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Last active December 30, 2019 13:29
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rpar)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.List (transpose)
cntSeq :: S.Set Int -> [Int] -> Int
cntSeq set xs = foldl (\ c x -> c + (mmbr set x)) 0 xs
mmbr st x | S.member x st = 1
| otherwise = 0
cntPar :: Int -> S.Set Int -> [Int] -> Int
cntPar n set xs =
chnks = chunksOf n xs
tr = transpose chnks
in sum $ parMap rpar (cntSeq set) tr
-- in sum $ map sum chnks
main :: IO ()
main = do
t0 <- getCurrentTime
-- Non-parallelizable segment
let !s = (S.fromList [0, 3 .. 10^7])
t1 <- getCurrentTime
print (diffUTCTime t1 t0)
print (cntPar 10000 s [0..10^6])
t2 <- getCurrentTime
print (diffUTCTime t2 t1)
$ stack exec ghc -- -rtsopts -threaded B
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( B.hs, B.o )
Linking B ...
$ time ./B +RTS -N1
./B +RTS -N1 1.98s user 0.17s system 99% cpu 2.154 total
$ time ./B +RTS -N2
./B +RTS -N2 2.67s user 0.62s system 180% cpu 1.824 total
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