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Created May 15, 2019 23:06
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Generic parser for GADTs with kind-generics (composed with an existential type, in the second half)
TemplateHaskell #-}
module GadtRead where
import Data.PolyKinded.Atom
import Generics.Kind
import Generics.Kind.TH
import Data.Kind
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality (type (==), type (~~))
-- Without existential types
-- readFooInt :: String -> Maybe (Foo Int Int)
-- readFooBool :: String -> Maybe (Foo Bool Bool)
data Foo (b :: Type) (a :: Type) where
Bar :: Foo Int Int
Baz :: Foo Bool Bool
Bag :: Foo b a
deriving instance Show (Foo b a)
deriveGenericK ''Foo
-- Read a binary string ("0101...") to choose a constructor.
class GRead f p where
gread :: String -> Maybe (f p)
instance GRead f p => GRead (M1 i c f) p where
gread = fmap M1 . gread
instance (GRead f p, GRead g p) => GRead (f :+: g) p where
gread ('0' : s) = fmap L1 (gread s)
gread ('1' : s) = fmap R1 (gread s)
gread _ = Nothing
instance GRead U1 p where
gread _ = Just U1
instance GReadCon (Sat c) c f p => GRead (c :=>: f) p where
gread = greadCon @(Sat c)
class GReadCon (b :: Bool) c f p where
greadCon :: String -> Maybe ((c :=>: f) p)
instance (Interpret c p, GRead f p) => GReadCon 'True c f p where
greadCon = fmap SuchThat . gread
instance GReadCon 'False c f p where
greadCon _ = Nothing
-- Whether a constraint is satisfiable
-- Assumed to be a conjunction of type equalities
type family Sat (c :: Atom Type Constraint) :: Bool where
Sat (c1 ':&: c2) = Sat c1 && Sat c2
Sat ('Kon (a ~~ b)) = a == b
{- if you use (~) instead of (~~) here you get a "No instance" error
that seems to say that, paradoxically, (Sat ('Kon (Int ~ Int))) doesn't
reduce, but in spite of what's printed that's actually (~~).
genericRead :: forall a. (GenericK a LoT0, GRead (RepK a) LoT0) => String -> Maybe a
genericRead = fmap toK . gread @(RepK a) @LoT0
readFooInt :: String -> Maybe (Foo Int Int)
readFooInt = genericRead
readFooBool :: String -> Maybe (Foo Bool Bool)
readFooBool = genericRead
example :: [String]
example =
[ show $ readFooInt "0" -- Just Bar
, show $ readFooInt "10" -- Nothing
, show $ readFooInt "11" -- Just Bag
, show $ readFooBool "0" -- Nothing
, show $ readFooBool "10" -- Just Baz
, show $ readFooBool "11" -- Just Bag
-- With existential types
-- readFoo1 :: String -> Ex Foo1
data Foo1 (a :: Type) where
Bar1 :: Foo1 Int
Baz1 :: Foo1 Bool
Bag1 :: Foo1 a
deriving instance Show (Foo1 a)
deriveGenericK ''Foo1
data Ex (f :: k -> Type) where
Ex :: f a -> Ex f
xmap :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Ex f -> Ex g
xmap f (Ex x) = Ex (f x)
deriving instance (forall a. Show (f a)) => Show (Ex f)
data KEx (f :: LoT (k -> Type) -> Type) where
KEx :: f (p :&&: LoT0) -> KEx f
rxmap :: (forall p. f (p :&&: LoT0) -> g (p :&&: LoT0)) -> KEx f -> KEx g
rxmap f (KEx x) = KEx (f x)
kexToEx :: (forall a. GenericK f (a :&&: LoT0)) => KEx (RepK f) -> Ex f
kexToEx (KEx x) = Ex (toK x)
class GReadEx (f :: LoT (k -> Type) -> Type) where
greadex :: String -> Maybe (KEx f)
instance GReadEx f => GReadEx (M1 i c f) where
greadex = fmap (rxmap M1) . greadex
instance (GReadEx f, GReadEx g) => GReadEx (f :+: g) where
greadex ('0' : s) = fmap (rxmap L1) (greadex s)
greadex ('1' : s) = fmap (rxmap R1) (greadex s)
greadex _ = Nothing
( Interpret c (TypeIndex c :&&: LoT0)
, GRead f (TypeIndex c :&&: LoT0)
) => GReadEx (c :=>: f) where
greadex s = fmap (KEx . SuchThat) (gread @f @(TypeIndex c :&&: LoT0) s)
instance GReadEx U1 where
greadex _ = Just (KEx U1)
type family TypeIndex (c :: Atom (k -> Type) Constraint) :: k where
TypeIndex (Var0 :~~: 'Kon t) = t
genericReadEx ::
forall f.
((forall a. GenericK f (a :&&: LoT0)), GReadEx (RepK f)) =>
String -> Maybe (Ex f)
genericReadEx = fmap kexToEx . greadex @_ @(RepK f)
readFoo1 :: String -> Maybe (Ex Foo1)
readFoo1 = genericReadEx
example1 :: [String]
example1 =
[ show $ readFoo1 "0" -- Just (Ex Bar1)
, show $ readFoo1 "10" -- Just (Ex Baz1)
, show $ readFoo1 "11" -- Just (Ex Bag1)
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