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Last active October 31, 2019 07:23
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naive parser combinator written by purescript
module Parser where
import Prelude (($), (<>), (==), (>=), (<=), (&&), (/=), (||), (>>>), negate)
import Data.Show (class Show, show)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Array ((:), intercalate)
import Data.Foldable (foldl, foldr)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.String (codePointAt)
import Data.String.CodeUnits (splitAt)
import Data.Number (fromString)
import Data.Int (floor)
import Math ((%))
type Source = String
type ErrorMessage = String
type ParserResult a = Tuple (Either a ErrorMessage) Source
type Parser a = (Source -> ParserResult a)
-- constructor helper
value :: forall a . a -> Parser a
value v = \s -> Tuple (Left v) s
error :: forall a . ErrorMessage -> Parser a
error e = \s -> Tuple (Right e) s
-- functor map
map :: forall a b . (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
map f parser = \s -> case parser s of
Tuple (Left v) s' -> value (f v) s'
Tuple (Right e) s' -> error e s'
infixl 5 map as <$>
-- applicative apply
apply :: forall a b . Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
apply pf pa = \s -> case pf s of
Tuple (Left f) s' -> case pa s' of
Tuple (Left a) s'' -> value (f a) s''
Tuple (Right e) s'' -> error e s''
Tuple (Right e) s' -> error e s'
infixl 5 apply as <*>
-- monadic bind
bind :: forall a b . Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
bind ma f = \s -> case ma s of
Tuple (Left a) s' -> f a s'
Tuple (Right e) s' -> error e s'
infixl 5 bind as >>=
either :: forall a . (Parser a) -> (Parser a) -> (Parser a)
either pa pb = \s -> case pa s of
(Tuple (Left v) s') -> value v s'
_ -> pb s
infixl 5 either as <|>
concat :: Parser String -> Parser String -> Parser String
concat p1 p2 = (<>) <$> p1 <*> p2
infixl 5 concat as <+>
ignoreFirst :: forall a b . Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b
ignoreFirst pa pb = (\a b -> b) <$> pa <*> pb
infixl 5 ignoreFirst as *>
ignoreSecond :: forall a b . Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser a
ignoreSecond pa pb = (\a b -> a) <$> pa <*> pb
infixl 5 ignoreSecond as <*
-- consume the first char in source
item :: Parser String
item "" = error "EOF" ""
item s = case splitAt 1 s of
{ before, after } -> value before after
satisfy :: (String -> Boolean) -> Parser String
satisfy p = \s -> case item s of
(Tuple (Left v) s') -> if p v then value v s' else error ("unexpected char: [" <> v <> "]") s'
(Tuple (Right e) s') -> error e s'
digit :: Parser String
digit = satisfy (\c -> c >= "0" && c <= "9")
char :: String -> Parser String
char c = satisfy (\a -> a == c)
dot :: Parser String
dot = char "."
comma :: Parser String
comma = char ","
colon :: Parser String
colon = char ":"
not :: String -> Parser String
not c = satisfy (\a -> a /= c)
space :: Parser String
space = satisfy (\c -> (c == " ") || (c == "\r") || (c == "\n") || (c =="\t"))
many :: forall a . Parser a -> Parser (Array a)
many p = (:) <$> p <*> (\s -> many p s) <|> value []
some :: forall a . Parser a -> Parser (Array a)
some p = (:) <$> p <*> many p
string :: String -> Parser String
string "" = \s -> error "Can not mach empty string" ""
string str = case splitAt 1 str of
{ before, after } -> char before <+> (string after <|> value "")
concatString :: Array String -> String
concatString xs = foldl (<>) "" xs
stringListToInt :: Array String -> Parser Number
stringListToInt strList = case concatString >>> fromString $ strList of
Just i -> value i
Nothing -> error "Can't not parse string to number"
positive_integer :: Parser Number
positive_integer = some digit >>= stringListToInt
negative_integer :: Parser Number
negative_integer = negate <$> (char "-" *> positive_integer)
integer :: Parser Number
integer = negative_integer <|> positive_integer
stringToNumber :: String -> Parser Number
stringToNumber strList = case fromString strList of
Just i -> value i
Nothing -> error "Can't not parse string to number"
digits :: Parser String
digits = concatString <$> some digit
positive_float :: Parser Number
positive_float = (digits <+> dot <+> digits) >>= stringToNumber
negative_float :: Parser Number
negative_float = negate <$> (char "-" *> positive_float)
float :: Parser Number
float = negative_float <|> positive_float
number :: Parser Number
number = float <|> integer
separate :: forall a b . Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (Array b)
separate s p = (:) <$> p <*> (many $ s *> p)
bracket :: forall a b c . Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser b
bracket o p c = o *> p <* c
arround :: forall a b . Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b
arround a p = bracket (many a) p (many a)
spaceArround :: forall a . Parser a -> Parser a
spaceArround = arround space
string_literal :: Parser String
string_literal =
to_string = foldl (<>) ""
quote = "\""
to_string <$> (char quote *> many (not quote) <* char quote)
data JSON =
JSON_Null |
JSON_Boolean Boolean |
JSON_Number Number |
JSON_String String |
JSON_Array (Array JSON) |
JSON_Object (Array (Tuple String JSON))
instance showJSON :: Show JSON where
show JSON_Null = "null"
show (JSON_Boolean b) = show b
show (JSON_Number n) = if n % 1.0 == 0.0 then show $ floor n else show n
show (JSON_String s) = show s
show (JSON_Array xs) = show xs
show (JSON_Object ps) = "{" <> showPairs ps <> "}"
showPair (Tuple k v) = "\"" <> k <> "\"" <> ":" <> show v
showPairs ps' = intercalate "," $ foldr (\p list -> (showPair p):list) [] ps'
json :: Parser JSON
json source = spaceArround parser source
where parser = json_null <|> json_boolean <|> json_number <|> json_string <|> json_array <|> json_object
json_null :: Parser JSON
json_null = (\_ -> JSON_Null) <$> string "null"
json_boolean :: Parser JSON
json_boolean = json_true <|> json_false
json_true = (\_ -> JSON_Boolean true) <$> string "true"
json_false = (\_ -> JSON_Boolean false) <$> string "false"
json_number :: Parser JSON
json_number = (\n -> JSON_Number n) <$> number
json_string :: Parser JSON
json_string = (\str -> JSON_String str) <$> string_literal
json_array :: Parser JSON
json_array source = parse_array source
items = separate comma json <|> value []
to_array = \xs -> JSON_Array xs
parse_array = to_array <$> (char "[" *> spaceArround items <* char "]")
json_object :: Parser JSON
json_object source = to_object <$> (char "{" *> entries <* char "}") $ source
key' = spaceArround string_literal
value' = spaceArround json
colon' = spaceArround colon
toTuple = \k _ v -> Tuple k v
pair = toTuple <$> key' <*> colon' <*> value'
pairs = separate comma pair
entries = pairs <|> value []
to_object = \xs -> JSON_Object xs
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