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Last active September 4, 2020 21:11
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -dsuppress-all -O #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- This module tests the "definitional lawfulness" of monads from base and transformers:
-- whether the laws are satisfied by mere inlining of definitions and
-- elementary simplifications, leveraging the GHC Core simplifier and the
-- inspection-testing library.
-- Summary:
-- - Associativity holds for virtually all of the "concrete monads" (`IO`, `Maybe`,
-- and the standard transformers applied to `Identity`).
-- - The identity laws hold only up to "eta-expansion".
-- - `[]` cheats with rewrite rules.
-- - Abusing CPP is super fun.
-- To build this:
-- ghc -package inspection-testing MonadLaws.hs
module MonadLaws where
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import Data.Functor.Product (Product(..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Accum (Accum(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS (RWS, RWST(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (Reader, ReaderT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Select (Select, SelectT(..), runSelectT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (Writer, WriterT(..))
import Test.Inspection
-- Low level utilities: force things to be inlined, and manually eta-expand IO/ST/STM
import GHC.Exts (inline)
import GHC.IO (IO(..))
import GHC.ST (ST(..))
import GHC.Conc (STM(..))
-- Associativity
assoc1, assoc2 :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> (c -> m d) -> a -> m d
assoc1 x y z = (x >=> y) >=> z
assoc2 x y z = x >=> (y >=> z)
assoc1'NAME, assoc2'NAME :: CSTR (a -> M b) -> (b -> M c) -> (c -> M d) -> a -> M d ; \
assoc1'NAME = assoc1 ; \
assoc2'NAME = assoc2 ; \
inspect $ 'assoc1'NAME FFF 'assoc2'NAME
-- Examples
-- Most of the fully concrete monads are definitionally associative.
-- Unlike monad transformers with an abstract monad, with the exception of
-- ContT which doesn't care about m.
TEST_ASSOC(Either,Either e,==-)
TEST_ASSOC(Reader,Reader r,==-)
TEST_ASSOC(State,Lazy.State s,==-)
TEST_ASSOC(SState,Strict.State s,==-)
TEST_ASSOC(Cont,ContT r m,==-) -- No constraint on m
TEST_ASSOC(List,[],==-) -- This is probably thanks to list fusion (custom rewrite rules)
-- Writer-like monads are only definitionally associative when the
-- monoid is also definitionally associative (like Endo).
TEST_ASSOC(AccumEndo,Accum (Endo w),==-)
TEST_ASSOC(WriterEndo,Writer (Endo w),==-)
TEST_ASSOC(RWSEndo,RWS r (Endo w) s,==-)
TEST_ASSOC_(Accum,Accum w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_ASSOC_(Writer,Writer w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_ASSOC_(RWS,RWS r w s,=/=,Monoid w =>)
-- Counterexamples
-- These are NOT definitionally associative
TEST_ASSOC(Select,Select r,=/=)
TEST_ASSOC(ProductMaybe,Product Maybe Maybe,=/=) -- This almost works
-- Left identity
lid1, lid2 :: Monad m => a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
lid1 x k = k x
lid2 x k = pure x >>= k
lid1'NAME, lid2'NAME :: CSTR a -> (a -> M b) -> M b ; \
lid1'NAME = lid1 ; \
lid2'NAME = lid2 ; \
inspect $ 'lid1'NAME FFF 'lid2'NAME
-- Examples
TEST_LID(Either,Either e,==-)
TEST_LID(List,[],==-) -- list fusion
-- Counterexamples
TEST_LID(AccumEndo,Accum (Endo w),=/=)
TEST_LID(WriterEndo,Writer (Endo w),=/=)
TEST_LID(RWSEndo,RWS r (Endo w) s,=/=)
TEST_LID_(Accum,Accum w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_LID_(Writer,Writer w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_LID_(RWS,RWS r w s,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_LID(Reader,Reader r,=/=)
TEST_LID(State,Lazy.State s,=/=)
TEST_LID(SState,Strict.State s,=/=)
TEST_LID(Cont,ContT r m,=/=)
TEST_LID(Select,Select r,=/=)
TEST_LID(ProductMaybe,Product Maybe Maybe,=/=)
-- Left identity with eta
class Eta a where
-- Law: eta u = u
-- Modulo laziness (do monad laws even even take strictness into account?)
eta :: a -> a
instance Eta (Product f g a) where
eta u = etaProduct u
-- Use @inline@ to avoid sharing
etaProduct :: Product f g a -> Product f g a
etaProduct p = Pair (pfst (inline p)) (psnd p) where
pfst (Pair x y) = x
psnd (Pair x y) = y
instance Eta (ReaderT e m a) where
eta u = ReaderT (\x -> runReaderT (inline u) x)
instance Eta (a, b) where
eta ~(x, y) = (x, y)
instance Functor m => Eta (Lazy.StateT s m a) where
eta u = Lazy.StateT (\s -> fmap eta (Lazy.runStateT (inline u) s))
instance Eta (Strict.StateT s m a) where
eta u = Strict.StateT (\s -> Strict.runStateT (inline u) s)
instance Eta (ContT r m a) where
eta u = ContT (\c -> runContT (inline u) (\x -> c x))
instance Eta (SelectT r m a) where
eta u = SelectT (\c -> runSelectT (inline u) (\x -> c x))
instance Eta (IO a) where
eta u = IO (\s -> case u of IO f -> f s)
instance Eta (ST s a) where
eta u = ST (\s -> case u of ST f -> f s)
instance Eta (STM a) where
eta u = STM (\s -> case u of STM f -> f s)
instance Eta w => Eta (Writer w a) where
eta u = WriterT (Identity (bimap id eta (eta (runIdentity (runWriterT u)))))
instance Eta (Endo a) where
eta (Endo f) = Endo (\x -> f x)
-- For writer-like monads, we can use 'Endo' like we did for associativity,
-- or we can carefully insert a 'mappend' in the right place when expanding values.
etaWriterL :: Monoid w => Writer w a -> Writer w a
etaWriterL u = WriterT (Identity (etaTupleWL (runIdentity (runWriterT u))))
etaTupleWL :: Monoid w => (a, w) -> (a, w)
etaTupleWL ~(x, y) = (x, mempty `mappend` y)
etaWriterR :: Monoid w => Writer w a -> Writer w a
etaWriterR u = WriterT (Identity (etaTupleWR (runIdentity (runWriterT u))))
etaTupleWR :: Monoid w => (a, w) -> (a, w)
etaTupleWR ~(x, y) = (x, y `mappend` mempty)
etaRWSL :: Monoid w => RWS r w s a -> RWS r w s a
etaRWSL u = RWST (\r s -> Identity (etaTupleW3L (runIdentity (runRWST (inline u) r s))))
etaTupleW3L :: Monoid w => (a, s, w) -> (a, s, w)
etaTupleW3L ~(x, y, z) = (x, y, mempty `mappend` z)
etaRWSR :: Monoid w => RWS r w s a -> RWS r w s a
etaRWSR u = RWST (\r s -> Identity (etaTupleW3R (runIdentity (runRWST u r s))))
etaTupleW3R :: Monoid w => (a, s, w) -> (a, s, w)
etaTupleW3R ~(x, y, z) = (x, y, z `mappend` mempty)
lid1eta'NAME, lid2eta'NAME :: CSTR a -> (a -> M b) -> M b ; \
lid1eta'NAME = (fmap . fmap) ETA1 lid1 ; \
lid2eta'NAME = (fmap . fmap) ETA2 lid2 ; \
inspect $ 'lid1eta'NAME FFF 'lid2eta'NAME
TEST_LID_ETA(Reader,Reader r,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(State,Lazy.State s,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(SState,Strict.State s,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(Cont,ContT r m,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(Select,Select r,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(ProductMaybe,Product Maybe Maybe,==-)
TEST_LID_ETA(WriterEndo,Writer (Endo w),==-)
TEST_LID_ETA_(etaWriterL,id,Writer,Writer w,==-,Monoid w =>)
TEST_LID_ETA_(etaRWSL,id,RWS,RWS r (Endo w) s,==-,)
-- Right identity
rid1, rid2 :: Monad m => m a -> m a
rid1 x = x
rid2 x = x >>= pure
rid1'NAME, rid2'NAME :: CSTR M a -> M a ; \
rid1'NAME = rid1 ; \
rid2'NAME = rid2 ; \
inspect $ 'rid1'NAME FFF 'rid2'NAME
-- Examples
TEST_RID(Either,Either e,==-)
TEST_RID(ProductMaybe,Product Maybe Maybe,==-)
TEST_RID(List,[],==-) -- This is probably list fusion
-- Counterexamples
TEST_RID(AccumEndo,Accum (Endo w),=/=)
TEST_RID(WriterEndo,Writer (Endo w),=/=)
TEST_RID(RWSEndo,RWS r (Endo w) s,=/=)
TEST_RID_(Accum,Accum w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_RID_(Writer,Writer w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_RID_(RWS,RWS r w s,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_RID(Reader,Reader r,=/=)
TEST_RID(State,Lazy.State s,=/=)
TEST_RID(SState,Strict.State s,=/=)
TEST_RID(Cont,ContT r m,=/=)
TEST_RID(Select,Select r,=/=)
-- Right identity with eta
rid1eta'NAME, rid2eta'NAME :: CSTR M a -> M a ; \
rid1eta'NAME = fmap ETA1 rid1 ; \
rid2eta'NAME = fmap ETA2 rid2 ; \
inspect $ 'rid1eta'NAME FFF 'rid2eta'NAME
TEST_RID_ETA(Reader,Reader r,==-)
TEST_RID_ETA(State,Lazy.State s,==-)
TEST_RID_ETA(SState,Strict.State s,==-)
TEST_RID_ETA(Cont,ContT r m,==-)
TEST_RID_ETA(Select,Select r,==-)
TEST_RID_ETA_(etaWriterR,id,Writer,Writer w,==-,Monoid w =>)
TEST_RID_ETA_(etaRWSR,id,RWS,RWS r w s,==-,Monoid w =>)
-- Middle identity
-- f . id . g = f . g
-- ((x >>= pure) >>= k) = (x >>= k)
mid1, mid2 :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
mid1 x k = x >>= (\x -> k x) -- eta-expand k to trick GHC into inlining the definition of (>>=)
-- inspection-testing has trouble seeing through modules
mid2 x k = (x >>= pure) >>= k
mid1'NAME, mid2'NAME :: CSTR M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b ; \
mid1'NAME = mid1 ; \
mid2'NAME = mid2 ; \
inspect $ 'mid1'NAME FFF 'mid2'NAME
-- Examples
TEST_MID(Either,Either e,==-)
TEST_MID(ProductMaybe,Product Maybe Maybe,==-)
TEST_MID(Reader,Reader r,==-)
TEST_MID(State,Lazy.State s,==-)
TEST_MID(SState,Strict.State s,==-)
TEST_MID(Cont,ContT r m,==-)
TEST_MID(Select,Select r,==-)
TEST_MID(AccumEndo,Accum (Endo w),==-)
TEST_MID(WriterEndo,Writer (Endo w),==-)
TEST_MID(RWSEndo,RWS r (Endo w) s,==-)
TEST_MID_(Accum,Accum w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_MID_(Writer,Writer w,=/=,Monoid w =>)
TEST_MID_(RWS,RWS r w s,=/=,Monoid w =>)
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