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Last active March 31, 2019 22:09
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Chapel version of Dijkstra (Priority Queue) and Delta-Stepping SSSP.
use Time;
use Sort;
use pqueue;
Document on Lifetime Checking:
Quick Language Reference:
Note: Explicitly using 'unmanaged' lifetimes over 'borrowed' in certain contexts as there is a bug where the compiler
cannot accurately deduce the lifetime of a scoped variable frm iterators. The 'unmanaged' lifetime
is equivalent to the 'borrowed' lifetime without the compile-time checking. Chapel Issue #12599
// Compile-time constant
param unreached : real(64) = INFINITY;
// Can be set via command line: './dijkstra --graphFile=graph.txt'
config const graphFile : string = "graphs/graph10";
config const fixedDelta : real(64) = NAN;
config const fixedNumBuckets : int(64) = 0;
class Vertex {
// Synchronize access when relaxing...
// var relaxLock$ : sync bool;
var id : int(64);
var distance : real(64);
var incidentDom = {0..-1};
var incident : [incidentDom] borrowed Edge;
proc init(id : integral, distance = unreached) { = id : int(64);
this.distance = distance;
// Returns edges this vertex is incident in that
// is greater than delta.
iter heavy(delta : real(64)) : borrowed Edge {
for e in incident {
if e.weight > delta {
yield e;
// Returns edges this vertex is incident in that
// is less than or equal to delta.
iter light(delta : real(64)) : borrowed Edge {
for e in incident {
if e.weight <= delta {
yield e;
// Return adjacent neighbors... A vertex 'v' is
// adjacent to a vertex 'u' if it is incident in an
// edge '(v,u)'.
iter neighbors() : (real(64), borrowed Vertex) {
for e in incident {
if e.v1 == this {
yield (e.weight, e.v2);
} else if e.v2 == this {
yield (e.weight, e.v1);
} else {
halt("An edge ", e, " does not contain vertex ", this, " even though we are incident in it!");
// Parallel Iterator Example; the parallel iterator for 'incident', a Chapel array, is used as the backbone.
// 'forall' results in this parallel iterator being selected, while 'for' results in the above serial iterator
// being selected.
iter neighbors(param tag : iterKind) : (real(64), borrowed Vertex) where tag == iterKind.standalone {
forall e in incident {
if e.v1 == this {
yield (e.weight, e.v2);
} else if e.v2 == this {
yield (e.weight, e.v1);
} else {
halt("An edge ", e, " does not contain vertex ", this, " even though we are incident in it!");
proc readWriteThis(f) {
f <~> new ioLiteral("Vertex(")
<~> new ioLiteral(",")
<~> this.distance
<~> new ioLiteral(")");
// Overloads operators; needed for priority queue.
proc >(v1 : Vertex, v2 : Vertex) {
return v1.distance > v2.distance;
proc <(v1 : Vertex, v2 : Vertex) {
return v1.distance < v2.distance;
// Associative domain acts as a set.
type bucketType = domain(Vertex, parSafe=false);
class Edge {
var v1 : borrowed Vertex;
var v2 : borrowed Vertex;
var weight : real(64);
proc init(v1 : borrowed Vertex, v2 : borrowed Vertex, weight : real(64)) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.weight = weight;
proc other(v : borrowed Vertex) : borrowed Vertex {
if this.v1 == v {
return this.v2;
} else if this.v2 == v {
return this.v1;
} else {
halt("Vertex ", v, " not included in an edge that it is incident on...");
proc readWriteThis(f) {
f <~> new ioLiteral("Edge(")
<~> this.v1
<~> new ioLiteral(",")
<~> this.v2
<~> new ioLiteral(",")
<~> this.weight
<~> new ioLiteral(")");
// Alias for the weight; provided to enhance intuition for how algorithm works.
proc cost return this.weight;
class Graph {
var vertexDom = {0..-1};
var edgeDom = {0..-1};
var vertices : [vertexDom] owned Vertex;
var edges : [edgeDom] owned Edge;
proc init() {}
// Adds a vertex to the graph; this transfers ownership!
proc addVertex(v : owned Vertex) {
// Adds an edge to the graph; this transfers ownership
proc addEdge(e : owned Edge) {
// vertex = Graph[idx];
proc this(idx : integral) : borrowed Vertex {
return this.vertices[idx];
// After calls to addVertex, call this to sort the vertices by their
// id so that they can be obtained via indexing by said id.
proc __finishInit() {
// Chapel sort comparator; sorts vertices via vertex id.
record VertexIDCMP {
proc key(v : borrowed Vertex) return;
sort(this.vertices, new VertexIDCMP());
proc readWriteThis(f) {
f <~> new ioLiteral("Graph(")
<~> this.vertices
<~> new ioLiteral(",")
<~> this.edges
<~> new ioLiteral(")");
proc loadGraph(fileName : string) : owned Graph {
var graph = new owned Graph();
var freader = open(fileName, iomode.r).reader();
// Read header...
var numVertices : int(64);
var numEdges : int(64);
// |V| |E|
assert(freader.readln(numVertices, numEdges));
// Allocate all vertices...
for i in 0..#numVertices {
graph.addVertex(new owned Vertex(i));
// Extract edges...
var v1 : int(64);
var v2 : int(64);
var weight : real(64);
while (freader.readln(v1, v2, weight)) {
graph.addEdge(new owned Edge(graph[v1], graph[v2], weight));
return graph;
// Relaxes the distance of a vertex.
// Sets the distance if unreached or less than current distance.
// Also moves the vertex to a new bucket if it is different.
proc relax(vertex : borrowed Vertex, dist : real(64), delta : real(64), buckets : [?bucketDom] bucketType) {
// vertex.relaxLock$ = true;
if dist < vertex.distance {
if !isinf(vertex.distance) {
const oldBucket = floor((vertex.distance / delta)) : int(64) % bucketDom.size;
buckets[oldBucket] -= vertex;
const newBucket = floor((dist / delta)) : int(64) % bucketDom.size;
vertex.distance = dist;
buckets[newBucket] += vertex;
// vertex.relaxLock$;
// Hint: Parallelize this...
iter gatherLightRequests(bucket : bucketType, delta : real(64)) : (unmanaged Vertex, real(64)) {
for v in bucket {
for e in v.light(delta) {
yield (e.other(v) : unmanaged, v.distance + e.cost);
// Hint: Parallelilize this...
iter gatherHeavyRequests(bucket : bucketType, delta : real(64)) : (unmanaged Vertex, real(64)) {
for v in bucket {
for e in v.heavy(delta) {
yield (e.other(v) : unmanaged, v.distance + e.cost);
proc DeltaStepping(graph : borrowed Graph, source : borrowed Vertex) {
// Max edge weight
const maxEdgeWeight : real(64) = max reduce [e in graph.edges] e.weight;
// Max degree 'd'
const degree : int(64) = max reduce [v in graph.vertices] v.incident.size;
const delta : real(64) = if !isnan(fixedDelta) then fixedDelta else 1 / (degree : real(64));
const numBuckets : int(64) = if fixedNumBuckets > 0 then fixedNumBuckets else floor((maxEdgeWeight / delta) + 1) : int(64);
writeln("Metrics: maxEdgeWeight = ", maxEdgeWeight, ", degree = ", degree, ", delta = ", delta, ", numBuckets = ", numBuckets);
const bucketsDom = {0..#numBuckets};
var buckets : [bucketsDom] bucketType;
relax(source, 0, delta, buckets);
buckets[0] += source;
var bucketIdx = 0;
label bucketsNotEmpty
while true {
// We revisit vertices we have already processed to handle
// the cases where vertices are connected to edges that
// have weights greater than delta.
var verticesProcessed : bucketType;
// Need to gather all potential edges with a distance <= delta
while (buckets[bucketIdx].size != 0) {
var oldBucket = buckets[bucketIdx];
verticesProcessed += buckets[bucketIdx];
for (v, newDist) in gatherLightRequests(oldBucket, delta) {
relax(v, newDist, delta, buckets);
for (v, dist) in gatherHeavyRequests(verticesProcessed, delta) {
relax(v, dist, delta, buckets);
// Find first non-empty bucket...
var currBucketIdx : bucketIdx.type;
for i in bucketsDom {
if buckets[i].size != 0 {
bucketIdx = i;
continue bucketsNotEmpty;
break bucketsNotEmpty;
proc Dijkstra(graph : borrowed Graph, source : borrowed Vertex) {
var pq = new PriorityQueue((real(64), borrowed Vertex));
source.distance = 0;
pq.add((source.distance, source));
while (!pq.isEmpty) {
var (hasElt, elt) = pq.remove();
assert(hasElt, "Priority Queue is not being empty but no element was returned...");
var (dist, v) = elt;
if (dist != v.distance) {
for (weight, neighbor) in v.neighbors() {
var altDist = v.distance + weight;
if (isnan(neighbor.distance) || altDist < neighbor.distance) {
neighbor.distance = altDist;
pq.add((altDist, neighbor));
proc main() {
var timer = new Timer();
var graph = loadGraph(graphFile);
Dijkstra(graph, graph.vertices[0]);
writeln("Dijkstra = ", timer.elapsed());
var maximalSSSP : (real(64), int(64));
var expectedDistance : [graph.vertexDom] real(64);
forall (v, dist) in zip(graph.vertices, expectedDistance) with (max reduce maximalSSSP) {
dist = v.distance;
maximalSSSP = max(maximalSSSP, (v.distance,;
v.distance = unreached;
writeln("Maximal Shortest Path is between #0 and #", maximalSSSP[2], " = ", maximalSSSP[1]);
DeltaStepping(graph, graph.vertices[0]);
writeln("Delta Stepping = ", timer.elapsed());
for (v, dist) in zip(graph.vertices, expectedDistance) {
assert(v.distance == dist);
// Note: PriorityQueue is 3x faster than C++, likely due the lack of generality; this is
// strictly a 'MIN' heap only defined by the partial relation '<'.
class PriorityQueue {
type eltType;
var dom = {0..1024};
var arr : [dom] eltType;
var size : int;
proc init(type eltType) {
this.eltType = eltType;
proc isEmpty return size == 0;
proc add(elt : eltType) : bool {
on this {
var idx = size;
// Resize if needed
if idx >= dom.last {
dom = {0..(((dom.last * 1.5) : int) - 1)};
// Insert
arr[idx] = elt;
size += 1;
// Rebalance
if idx > 0 {
var child = arr[idx];
var parent = arr[getParent(idx)];
// Heapify Up
while idx != 0 && parent > child {
var tmp = arr[idx];
arr[idx] = arr[getParent(idx)];
arr[getParent(idx)] = tmp;
idx = getParent(idx);
child = arr[idx];
parent = arr[getParent(idx)];
return true;
// Implement Collection's 'remove'
proc remove() : (bool, eltType) {
var retval : (bool, eltType);
on this {
if size > 0 {
retval = (true, arr[0]);
arr[0] = arr[size - 1];
size -= 1;
return retval;
proc heapify(_idx : int) {
var idx = _idx;
if size <= 1 {
var l = getLeft(idx);
var r = getRight(idx);
var tmp = idx;
var curr = arr[idx];
// left > current
if size > l && arr[l] < curr {
curr = arr[l];
idx = l;
// right > current
if size > r && arr[r] < curr {
curr = arr[r];
idx = r;
if idx != tmp {
var swapTmp = arr[tmp];
arr[tmp] = arr[idx];
arr[idx] = swapTmp;
inline proc getParent(x:int) : int {
return floor((x - 1) / 2) : int;
inline proc getLeft(x:int) : int {
return 2 * x + 1;
inline proc getRight(x:int) : int {
return 2 * x + 2;
use Random;
use Sort;
use Time;
proc main() {
var timer = new Timer();
const nElems = 1024 * 1024;
var pq = new PriorityQueue(int);
// Generate random elems
var rng = makeRandomStream(int);
var arr : [1..nElems] int;
// Test Collection's 'addBulk' utility method
for a in arr do pq.add(a);
// Test Collection's 'removeBulk'
var sortedArr = for i in 1..nElems do pq.remove();
// Test Collection's 'removeBulk'
// Test result...
var cmp2 = new DefaultComparator();
assert(isSorted(sortedArr, cmp2));
writeln("NumOps: ", nElems, " Time: ", timer.elapsed());
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