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Lucas V. Araujo LvMalware

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loknop /
Created December 30, 2021 14:59
Solving "includer's revenge" from hxp ctf 2021 without controlling any files

Solving "includer's revenge" from hxp ctf 2021 without controlling any files

The challenge

The challenge was to achieve RCE with this file:

<?php ($_GET['action'] ?? 'read' ) === 'read' ? readfile($_GET['file'] ?? 'index.php') : include_once($_GET['file'] ?? 'index.php');

Some additional hardening was applied to the php installation to make sure that previously known solutions wouldn't work (for further information read this writeup from the challenge author).

I didn't solve the challenge during the competition - here is a writeup from someone who did - but since the idea I had differed from the techniques used in the published writeups I read (and I thought it was cool :D), here is my approach.

fnky /
Last active October 7, 2024 00:38
ANSI Escape Codes

ANSI Escape Sequences

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape:

  • Ctrl-Key: ^[
  • Octal: \033
  • Unicode: \u001b
  • Hexadecimal: \x1B
  • Decimal: 27
HarmJ0y / PowerView-3.0-tricks.ps1
Last active October 6, 2024 06:38
PowerView-3.0 tips and tricks
# PowerView's last major overhaul is detailed here:
# tricks for the 'old' PowerView are at
# the most up-to-date version of PowerView will always be in the dev branch of PowerSploit:
# New function naming schema:
# Verbs:
# Get : retrieve full raw data sets
# Find : ‘find’ specific data entries in a data set
amitsaha / ls.rst
Last active June 6, 2024 04:01
How does `ls` work?

How does ls work?

I wanted to be really able to explain to a fair amount of detail how does the program :command:`ls` actually work right from the moment you type the command name and hit ENTER. What goes on in user space and and in kernel space? This is my attempt and what I have learned so far on Linux (Fedora 19, 3.x kernel).

How does the shell find the location of 'ls' ?