home to the following Namegiver races.

Chaos Sundown Character Creation

Here's some character creation rules for an Origin Story After Sundown game.

The year is 199X, and seems like there might be monsters out there at night.


  • All Basic Attributes start at 1, and then you assign 13 additional points. In

General Rules and Houserules

  • Books: Core (4e or 4ea) + Arsenal + Augmentation + Street Magic
  • Matrix: Replace all previous Matrix rules with The Ends of The Matrix rules instead.
    • However, there are to be No Player Technomancers. The game is set very early in 2070, before the Emergence happens, so Technomancers are still just a spooky/weird rumor at this point. OOC: Player Technomancers will probably be allowed later on, but I just plain don't want to deal with that
macro_rules! c_enum {
($count:expr) ? $enum_repr:ty ; $current:ident , $($rest:tt)*
) => {
pub const $current : $enum_repr = $count;
c_enum!( ($count + 1) ? $enum_repr ; $($rest)*);
($count:expr) ? $enum_repr:ty ; $current:ident $($rest:tt)*
) => {