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Last active September 20, 2022 00:34
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Why there is no ST monad transformer
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Void
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- Candidate for "ST monad transformer"
newtype STT s m a = STT ([Any] -> m (a, [Any]))
-- References are pointers into the heap ([Any])
newtype Ref s a = Ref Int
-- Just a state monad...
instance Monad m => Functor (STT s m) where
fmap = liftM
instance Monad m => Applicative (STT s m) where
(<*>) = ap
pure x = STT (\s -> pure (x, s))
instance Monad m => Monad (STT s m) where
STT u >>= k = STT (\s -> do
(a, s') <- u s
let STT v = k a
v s')
runSTT :: Monad m => (forall s. STT s m a) -> m a
runSTT (STT r) = fmap fst (r [])
liftSTT :: Monad m => m a -> STT s m a
liftSTT y = STT (\s -> fmap (\a -> (a, s)) y)
-- unsafeCoerce below
-- Create and initialize reference
newRef :: Monad m => a -> STT s m (Ref s a)
newRef a = STT (\s -> pure (Ref (length s), s ++ [unsafeCoerce a :: Any]))
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
readRef :: Monad m => Ref s a -> STT s m a
readRef (Ref n) = STT (\s -> pure (unsafeCoerce (s !! n), s))
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^
-- Demonstration that STT is unsafe
-- The continuation monad
newtype K r a = K ((a -> r) -> r)
instance Functor (K r) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (K r) where
(<*>) = ap
pure x = K (\k -> k x)
instance Monad (K r) where
K u >>= h = K (\k -> u (\ x -> h' x k)) where
h' x = let K y = h x in y
runSTTK :: (forall s. STT s (K r) r) -> r
runSTTK y =
let K u = runSTT y in u id
-- Sanity check that STT and K "work" in simple cases
okST :: STT s (K r) (Int, Bool)
okST = do
x <- newRef (0 :: Int)
y <- newRef True
liftM2 (,) (readRef x) (readRef y)
-- (0, True)
-- Use a time machine (e -> K r Void) in one timeline to send an e to
-- the other timeline.
-- How this works: first return a Right (starting the first timeline),
-- with a certain function (e -> _), which, if it is ever called
-- (with some argument e), backtracks to return the argument
-- as a Left (ending the first and starting the second timeline).
-- This is also known as a proof of the double negation of the
-- Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) in intuitionistic logic.
lem :: K r (Either e (e -> K r r'))
lem = K (\k -> k (Right (\e -> K (\_ -> k (Left e)))))
-- Breaking the type system with STT
badST :: a -> STT s (K r) b
badST a = do
x <- liftSTT lem -- x :: Either (Ref s b) (Ref s b -> K r b)
case x of
Right k -> do
-- In the first timeline, we are given a time machine k which can carry a (Ref s b)
r <- newRef undefined -- We allocate a (Ref s b)
liftSTT (k r) -- We send it back in time
Left r -> do
-- In the second timeline, we get a reference out of nowhere (actually, from the previous timeline).
_ <- newRef a -- Allocate a reference of type a for **no reason** (actually, to populate the place the previous reference is pointing to with something of a different type)
readRef r -- Read the old reference
unsafeCoerce_ :: a -> b
unsafeCoerce_ a = runSTTK (badST a)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (runSTTK okST) -- Sanity check (0, True)
print (unsafeCoerce_ True :: Int) -- segfault or a very bad looking number
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