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Created October 22, 2021 10:36
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Example of the monetization tracking code, for "The Economy"
/*jslint browser */
/*globals window */
// Use tracking pixels in an AWS S3 bucket to count visitors with web monetization
function ebMonetizationCounter() {
"use strict";
// First determine whether this is the beginning of a new session
let isContinuedSession = sessionStorage.getItem("isContinuedSession");
// If it is the beginning of a new session, let's log it
// so that we have a record of all new user sessions
if (isContinuedSession !== "true") {
sessionStorage.setItem("isContinuedSession", "true");
// Set up the tracking pixel information
let awsS3 = "";
awsS3 = awsS3 + "the-economy/"
// Log it by loading the new user session tracking pixel
let visitImage = document.createElement("img");
visitImage.src = awsS3 + "all-visits/pixel.png";
// Now we count visitors with monetization
if (document.monetization !== undefined) {
// Log it by loading the monetization tracking pixel
let monetizationImage = document.createElement("img");
monetizationImage.src = awsS3 + "monetization/pixel.png";
// Wait for the monetization extension to load
setTimeout(ebMonetizationCounter, 10000);
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