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Created October 9, 2020 06:16
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Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Relations Arith.
Definition on {A B : Type} (RB : relation B) (f : A -> B) : relation A :=
fun a a' => RB (f a) (f a').
Lemma wf_apply : forall (A B : Type)
(RA : relation A) (RB : relation B) (f : A -> B),
(forall a a', RA a a' -> RB (f a) (f a')) ->
well_founded RB -> well_founded RA.
intros A B RA RB f FAB WF a.
specialize (WF (f a)).
remember (f a) as fa.
revert a Heqfa.
induction WF; intros.
subst; eauto.
Inductive lt_list {A} : relation (list A) :=
| lt_nil : forall a l, lt_list nil (a :: l)
| lt_cons : forall a a' l l',
lt_list l l' -> lt_list (a :: l) (a' :: l').
Lemma lt_list_lt_length {A} (xs ys : list A)
: lt_list xs ys <-> length xs < length ys.
- induction 1; cbn.
+ apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
+ apply lt_n_S. auto.
- revert xs; induction ys; intros xs Hxs.
+ inversion Hxs.
+ destruct xs; constructor.
apply IHys.
apply lt_S_n; auto.
Goal forall A, well_founded (A := list A) lt_list.
intros A.
apply wf_apply with (RB := lt) (f := length (A := A)).
- intros a a'; apply lt_list_lt_length.
- apply Nat.lt_wf_0.
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