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Last active February 24, 2023 19:48
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Cleanup script for untagged revisions in GCR repos
set -euo pipefail
: ${DELETE_OLDER_THAN:=0} # When to delete tags by time (days)
: ${PROJECT:=${1:-}} # Which project to clean
function error() {
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}$@${COLOR_PLAIN}" >&2
function fail() {
error "$@"
exit 1
function fetch_gcr_auth() {
jq -r '.auths."".auth' ~/.docker/config.json | base64 -d
function info() {
echo -e "${COLOR_CYAN}$@${COLOR_PLAIN}" >&2
function request() {
curl -su "$(fetch_gcr_auth)" "$@"
function step() {
info "[$(date +%H:%M:%S)] $(printf "%${script_level:-0}s" '' | tr ' ' '+')$@"
function success() {
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}$@${COLOR_PLAIN}" >&2
[ -n "${PROJECT}" ] || fail "Please specify the project name as parameter 1 or PROJECT env-var"
[ $DELETE_OLDER_THAN -eq 0 ] || DEL_TS=$((($(date +%s) - DELETE_OLDER_THAN * 86400) * 1000))
step "Retrieving repos..."
for repo in $(request "" | jq -r ".repositories | .[] | select(. | contains(\"${PROJECT}\"))"); do
step "Listing manifests in repo '${repo}'..."
manifests=$(request "${repo}/tags/list")
step "Searching for untagged manifests..."
for digest in $(echo "${manifests}" | jq --arg ts ${DEL_TS} -r '.manifest | to_entries | .[] | select(.value.tag == [] or .value.timeUploadedMs < $ts) | .key'); do
for tag in $(echo "${manifests}" | jq --arg digest ${digest} -r '.manifest[$digest].tag[]'); do
step "Deleting tag '${tag}' from '${digest}' in '${repo}'..."
request -X DELETE "${repo}/manifests/${tag}" >/dev/null && success "Deleted" || error "Deletion failed"
step "Deleting manifest '${digest}' from repo '${repo}'..."
request -X DELETE "${repo}/manifests/${digest}" >/dev/null && success "Deleted" || error "Deletion failed"
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