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(* formalization attached to my answer to *)
From Coq Require Import Lia.
Definition U : Type := forall A : Type, ((A -> A) -> A) -> A.
(* Try enumerating solutions by hand. After the initial [intros],
we can either complete the term with [exact xi],
or continue deeper with [apply f; intros xi]. *)
Goal U.
Lysxia / Coroutine.hs
Created March 29, 2024 16:56
Coroutines using effectful
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, effectful-core
-- Usage: cabal run Coroutine.hs
(* *)
(* Proof of associativity of functor composition without UIP *)
(* 1. Intuition: treat equality as a proper algebraic structure:
think of it as a category (aka. the discrete category), not an equivalence relation. *)
(* 1a. An equality between morphisms, f = g, becomes the existence of a morphism between f and g. *)
(* 1b. In the definition of a category, homsets are thus categories.
The resulting structure is known as a 2-category.
You can kepp applying the same generalization to the morphism category, resulting
Lysxia / inits.hs
Created March 13, 2024 21:33
Benchmarking three versions of inits
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Criterion
import Criterion.Main
import Data.List (inits, scanl')
import Data.Primitive.Array
import GHC.Exts (RealWorld)
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- base implementation, using queues
Lysxia / STO.v
Created December 14, 2023 10:43
(* A trick to print the simplified type of something *)
Definition type_of {A : Type} (a : A) : Type := A.
Arguments type_of _ /.
Notation simpl_type_of a := ltac:(let A := eval simpl in (type_of a) in exact A).
(* Example *)
Parameter p : forall x, 3 + x = x.
{- counter.hs: count comments and lines of code in files.
cat src/*|runghc counter.hs
Counting method:
Triple backticks either start or end a code block.
Triple backtick lines are not counted.
Code lines starting with `--` are counted as comments
Lysxia / T.agda
Last active August 22, 2023 22:09
-- Q: How to fix the last two commented lines?
-- Summary: Two intrinsically typed calculi A and B, and a translation from A to B.
-- The translation consists of a translation on types, followed by a translation on terms
-- indexed by the translation on types.
-- Agda won't let me case-split in the translation of (term) variables.
-- Signs of trouble:
-- - green slime in _A.∋_ and _B.∋_
-- - with clauses (rather than only pattern-matching on arguments)
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs #-}
module O where
data Coyoneda g a where
Coyoneda :: forall g a x. g x -> (x -> a) -> Coyoneda g a
newtype Obj f g = Obj { unObj :: forall a. f a -> Coyoneda g (a, Obj f g) }
compose :: Obj f g -> Obj g h -> Obj f h
compose (Obj a) (Obj b) = Obj (\f ->
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Inductive bintree : Type :=
| Leaf : bintree
| Node : bintree -> nat -> bintree -> bintree.
Inductive tree :=
| TNode : nat -> list tree -> tree.
Lysxia / A.agda
Created April 28, 2023 17:05
Free relative monads as free monads
data Freer (F : Set → Set) (A : Set) : Set₁ where
pure : A → Freer F A
bind : (B : Set) → F B → (B → Freer F A) → Freer F A
data Freest {A : Set} (J : A → Set) (F : A → Set) (a : A) : Set where
pure : J a → Freest J F a
bind : (b : A) → F b → (J b → Freest J F a) → Freest J F a
data R {A : Set} (J : A → Set) (F : A → Set) : Set → Set where
mkR : (a : A) → F a → R J F (J a)