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Created March 6, 2022 02:25
VRP - 002 - Get Data
# Read data from csv file containing all US states and turn this into a pandas dataframe
# Remove alaska and hawaii because they are too far from the others
states = states.query('State not in ["AK","HI"]')
# Creating a vehicle dataset
data = {'Name': ['Vehicle 0','Vehicle 1','Vehicle 2','Vehicle 3','Vehicle 4','Vehicle 5'],
'Plate': ['MIY208','UH1BCD','7GDE215','6543MS','8DFG468','D48541T']
# Creating a dataframe
vehicles = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Name','Plate'])
# Uses a sampling of state data to be the location of our vehicles
sample = states.sample(n=6,random_state=1)
# Unsamples state data
# Join both
vehicles = vehicles.join(sample.reset_index(drop=True))
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