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Last active July 31, 2021 15:19
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Aides in the detection and removal of the problem created by CVE-2021-36934
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" ;
if ((get-acl $env:windir\system32\config\sam).Access |
? IdentityReference -match 'BUILTIN\\Users' |
select -expandproperty filesystemrights |
select-string 'Read'){
#write-host "May be vulnerable: Arbitrary Read permissions for SAM file"
return $false
else {
#write-host "Does not seem to be vulnerable, SAM permissions are fine"
return $true
# based off of
# and
# change permissions and delete shadows
function Test-SamAccess {
(get-acl $env:windir\system32\config\sam).Access |
? IdentityReference -match 'BUILTIN\\Users' |
select -expandproperty filesystemrights |
select-string 'Read'
$vulnerable = $true
#check permissions
if ($vulnerable -eq $true) {
if (Test-SamAccess){
write-host "May be vulnerable: Arbitrary Read permissions for SAM file"
Write-host "Adjusting permissions to remove vulnerability"
icacls $env:windir\system32\config\*.* /inheritance:e
If (Test-SamAccess){
$permissionsSuccess = $false
write-host "Follow-up: May be vulnerable: Arbitrary Read permissions for SAM file"
else {
$permissionsSuccess = $true
write-host "Follow-up: May not be be vulnerable, SAM permissions are correct"
else {
$permissionsSuccess = $true
write-host "Follow-up: May not be be vulnerable, SAM permissions are correct"
$vulnerable = $false
#check if System Restore is present
if ($vulnerable -eq $true -AND $permissionsSuccess -eq $true) {
$checkShadow = Get-CimInstance win32_shadowcopy -Property DeviceObject
if ($checkShadow) {
write-host "System protection is enabled. Removing any current restore points."
vssadmin delete shadows /quiet /all
#in case the vssadmin command trips security scanners, use the following instead:
#Get-CimInstance win32_shadowcopy | ?{$_.VolumeName -eq $(Get-Volume $env:SystemDrive.Replace(':','')).path} |
try {
write-host "Creating new restore point"
Checkpoint-Computer -Description "CVE-2021-36934" -RestorePointType "MODIFY_SETTINGS" -ErrorAction stop
write-host "New restore point created"
$vulnerable = $false
$fixed = $true
Catch {
write-host "Unable to create new system restore point"
If (-NOT (Get-ComputerRestorePoint)) {
write-host "There are no restore points."
$vulnerable = $false
$fixed = $true
Else {
write-host "Unable to remove old restore points."
$fixed = $false
else {
write-host "System protection not enabled"
$vulnerable = $false
$fixed = $true
#output data
write-host "vulnerable: $vulnerable"
write-host "Fixed: $fixed"
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