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Created January 11, 2021 09:52
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Notable: All commands [1.9.0-beta.0]
{ "command": "about.close", "title": "About: Close", "description": "Close the about window" },
{ "command": "", "title": "About: Open", "description": "Open the about window" },
{ "command": "about.toggle", "title": "About: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the about window", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "app.exit", "title": "App: Exit", "description": "Exit the app, this is just an alias for \"app.quit\"" },
{ "command": "app.quit", "title": "App: Quit", "description": "Quit the app" },
{ "command": "app.reload", "title": "App: Reload", "description": "Reload the app" },
{ "command": "attachment.copy", "title": "Attachment: Copy...", "description": "Copy the relative path of an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.copyLink", "title": "Attachment: Copy Link...", "description": "Copy the link to an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Attachment: Copy Markdown Link...", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.copyPath", "title": "Attachment: Copy Path...", "description": "Copy the absolute path of an attachment to the clipboard", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "attachment.delete", "title": "Attachment: Delete", "description": "Delete an attachment from disk", "args": "attachment" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Attachment: Open In Default App...", "description": "Open an attachment with the default app", "args": "attachment?" },
{ "command": "attachment.rename", "title": "Attachment: Rename...", "description": "Rename an attachment", "args": "attachment?, attachmentNext?" },
{ "command": "attachment.reveal", "title": "Attachment: Reveal In Folder...", "description": "Reveal an attachment in its parent folder", "args": "attachment?" },
{ "command": "attachments.editor.close", "title": "Attachments: Close Editor", "description": "Close the attachments editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Attachments: Open Editor", "description": "Open the attachments editor" },
{ "command": "attachments.editor.toggle", "title": "Attachments: Toggle Editor", "description": "Open/close the attachments editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Attachments: Report Missing", "description": "Make a new missing attachments report" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Attachments: Report Orphans", "description": "Make a new orphan attachments report" },
{ "command": "changelog.close", "title": "Changelog: Close", "description": "Close the changelog" },
{ "command": "changelog.first", "title": "Changelog: Go To First", "description": "Go to to the first changelog" },
{ "command": "changelog.last", "title": "Changelog: Go To Last", "description": "Go to to the last changelog" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Changelog: Go To Next", "description": "Go to the next changelog" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Changelog: Open", "description": "Open the changelog" },
{ "command": "changelog.previous", "title": "Changelog: Go To Previous", "description": "Go to the previous changelog" },
{ "command": "changelog.toggle", "title": "Changelog: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the changelog", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "command.copy", "title": "Command: Copy", "description": "Copy a command to the clipboard", "args": "command" },
{ "command": "command.copyLink", "title": "Command: Copy Link", "description": "Copy the link to a command to the clipboard", "args": "command, args[]?" },
{ "command": "command.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Command: Copy Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to a command to the clipboard", "args": "command, args[]?" },
{ "command": "command.trigger", "title": "Command: Trigger", "description": "Trigger a command", "args": "command, args[]?" },
{ "command": "commands.screencast.disable", "title": "Commands: Disable Screencast", "description": "Disable commands screencasting" },
{ "command": "commands.screencast.enable", "title": "Commands: Enable Screencast", "description": "Enable commands screencasting" },
{ "command": "commands.screencast.toggle", "title": "Commands: Toggle Screencast", "description": "Enable/disable commands screencasting" },
{ "command": "configurationEditor.close", "title": "Configuration Editor: Close", "description": "Close the configuration editor" },
{ "command": "configurationEditor.first", "title": "Configuration Editor: Go To First", "description": "Go to to the first configuration editor", "args": "side?" },
{ "command": "configurationEditor.last", "title": "Configuration Editor: Go To Last", "description": "Go to to the last configuration editor", "args": "side?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Configuration Editor: Go To Next", "description": "Go to the next configuration editor", "args": "side?" },
{ "command": "configurationEditor.previous", "title": "Configuration Editor: Go To Previous", "description": "Go to the previous configuration editor", "args": "side?" },
{ "command": "contextKey.set", "title": "Context Key: Set", "description": "Set a context key", "args": "key, value" },
{ "command": "customCode.editor.close", "title": "Custom CSS/JS: Close Editor", "description": "Close the custom CSS/JS editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Custom CSS/JS: Open Editor", "description": "Open the custom CSS/JS editor" },
{ "command": "customCode.editor.toggle", "title": "Custom CSS/JS: Toggle Editor", "description": "Open/close the custom CSS/JS editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "cwd.change", "title": "Data Directory: Change...", "description": "Select another data directory" },
{ "command": "cwd.copyPath", "title": "Data Directory: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of the current data directory to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "cwd.forget", "title": "Data Directory: Remove from Recents", "description": "Remove the current data directory from the list of recent data directories", "args": "cwd?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Data Directory: Open", "description": "Open the current data directory" },
{ "command": "cwd.reload", "title": "Data Directory: Reload", "description": "Reload the data directory" },
{ "command": "cwd.reveal", "title": "Data Directory: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal the current data directory in its parent folder" },
{ "command": "cwd.set", "title": "Data Directory: Set", "description": "Set a new data directory", "args": "path" },
{ "command": "cwd.setDefault", "title": "Data Directory: Set To Default", "description": "Set the default data directory" },
{ "command": "debug.console.clear", "title": "Debug: Clear Console", "description": "Clear the developer tools' console" },
{ "command": "debug.contextKeys.log", "title": "Debug: Log Context Keys", "description": "Log all current context keys in the developer tools' console" },
{ "command": "debug.hardReload", "title": "Debug: Hard Reload", "description": "Reload the window ignoring the cache" },
{ "command": "debug.ip", "title": "Debug: Public IP", "description": "Retrieve the public IP address" },
{ "command": "debug.profiler.log", "title": "Debug: Log Profiler", "description": "Log all current profiler data in the developer tools' console" },
{ "command": "debug.reload", "title": "Debug: Reload", "description": "Reload the window" },
{ "command": "debug.settings.log", "title": "Debug: Log Settings", "description": "Log all current active settings in the developer tools' console" },
{ "command": "debug.shortcuts.log", "title": "Debug: Log Shortcuts", "description": "Log all current active shortcuts in the developer tools' console" },
{ "command": "debug.version", "title": "Debug: Version", "description": "Retrieve the latest version of the app available" },
{ "command": "devtools.close", "title": "Developer Tools: Close", "description": "Close the developer tools" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Developer Tools: Open", "description": "Open the developer tools" },
{ "command": "devtools.toggle", "title": "Developer Tools: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the developer tools", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "dialog.alert", "title": "Dialog: Alert", "description": "Open an alert dialog", "args": "text" },
{ "command": "dialog.close", "title": "Dialog: Close", "description": "Close the open dialog" },
{ "command": "edit.copy", "title": "Edit: Copy", "description": "Copy the selected text to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "edit.cut", "title": "Edit: Cut", "description": "Cut the selected text" },
{ "command": "edit.delete", "title": "Edit: Delete", "description": "Delete the selected text or the previous character" },
{ "command": "edit.forwardDelete", "title": "Edit: Forward Delete", "description": "Delete the selected text or the following character" },
{ "command": "edit.paste", "title": "Edit: Paste", "description": "Paste from the clipboard" },
{ "command": "edit.redo", "title": "Edit: Redo", "description": "Redo the last action" },
{ "command": "edit.selectAll", "title": "Edit: Select All", "description": "Select all text" },
{ "command": "edit.undo", "title": "Edit: Undo", "description": "Undo the last action" },
{ "command": "edit.write", "title": "Edit: Write", "description": "Write some text in the currently focused editable element", "args": "text" },
{ "command": "editor.autocomplete", "title": "Editor: Autocomplete", "description": "Open the autocomplete, if available", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "editor.autocomplete.emoji", "title": "Editor: Autocomplete - Emoji", "description": "Open the emoji autocomplete, if available" },
{ "command": "editor.autocomplete.language", "title": "Editor: Autocomplete - Language", "description": "Open the programming language autocomplete, if available" },
{ "command": "editor.autocomplete.quickLink", "title": "Editor: Autocomplete - Quick Link", "description": "Open the quick link autocomplete, if available" },
{ "command": "editor.autocomplete.spelling", "title": "Editor: Autocomplete - Spelling", "description": "Open the spelling autocomplete, if available" },
{ "command": "editor.clear", "title": "Editor: Clear", "description": "Remove other selections or cursors from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.close", "title": "Editor: Close", "description": "Close the note editor" },
{ "command": "editor.comment.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Comment", "description": "Wrap/unwrap the text in a comment in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.copy", "title": "Editor: Copy", "description": "Copy the selected text from the editor to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "editor.copy.line.down", "title": "Editor: Copy Line Down", "description": "Copy the line down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.copy.line.up", "title": "Editor: Copy Line Up", "description": "Copy the line up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.copy.selection.right", "title": "Editor: Copy Selection Right", "description": "Copy the selection to the right in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.bottom", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Bottom", "description": "Move the cursor to the bottom in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.clear", "title": "Editor: Clear Cursors", "description": "Remove other cursors from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.down", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor Down", "description": "Move the cursor down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.left", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Left", "description": "Move the cursor to the left in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.line.end", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To End", "description": "Move the cursor to the end of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.line.start", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Line Start", "description": "Move the cursor to the start of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.line.veryend", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Line Very End", "description": "Move the cursor to the very end of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.line.verystart", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Line Very Start", "description": "Move the cursor to the very start of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Page Down", "description": "Move the cursor down by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Page Up", "description": "Move the cursor up by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.redo", "title": "Editor: Redo Cursor", "description": "Redo the last cursor operation in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.right", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Right", "description": "Move the cursor to the right in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Top", "description": "Move the cursor to the top in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.undo", "title": "Editor: Undo Cursor", "description": "Undo the last cursor operation in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.up", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor Up", "description": "Move the cursor up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.word.end", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Word End", "description": "Move the cursor to the end of the word in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cursor.word.start", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Word Start", "description": "Move the cursor to the start of the word in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.cut", "title": "Editor: Cut", "description": "Cut the selected text from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete", "title": "Editor: Delete", "description": "Delete the selected text or the previous character from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete.line", "title": "Editor: Delete Line", "description": "Delete the line from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete.line.end", "title": "Editor: Delete To Line End", "description": "Delete the selected text or up until the end of the line from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete.line.start", "title": "Editor: Delete To Line Start", "description": "Delete the selected text or up until the start of the line from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete.word.end", "title": "Editor: Delete To Word End", "description": "Delete the selected text or up until the end of the word from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.delete.word.start", "title": "Editor: Delete To Word Start", "description": "Delete the selected text or up until the start of the word from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.duplicate.lines.delete", "title": "Editor: Delete Duplicate Lines", "description": "Delete duplicate lines from selections in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.duplicate.lines.deleteNonBlanks", "title": "Editor: Delete Non-Blank Duplicate Lines", "description": "Delete non-blank duplicate lines from selections in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.focus", "title": "Editor: Focus", "description": "Focus to the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold", "title": "Editor: Fold", "description": "Fold the region in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.all", "title": "Editor: Fold All", "description": "Fold all regions in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.deep", "title": "Editor: Deep Fold", "description": "Deeply fold the region in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level1", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 1", "description": "Fold all regions at level 1 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level2", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 2", "description": "Fold all regions at level 2 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level3", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 3", "description": "Fold all regions at level 3 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level4", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 4", "description": "Fold all regions at level 4 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level5", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 5", "description": "Fold all regions at level 5 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level6", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 6", "description": "Fold all regions at level 6 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.level7", "title": "Editor: Fold Level 7", "description": "Fold all regions at level 7 in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.fold.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Fold", "description": "Fold/unfold the region in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.bold.add", "title": "Editor: Add Bold", "description": "Add bold formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.bold.remove", "title": "Editor: Remove Bold", "description": "Remove bold formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.bold.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Bold", "description": "Toggle bold formatting in the editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.italic.add", "title": "Editor: Add Italic", "description": "Add italic formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.italic.remove", "title": "Editor: Remove Italic", "description": "Remove italic formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.italic.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Italic", "description": "Toggle italic formatting in the editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.strikethrough.add", "title": "Editor: Add Strikethrough", "description": "Add strikethrough formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.strikethrough.remove", "title": "Editor: Remove Strikethrough", "description": "Remove strikethrough formatting in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.formatting.strikethrough.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Strikethrough", "description": "Toggle strikethrough formatting in the editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.forwardDelete", "title": "Editor: Forward Delete", "description": "Delete the selected text or the following character from the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Go To Next Highlight", "description": "Go to the next highlight in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.go.highlight.previous", "title": "Editor: Go To Previous Highlight", "description": "Go to the previous highlight in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.go.line", "title": "Editor: Go To Line", "description": "Go to a line in the editor", "args": "row, column?, revealType?, scrollType?" },
{ "command": "editor.go.selection.anchor", "title": "Editor: Go To Selection Anchor", "description": "Go to the selection anchor in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.heading.decrease", "title": "Editor: Decrease Heading", "description": "Decrease the heading level in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.heading.increase", "title": "Editor: Increase Heading", "description": "Increase the heading level in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.heading.set", "title": "Editor: Set Heading", "description": "Set the heading level in the editor", "args": "level" },
{ "command": "editor.indent", "title": "Editor: Indent", "description": "Indent more in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.indent.line", "title": "Editor: Indent Line", "description": "Indent the line more in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.cursor.down", "title": "Editor: Insert Cursor Down", "description": "Insert a cursor down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.cursor.line.end", "title": "Editor: Insert Cursor At Line End", "description": "Insert a cursor at the end of each selected line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.cursor.up", "title": "Editor: Insert Cursor Up", "description": "Insert a cursor up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.cursors.down", "title": "Editor: Insert Cursors Down", "description": "Insert a cursors all the way down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.cursors.up", "title": "Editor: Insert Cursors Up", "description": "Insert cursors all the way up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.line.down", "title": "Editor: Insert Line Down", "description": "Insert a line down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.line.up", "title": "Editor: Insert Line Up", "description": "Insert a line up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.newline", "title": "Editor: Insert Newline", "description": "Insert a newline in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.pagebreak", "title": "Editor: Insert Page Break", "description": "Insert a page break in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.template", "title": "Editor: Insert Template", "description": "Insert a template in the editor", "args": "template?" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.timestamp", "title": "Editor: Insert Timestamp", "description": "Insert a timestamp in the editor, a custom format string with some of the following placeholders can be provided too: [YYYY], [YY], [MM], [DD], [HH], [mm], [ss], [fff]", "args": "format?" },
{ "command": "editor.insert.toc", "title": "Editor: Insert Table Of Contents", "description": "Insert a dynamic table of contents in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.join.lines", "title": "Editor: Join Lines", "description": "Join lines in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Open Link", "description": "Open the current link in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.mode.split.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Split Mode", "description": "Disable split mode for the note editor" },
{ "command": "editor.mode.split.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Split Mode", "description": "Enable split mode for the note editor" },
{ "command": "editor.mode.split.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Split Mode", "description": "Enable/disable split mode for the note editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.move.line.down", "title": "Editor: Move Line Down", "description": "Move the line down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.move.line.up", "title": "Editor: Move Line Up", "description": "Move the line up in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Open", "description": "Open the note editor" },
{ "command": "editor.outdent", "title": "Editor: Outdent", "description": "Indent less in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.outdent.line", "title": "Editor: Outdent Line", "description": "Indent the line less in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.paste", "title": "Editor: Paste", "description": "Paste from the clipboard in the editor", "args": "text?" },
{ "command": "editor.pasteAsImage", "title": "Editor: Paste As Image", "description": "Paste the image from the clipboard in the editor, if any" },
{ "command": "editor.pasteAsLink", "title": "Editor: Paste As Link", "description": "Paste the text from the clipboard as a link in the editor, if any", "args": "text?" },
{ "command": "editor.pasteAsText", "title": "Editor: Paste As Text", "description": "Paste the text from the clipboard in the editor, if any", "args": "text?" },
{ "command": "editor.redo", "title": "Editor: Redo", "description": "Redo the last action in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Save", "description": "Save the current editor" },
{ "command": "editor.scroll.line.down", "title": "Editor: Scroll Line Down", "description": "Scroll down by a line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.scroll.line.up", "title": "Editor: Scroll Line Up", "description": "Scroll up by a line in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Scroll Page Down", "description": "Scroll down by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Scroll Page Up", "description": "Scroll up by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.all", "title": "Editor: Select All", "description": "Select everything in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.anchor", "title": "Editor: Select From Anchor", "description": "Select from the current position to the selection anchor in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.anchor.clear", "title": "Editor: Clear Selection Anchor", "description": "Clear all selection anchor from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.anchor.set", "title": "Editor: Set Selection Anchor", "description": "Set the selection anchor at the current position in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.bottom", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Bottom", "description": "Expand the selection to the bottom in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.clear", "title": "Editor: Clear Selection", "description": "Remove other selections from the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.down", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection Down", "description": "Expand the selection down in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.export", "title": "Editor: Export Selection...", "description": "Export the selection in the editor", "args": "format?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.highlight.all", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To All Highlights", "description": "Expand the selection to all highlights in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.left", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Left", "description": "Expand the selection to the left in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.line.end", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Line End", "description": "Expand the selection to the end of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.line.expand", "title": "Editor: Expand Line Selection", "description": "Expand the line selection in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.line.start", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Line Start", "description": "Expand the selection to the start of the line in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Add Cursor To Next Selection", "description": "Add a cursor to the next occurrence of the selection in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Move Cursor To Next Selection", "description": "Move the cursor to the next occurrence of the selection in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Page Down", "description": "Expand the selection down by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Page Up", "description": "Expand the selection up by a page in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.print", "title": "Editor: Print Selection...", "description": "Print the selection in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.right", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Right", "description": "Expand the selection to the right in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.share", "title": "Editor: Share Selection...", "description": "Share the selection in the editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Top", "description": "Expand the selection to the top in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.up", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection Up", "description": "Expand the selection up in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.word.end", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Word End", "description": "Expand the selection to the end of the word in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.word.start", "title": "Editor: Expand Selection To Word Start", "description": "Expand the selection to the start of the word in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.selection.words", "title": "Editor: Select Words", "description": "Select all matching words found in the editor", "args": "word?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.indentation.guides.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Indentation Guides", "description": "Disable indentation guides in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.indentation.guides.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Indentation Guides", "description": "Enable indentation guides in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.indentation.guides.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Indentation Guides", "description": "Enable/disable indentation guides in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.lineNumbers.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Line Numbers", "description": "Disable line numbers in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.lineNumbers.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Line Numbers", "description": "Enable line numbers in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.lineNumbers.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Line Numbers", "description": "Enable/disable line numbers in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.minimap.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Minimap", "description": "Disable the minimap in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.minimap.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Minimap", "description": "Enable the minimap in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.minimap.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Minimap", "description": "Enable/disable the minimap in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.rulers.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Rulers", "description": "Disable rulers in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.rulers.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Rulers", "description": "Enable rulers in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.rulers.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Rulers", "description": "Enable/disable rulers in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.scrollBeyondLastLine.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Scrolling Beyond Last Line", "description": "Disable scrolling beyond the last line in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.scrollBeyondLastLine.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Scrolling Beyond Last Line", "description": "Enable scrolling beyond the last line in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.scrollBeyondLastLine.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Scrolling Beyond Last Line", "description": "Enable/disable scrolling beyond the last line in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.wordWrap.disable", "title": "Editor: Disable Word Wrapping", "description": "Disable word wrapping in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.wordWrap.enable", "title": "Editor: Enable Word Wrapping", "description": "Enable word wrapping in editors" },
{ "command": "editor.setting.wordWrap.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Word Wrapping", "description": "Enable/disable word wrapping in editors", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.sort.ascending", "title": "Editor: Sort Lines Ascending", "description": "Sort lines ascending in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.sort.descending", "title": "Editor: Sort Lines Descending", "description": "Sort lines descending in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.spelling.replace", "title": "Editor: Replace Spelling", "description": "Replace the spelling of one word with another", "args": "wrongSpelling, correctSpelling" },
{ "command": "editor.table.format.all", "title": "Editor: Format All Tables", "description": "Format all tables in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.table.format.current", "title": "Editor: Format Current Table", "description": "Format the current table in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.task.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle Task", "description": "Add/remove tasks in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.task.toggleDone", "title": "Editor: Toggle Done Task", "description": "Mark tasks as done/undone in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.toggle", "title": "Editor: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the note editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "editor.transform.lowercase", "title": "Editor: Transform To Lowercase", "description": "Transfrom the selected text to lowercase in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.transform.titlecase", "title": "Editor: Transform To Titlecase", "description": "Transfrom the selected text to titlecase in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.transform.uppercase", "title": "Editor: Transform To Uppercase", "description": "Transfrom the selected text to uppercase in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.undo", "title": "Editor: Undo", "description": "Undo the last action in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.unfold", "title": "Editor: Unfold", "description": "Unfold the region in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.unfold.all", "title": "Editor: Unfold All", "description": "Unfold all regions in the editor" },
{ "command": "editor.unfold.deep", "title": "Editor: Deep Unfold", "description": "Deeply unfold the region in the editor" },
{ "command": "export", "title": "Export...", "description": "Export the selected notes", "args": "notes?, format?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.html", "title": "Export: HTML", "description": "Export the selected notes to HTML", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.jpeg", "title": "Export: JPEG", "description": "Export the selected notes to JPEG", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.json", "title": "Export: JSON", "description": "Export the selected notes to JSON", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.markdown", "title": "Export: Markdown", "description": "Export the selected notes to Markdown", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.markdownRaw", "title": "Export: Markdown (No Metadata)", "description": "Export the selected notes to Markdown without any metadata", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.pdf", "title": "Export: PDF", "description": "Export the selected notes to PDF", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "export.png", "title": "Export: PNG", "description": "Export the selected notes to PNG", "args": "notes?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "file.copy", "title": "File: Copy...", "description": "Copy the file name of a file to the clipboard", "args": "filePath" },
{ "command": "file.copyPath", "title": "File: Copy Path...", "description": "Copy the absolute path of a file to the clipboard", "args": "filePath" },
{ "command": "", "title": "File: Open In Default App...", "description": "Open a file with the default app", "args": "filePath" },
{ "command": "file.reveal", "title": "File: Reveal In Folder...", "description": "Reveal a file in its parent folder", "args": "filePath" },
{ "command": "focus.reset", "title": "Focus: Reset", "description": "Reset the focus" },
{ "command": "help.cheatsheet", "title": "Help: Markdown Cheatsheet", "description": "Open the cheatsheet help page" },
{ "command": "help.commands", "title": "Help: Commands", "description": "Open the commands help page" },
{ "command": "help.contextKeys", "title": "Help: Context Keys", "description": "Open the context keys help page" },
{ "command": "help.links", "title": "Help: Links", "description": "Open the links help page" },
{ "command": "help.notebooks", "title": "Help: Notebooks", "description": "Open the notebooks help page" },
{ "command": "help.palette", "title": "Help: Palette", "description": "Open the palette help page" },
{ "command": "help.scheme", "title": "Help: Scheme", "description": "Open the scheme help page" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Help: Search", "description": "Open the search help page" },
{ "command": "help.settings", "title": "Help: Settings", "description": "Open the settings help page" },
{ "command": "help.shortcuts", "title": "Help: Shortcuts", "description": "Open the shortcuts help page" },
{ "command": "help.tags", "title": "Help: Tags", "description": "Open the tags help page" },
{ "command": "help.telemetry", "title": "Help: Telemetry", "description": "Open the telemetry help page" },
{ "command": "help.templates", "title": "Help: Templates", "description": "Open the templates help page" },
{ "command": "help.themes", "title": "Help: Themes", "description": "Open the themes help page" },
{ "command": "help.tutorial", "title": "Help: Tutorial", "description": "Open the tutorial help page" },
{ "command": "import", "title": "Import...", "description": "Import some supported files" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Link: Chat", "description": "Open the external link to the chat" },
{ "command": "link.cheatsheet", "title": "Link: Cheatsheet", "description": "Open the external link to the cheatsheet" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Link: Download", "description": "Open the external link to manually download the app" },
{ "command": "link.homepage", "title": "Link: Homepage", "description": "Open the external link to the homapage" },
{ "command": "link.issues", "title": "Link: Issue Tracker", "description": "Open the external link to the issue tracker" },
{ "command": "link.releases", "title": "Link: Releases", "description": "Open the external link to the releases page" },
{ "command": "link.releases.insiders", "title": "Link: Insiders Releases", "description": "Open the external link to the insiders releases page" },
{ "command": "link.reportIssue", "title": "Link: Report Issue", "description": "Open the external link for reporting an issue" },
{ "command": "link.repository", "title": "Link: Repository", "description": "Open the external link to the repository" },
{ "command": "link.requestFeature", "title": "Link: Request Feature", "description": "Open the external link for requesting a feature" },
{ "command": "link.sponsor", "title": "Link: Sponsor", "description": "Open the external link to the sponsorship page" },
{ "command": "link.subreddit", "title": "Link: Subreddit", "description": "Open the external link to the subreddit" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Link: Support", "description": "Open the external link for requesting support" },
{ "command": "link.tutorial", "title": "Link: Tutorial", "description": "Open the external link to the tutorial" },
{ "command": "link.twitter", "title": "Link: Twitter", "description": "Open the external link to the Twitter account" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Link: YouTube", "description": "Open the external link to the YouTube channel" },
{ "command": "macro", "title": "Macro: Run", "description": "Execute a sequence of commands", "args": "( command | [command, argument[]] )[]" },
{ "command": "modal.close", "title": "Modal: Close", "description": "Close the open modal" },
{ "command": "noop", "title": "Noop", "description": "A command that does nothing" },
{ "command": "note.archive", "title": "Note: Archive", "description": "Archive a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.attachment.add", "title": "Note: Add Attachments...", "description": "Add some attachments to a note", "args": "note?, ( filePath | filePath[] )?, embed?, link?" },
{ "command": "note.attachment.embed", "title": "Note: Embed Attachment...", "description": "Embed an attachment in a note", "args": "note?, attachment?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: Link Attachment...", "description": "Link an attachment in a note", "args": "note?, attachment?" },
{ "command": "note.attachment.remove", "title": "Note: Remove Attachment...", "description": "Remove an attachment from a note", "args": "note?, attachment?" },
{ "command": "note.copy", "title": "Note: Copy", "description": "Copy the title of a note to the clipboard", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.copyLink", "title": "Note: Copy Link", "description": "Copy the link to a note to the clipboard", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Note: Copy Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to a note to the clipboard", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.copyPath", "title": "Note: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of a note to the clipboard", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.delete", "title": "Note: Delete", "description": "Delete a note from disk", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.duplicate", "title": "Note: Duplicate", "description": "Create a new note duplicating the current one", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.export", "title": "Note: Export...", "description": "Export a note", "args": "note?, format?, mode?, exportFolder?" },
{ "command": "note.favorite", "title": "Note: Favorite", "description": "Favorite a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.go.heading", "title": "Note: Go To Heading", "description": "Go to a heading in a note", "args": "note?, heading" },
{ "command": "note.go.heading.first", "title": "Note: Go To First Heading", "description": "Go to the first heading in a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.go.heading.last", "title": "Note: Go To Last Heading", "description": "Go to the last heading in a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: Go To Next Heading", "description": "Go to the next heading in a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.go.heading.previous", "title": "Note: Go To Previous Heading", "description": "Go to the previous heading in a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.go.line", "title": "Note: Go To Line", "description": "Go to a line in a note", "args": "note?, row, column?" },
{ "command": "note.metadata.editor.close", "title": "Note: Close Metadata Editor", "description": "Close the note metadata editor", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: Open Metadata Editor", "description": "Open the note metadata editor", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.metadata.editor.toggle", "title": "Note: Toggle Metadata Editor", "description": "Open/close the note metadata editor", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: New", "description": "Create a new note", "args": "title?" },
{ "command": "note.newFromTemplate", "title": "Note: New From Template", "description": "Create a new note from a template", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: Open In Default App", "description": "Open a note with the default app", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.openTab", "title": "Notes: Open In Tab", "description": "Open a note in a tab", "args": "note" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Note: Pin", "description": "Pin a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.print", "title": "Note: Print...", "description": "Print a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.rename", "title": "Note: Rename...", "description": "Rename a note", "args": "note?, title?" },
{ "command": "note.reveal", "title": "Note: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal a note in its parent folder", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.share", "title": "Note: Share Via Link...", "description": "Generate a shareable link for a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.tag.add", "title": "Note: Add Tag...", "description": "Add an existing tag to a note", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "note.tag.remove", "title": "Note: Remove Tag...", "description": "Remove an existing tag from a note", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "note.tag.rename", "title": "Note: Rename Tag...", "description": "Rename an existing tag of a note", "args": "tag?, tagNext?" },
{ "command": "note.tag.toggle", "title": "Note: Toggle Tag...", "description": "Add/remove a tag to/from a note", "args": "tag?, force?" },
{ "command": "note.toggleArchive", "title": "Note: Toggle Archive", "description": "Archive/unarchive a note", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "note.toggleFavorite", "title": "Note: Toggle Favorite", "description": "Favorite/unfavorite a note", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "note.togglePin", "title": "Note: Toggle Pin", "description": "Pin/unpin a note", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "note.toggleTrash", "title": "Note: Toggle Trash", "description": "Move/Restore a note to/from the trash", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "note.trash", "title": "Note: Move To Trash", "description": "Move a note to the trash", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.unarchive", "title": "Note: Unarchive", "description": "Unarchive a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.unfavorite", "title": "Note: Unfavorite", "description": "Unfavorite a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.unpin", "title": "Note: Unpin", "description": "Unpin a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.untrash", "title": "Note: Restore From Trash", "description": "Restore a note from the trash", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.words.count", "title": "Note: Show Words Count", "description": "Show the words count for a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "note.words.frequency", "title": "Note: Show Words Frequency", "description": "Show the words frequency for a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "notes.archive", "title": "Notes: Archive", "description": "Archive all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.copyLinks", "title": "Notes: Copy Links", "description": "Copy links to all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.copyMarkdownLinks", "title": "Notes: Copy Markdown Links", "description": "Copy Markdown links to all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.copyPaths", "title": "Notes: Copy Paths", "description": "Copy the absolute paths of all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.delete", "title": "Notes: Delete", "description": "Delete all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.export", "title": "Notes: Export...", "description": "Export all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.favorite", "title": "Notes: Favorite", "description": "Favorite all selected notes" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Notes: Open In Default App", "description": "Open all selected notes with the default app" },
{ "command": "notes.openTabs", "title": "Notes: Open In Tabs", "description": "Open all selected notes in tabs" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Notes: Pin", "description": "Pin all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.print", "title": "Notes: Print...", "description": "Print all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.selection.all", "title": "Notes: Select All", "description": "Select all notes" },
{ "command": "notes.selection.clear", "title": "Notes: Clear Selection", "description": "Deselect all notes" },
{ "command": "notes.selection.invert", "title": "Notes: Invert Selection", "description": "Invert selection for all notes" },
{ "command": "notes.share", "title": "Notes: Share Via Link...", "description": "Generate a shareable link for all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.tags.add", "title": "Notes: Add Tags", "description": "Add tags to all selected notes", "args": "tag | tag[]" },
{ "command": "notes.tags.remove", "title": "Notes: Remove Tags", "description": "Remove tags from all selected notes", "args": "tag | tag[]" },
{ "command": "notes.trash", "title": "Notes: Move To Trash", "description": "Move all selected notes to the trash" },
{ "command": "notes.unarchive", "title": "Notes: Unarchive", "description": "Unarchive all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.unfavorite", "title": "Notes: Unfavorite", "description": "Unfavorite all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.unpin", "title": "Notes: Unpin", "description": "Unpin all selected notes" },
{ "command": "notes.untrash", "title": "Notes: Restore From Trash", "description": "Restore all selected notes from the trash" },
{ "command": "notification.alert", "title": "Notification: Alert", "description": "Open an alert notification", "args": "text" },
{ "command": "notification.close", "title": "Notification: Close", "description": "Close an open notification" },
{ "command": "palette", "title": "Palette", "description": "Open the palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.attachment", "title": "Palette: Attachment", "description": "Open the attachment palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.command", "title": "Palette: Command", "description": "Open the command palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.cwd", "title": "Palette: Data Directory", "description": "Open the data directory palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.default", "title": "Palette: Default", "description": "Open the default palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.emoji", "title": "Palette: Emoji", "description": "Open the emoji palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.file", "title": "Palette: File", "description": "Open the file palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.heading", "title": "Palette: Heading", "description": "Open the heading palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Palette: Help", "description": "Open the help palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.language", "title": "Palette: Language", "description": "Open the programming language palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.line", "title": "Palette: Line", "description": "Open the line palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.note", "title": "Palette: Note", "description": "Open the note palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.noteAttachment", "title": "Palette: Note Attachment", "description": "Open the note attachment palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.noteTag", "title": "Palette: Note Tag", "description": "Open the note tag palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.palette", "title": "Palette: Palette", "description": "Open the palette palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Palette: Search", "description": "Open the search palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.searchWithCurrent", "title": "Palette: Search With Current", "description": "Open the search palette searching for the current query" },
{ "command": "palette.sort", "title": "Palette: Sort", "description": "Open the sort palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.sortDimension", "title": "Palette: Sort Dimension", "description": "Open the sort dimension palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.sortOrder", "title": "Palette: Sort Order", "description": "Open the sort order palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Palette: Tab", "description": "Open the tab palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.tag", "title": "Palette: Tag", "description": "Open the tag palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "palette.theme", "title": "Palette: Theme", "description": "Open the theme palette", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "pointer.screencast.disable", "title": "Pointer: Disable Screencast", "description": "Disable pointer screencasting" },
{ "command": "pointer.screencast.enable", "title": "Pointer: Enable Screencast", "description": "Enable pointer screencasting" },
{ "command": "pointer.screencast.toggle", "title": "Pointer: Toggle Screencast", "description": "Enable/disable pointer screencasting" },
{ "command": "popover.close", "title": "Popover: Close", "description": "Close the open popover" },
{ "command": "preview.focus", "title": "Preview: Focus", "description": "Focus to the preview" },
{ "command": "preview.go.heading", "title": "Preview: Go To Heading", "description": "Go to a heading in the preview", "args": "id?, heading" },
{ "command": "preview.go.heading.first", "title": "Preview: Go To First Heading", "description": "Go to the first heading in the preview", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "preview.go.heading.last", "title": "Preview: Go To Last Heading", "description": "Go to the last heading in the preview", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Preview: Go To Next Heading", "description": "Go to the next heading in the preview", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "preview.go.heading.previous", "title": "Preview: Go To Previous Heading", "description": "Go to the previous heading in the preview", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "preview.heading.copy", "title": "Preview: Copy Heading", "description": "Copy an heading's id to the clipboard", "args": "headingId?" },
{ "command": "preview.heading.copyLink", "title": "Preview: Copy Heading Link", "description": "Copy the link to an heading to the clipboard", "args": "headingId?" },
{ "command": "preview.heading.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Preview: Copy Heading Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to an heading to the clipboard", "args": "headingId?" },
{ "command": "preview.selectAll", "title": "Preview: Select All", "description": "Select all text in the preview" },
{ "command": "print", "title": "Print...", "description": "Print the selected notes" },
{ "command": "processExplorer.close", "title": "Process Explorer: Close", "description": "Close the process explorer" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Process Explorer: Open", "description": "Open the process explorer" },
{ "command": "processExplorer.statusbar.disable", "title": "Process Explorer: Disable Statusbar", "description": "Disable the process explorer statusbar" },
{ "command": "processExplorer.statusbar.enable", "title": "Process Explorer: Enable Statusbar", "description": "Enable the process explorer statusbar" },
{ "command": "processExplorer.statusbar.toggle", "title": "Process Explorer: Toggle Statusbar", "description": "Enable/disable the process explorer statusbar", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "processExplorer.toggle", "title": "Process Explorer: Toggle", "description": "Open/close the process explorer", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "quickModal.close", "title": "Quick Modal: Close", "description": "Close the quick modal" },
{ "command": "quickPick.clear", "title": "Quick Pick: Clear", "description": "Clear the query in the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.close", "title": "Quick Pick: Close", "description": "Close the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.focus", "title": "Quick Pick: Focus", "description": "Focus to the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.item.first", "title": "Quick Pick: First", "description": "Select the first item in the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.item.last", "title": "Quick Pick: Last", "description": "Select the last item in the quick pick" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Quick Pick: Next", "description": "Select the next item in the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.item.pick", "title": "Quick Pick: Pick", "description": "Pick the currently selected item" },
{ "command": "quickPick.item.pickIndex", "title": "Quick Pick: Pick Item At Index", "description": "Pick the item at index", "args": "index" },
{ "command": "quickPick.item.previous", "title": "Quick Pick: Previous", "description": "Select the previous item in the quick pick" },
{ "command": "quickPick.query", "title": "Quick Pick: Query", "description": "Search the quick pick using the provided query", "args": "query" },
{ "command": "search.clear", "title": "Search: Clear", "description": "Clear the query in the search bar" },
{ "command": "search.copy", "title": "Search: Copy", "description": "Copy the current search query to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "search.copyLink", "title": "Search: Copy Link", "description": "Copy the link to the current search query to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "search.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Search: Copy Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to the current search query to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "search.focus", "title": "Search: Focus", "description": "Focus to the search bar" },
{ "command": "search.item.first", "title": "Search: First", "description": "Open the first item in the search results" },
{ "command": "search.item.last", "title": "Search: Last", "description": "Open the last item in the search results" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Search: Next", "description": "Open the next item in the search results" },
{ "command": "search.item.openIndex", "title": "Search: Open Item At Index", "description": "Open the item at index in the search results", "args": "index" },
{ "command": "search.item.previous", "title": "Search: Previous", "description": "Open the previous item in the search results" },
{ "command": "search.query", "title": "Search: Query", "description": "Search using the provided query", "args": "query" },
{ "command": "search.query.forget", "title": "Search: Remove from Recents", "description": "Remove the current query from the list of recent search queries", "args": "query?" },
{ "command": "settings.cwd.copyPath", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of the current data-directory-level settings file to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "settings.cwd.cycle", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Cycle", "description": "Cycle between all the provided settings objects at the data-directory-level", "args": "settings[]" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Open In Default App", "description": "Open the data-directory-level settings file with the default app" },
{ "command": "settings.cwd.reveal", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal the data-directory-level settings file in its parent folder" },
{ "command": "settings.cwd.set", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Set", "description": "Set a settings object, or a value at path, at the data-directory-level", "args": "settings | ( path, value )" },
{ "command": "settings.cwd.toggle", "title": "Settings - Data Directory: Toggle", "description": "Toggle the setting found at path at the data-directory-level", "args": "path, force?" },
{ "command": "settings.cycle", "title": "Settings: Cycle", "description": "Cycle between all the provided settings objects", "args": "settings[]" },
{ "command": "settings.editor.close", "title": "Settings: Close Editor", "description": "Close the settings editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings: Open Editor", "description": "Open the settings editor" },
{ "command": "settings.editor.toggle", "title": "Settings: Toggle Editor", "description": "Open/close the settings editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of the current global-level settings file to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Cycle", "description": "Cycle between all the provided settings objects at the global-level", "args": "settings[]" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Open In Default App", "description": "Open the global-level settings file with the default app" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal the global-level settings file in its parent folder" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Set", "description": "Set a settings object, or a value at path, at the global-level", "args": "settings | ( path, value )" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Settings - Global: Toggle", "description": "Toggle the setting found at path at the global-level", "args": "path, force?" },
{ "command": "settings.set", "title": "Settings: Set", "description": "Set a settings object, or a value at path", "args": "settings | ( path, value )" },
{ "command": "settings.toggle", "title": "Settings: Toggle", "description": "Toggle the setting found at path", "args": "path, force?" },
{ "command": "shortcut.copy", "title": "Shortcut: Copy", "description": "Copy a shortcut to the clipboard", "args": "shortcut" },
{ "command": "shortcut.copyLink", "title": "Shortcut: Copy Link", "description": "Copy the link to a shortcut to the clipboard", "args": "shortcut" },
{ "command": "shortcut.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Shortcut: Copy Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to a shortcut to the clipboard", "args": "shortcut" },
{ "command": "shortcut.trigger", "title": "Shortcut: Trigger", "description": "Trigger a shortcut", "args": "shortcut" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.cwd.copyPath", "title": "Shortcuts - Data Directory: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of the current data-directory-level shortcuts file to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Shortcuts - Data Directory: Open In Default App", "description": "Open the data-directory-level shortcuts file with the default app" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.cwd.reveal", "title": "Shortcuts - Data Directory: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal the data-directory-level shortcuts file in its parent folder" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.editor.close", "title": "Shortcuts: Close Editor", "description": "Close the shortcus editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Shortcuts: Open Editor", "description": "Open the shortcus editor" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.editor.toggle", "title": "Shortcuts: Toggle Editor", "description": "Open/close the shortcus editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Shortcuts - Global: Copy Path", "description": "Copy the absolute path of the current global-level shortcuts file to the clipboard" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Shortcuts - Global: Open In Default App", "description": "Open the global-level shortcuts file with the default app" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Shortcuts - Global: Reveal In Folder", "description": "Reveal the global-level shortcuts file in its parent folder" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.screencast.disable", "title": "Shortcuts: Disable Screencast", "description": "Disable shortcuts screencasting" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.screencast.enable", "title": "Shortcuts: Enable Screencast", "description": "Enable shortcuts screencasting" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.screencast.reset", "title": "Shortcuts: Reset Screencast", "description": "Reset shortcuts screencasting" },
{ "command": "shortcuts.screencast.toggle", "title": "Shortcuts: Toggle Screencast", "description": "Enable/disable shortcuts screencasting" },
{ "command": "sleep", "title": "Sleep", "description": "Wait the provided amount of milliseconds", "args": "ms" },
{ "command": "sort.dimension.cycle", "title": "Sort: Cycle Dimensions", "description": "Cycle between all the available sort dimensions" },
{ "command": "sort.dimension.set", "title": "Sort: Set Dimension...", "description": "Set the sort dimension", "args": "dimension?" },
{ "command": "sort.order.cycle", "title": "Sort: Cycle Orders", "description": "Cycle between all the available sort orders" },
{ "command": "sort.order.set", "title": "Sort: Set Order...", "description": "Set the sort order", "args": "order?" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.dictionary.exclude", "title": "Spell Checker: Exclude Words From Dictionary", "description": "Exclude words from the spell checker dictionary", "args": "word | word[]" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.dictionary.include", "title": "Spell Checker: Include Words In Dictionary", "description": "Include words in the spell checker dictionary", "args": "word | word[]" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.dictionary.set", "title": "Spell Checker: Set Dictionary", "description": "Set the dictionary to be used for a note", "args": "note?, language?" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.dictionary.setAuto", "title": "Spell Checker: Automatically Set Dictionary", "description": "Infer the dictionary to be used for a note", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.disable", "title": "Spell Checker: Disable", "description": "Disable the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.enable", "title": "Spell Checker: Enable", "description": "Enable the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.toggle", "title": "Spell Checker: Toggle", "description": "Enable/disable the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.word.first", "title": "Spell Checker: First Word", "description": "Select the first mispelled word found by the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.word.last", "title": "Spell Checker: Last Word", "description": "Select the last mispelled word found by the spell checker" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Spell Checker: Next Word", "description": "Select the next mispelled word found by the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.word.previous", "title": "Spell Checker: Previous Word", "description": "Select the previous mispelled word found by the spell checker" },
{ "command": "spellChecker.words.frequency", "title": "Spell Checker: Show Words Frequency", "description": "Show the frequency of mispelled words found by the spelle checker" },
{ "command": "standaloneEditor.close", "title": "Standalone Editor: Close", "description": "Close the standalone editor" },
{ "command": "standaloneEditor.first", "title": "Standalone Editor: Go To First", "description": "Go to to the first standalone editor" },
{ "command": "standaloneEditor.last", "title": "Standalone Editor: Go To Last", "description": "Go to to the last standalone editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Standalone Editor: Go To Next", "description": "Go to the next standalone editor" },
{ "command": "standaloneEditor.previous", "title": "Standalone Editor: Go To Previous", "description": "Go to the previous standalone editor" },
{ "command": "tab.close", "title": "Tab: Close", "description": "Close a tab", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "tab.first", "title": "Tab: First", "description": "Open the first tab" },
{ "command": "tab.last", "title": "Tab: Last", "description": "Open the last tab" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tab: New...", "description": "Open a new tab", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tab: Next", "description": "Open the next tab" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tab: Open...", "description": "Open an existing tab", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "tab.openIndex", "title": "Tab: Open At Index", "description": "Open the tab at index", "args": "index" },
{ "command": "tab.persist", "title": "Tab: Persist", "description": "Persist a tab", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "tab.previous", "title": "Tab: Previous", "description": "Open the previous tab" },
{ "command": "tab.togglePersist", "title": "Tab: Toggle Persist", "description": "Persist/unpersist a tab", "args": "note?, force?" },
{ "command": "tab.unpersist", "title": "Tab: Unpersist", "description": "Unpersist a tab", "args": "note?" },
{ "command": "tabs.close", "title": "Tabs: Close", "description": "Close all tabs" },
{ "command": "tabs.closeLeft", "title": "Tabs: Close To The Left", "description": "Close all the other tabs to the left" },
{ "command": "tabs.closeOthers", "title": "Tabs: Close Others", "description": "Close all the other tabs" },
{ "command": "tabs.closeRight", "title": "Tabs: Close To The Right", "description": "Close all the other tabs to the right" },
{ "command": "tag.collapse", "title": "Tag: Collapse", "description": "Collapse a tag", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.copy", "title": "Tag: Copy", "description": "Copy a tag's path to the clipboard", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.copyLink", "title": "Tag: Copy Link", "description": "Copy the link to a tag to the clipboard", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.copyMarkdownLink", "title": "Tag: Copy Markdown Link", "description": "Copy the Markdown link to a tag to the clipboard", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.delete", "title": "Tag: Delete", "description": "Remove a tag from all notes", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.expand", "title": "Tag: Expand", "description": "Expand a tag", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.first", "title": "Tag: First", "description": "Select the first tag" },
{ "command": "tag.last", "title": "Tag: Last", "description": "Select the last tag" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tag: New", "description": "Create a new tag", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tag: New Notebook", "description": "Create a new notebook tag", "args": "notebook?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tag: New Template", "description": "Create a new template tag", "args": "template?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tag: Next", "description": "Go the next tag" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tag: Open...", "description": "Open a tag", "args": "tag?" },
{ "command": "tag.previous", "title": "Tag: Previous", "description": "Go to the previous tag" },
{ "command": "tag.rename", "title": "Tag: Rename", "description": "Rename a tag for all notes", "args": "tag?, tagNext?" },
{ "command": "tag.toggle", "title": "Tag: Toggle Active", "description": "Activate/deactivate a tag", "args": "tag?, force?, reset?" },
{ "command": "tag.toggleCollapse", "title": "Tag: Toggle Collapse", "description": "Collapse/expand a tag", "args": "tag?, force?" },
{ "command": "tags.editor.close", "title": "Tags: Close Editor", "description": "Close the tags editor" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tags: Open Editor", "description": "Open the tags editor" },
{ "command": "tags.editor.toggle", "title": "Tags: Toggle Editor", "description": "Open/close the tags editor", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "theme.install", "title": "Theme: Install...", "description": "Install a theme", "args": "theme?, variant?" },
{ "command": "theme.set", "title": "Theme: Set...", "description": "Set the theme", "args": "theme?" },
{ "command": "theme.setColor", "title": "Theme: Set Color", "description": "Set a custom color override", "args": "key, color?" },
{ "command": "theme.uninstall", "title": "Theme: Uninstall...", "description": "Uninstall a theme", "args": "id?" },
{ "command": "themes.cycle", "title": "Themes: Cycle", "description": "Cycle between all installed themes" },
{ "command": "tracer.record", "title": "Tracer: Record", "description": "Record a performance trace for a few seconds", "args": "seconds?" },
{ "command": "tracer.start", "title": "Tracer: Start", "description": "Start recording a performance trace" },
{ "command": "tracer.stop", "title": "Tracer: Stop", "description": "Stop recording a performance trace" },
{ "command": "trash.empty", "title": "Trash: Empty", "description": "Delete all notes in the trash" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Tutorial: Open...", "description": "Ask whether to import the tutorial notes or open the tutorial help page" },
{ "command": "update.runManually", "title": "Updater: Manually Check For Updates", "description": "Manually check for updates" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Updater: Check For Updates...", "description": "Check for updates", "args": "verbose?" },
{ "command": "view.menubar.disable", "title": "View: Disable Menubar", "description": "Disable the menubar" },
{ "command": "view.menubar.enable", "title": "View: Enable Menubar", "description": "Enable the menubar" },
{ "command": "view.menubar.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Menubar", "description": "Enable/disable the menubar", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.middlebar.disable", "title": "View: Disable Middlebar", "description": "Disable the middlebar" },
{ "command": "view.middlebar.enable", "title": "View: Enable Middlebar", "description": "Enable the middlebar" },
{ "command": "view.middlebar.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Middlebar", "description": "Enable/disable the middlebar", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.mode.centered.disable", "title": "View: Disable Centered Mode", "description": "Disable centered mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.centered.enable", "title": "View: Enable Centered Mode", "description": "Enable centered mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.centered.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Centered Mode", "description": "Enable/disable centered mode", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.mode.focus.disable", "title": "View: Disable Focus Mode", "description": "Disable focus mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.focus.enable", "title": "View: Enable Focus Mode", "description": "Enable focus mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.focus.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Focus Mode", "description": "Enable/disable focus mode", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.mode.zen.disable", "title": "View: Disable Zen Mode", "description": "Disable zen mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.zen.enable", "title": "View: Enable Zen Mode", "description": "Enable zen mode" },
{ "command": "view.mode.zen.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Zen Mode", "description": "Enable/disable zen mode", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.reset", "title": "View: Reset", "description": "Reset the view to its original state" },
{ "command": "view.sidebar.disable", "title": "View: Disable Sidebar", "description": "Disable the sidebar" },
{ "command": "view.sidebar.enable", "title": "View: Enable Sidebar", "description": "Enable the sidebar" },
{ "command": "view.sidebar.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Sidebar", "description": "Enable/disable the sidebar", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "view.statusbar.disable", "title": "View: Disable Statusbar", "description": "Disable the statusbar" },
{ "command": "view.statusbar.enable", "title": "View: Enable Statusbar", "description": "Enable the statusbar" },
{ "command": "view.statusbar.toggle", "title": "View: Toggle Statusbar", "description": "Enable/disable the statusbar", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "", "title": "View: Zoom In", "description": "Zoom the app more" },
{ "command": "view.zoom.out", "title": "View: Zoom Out", "description": "Zoom the app less" },
{ "command": "view.zoom.reset", "title": "View: Reset Zoom", "description": "Reset the app zoom level" },
{ "command": "view.zoom.set", "title": "View: Set Zoom", "description": "Set the app zoom level", "args": "zoom" },
{ "command": "window.close", "title": "Window: Close", "description": "Close the window" },
{ "command": "window.floating.disable", "title": "Window: Disable Floating On Top", "description": "Disable the window to float on top of all other windows" },
{ "command": "window.floating.enable", "title": "Window: Enable Floating On Top", "description": "Enable the window to float on top of all other windows" },
{ "command": "window.floating.toggle", "title": "Window: Toggle Floating On Top", "description": "Enable/disable the window to float on top of all other windows", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "window.fullscreen.enter", "title": "Window: Enter Fullscreen", "description": "Enter fullscreen" },
{ "command": "window.fullscreen.exit", "title": "Window: Exit Fullscreen", "description": "Exit fullscreen" },
{ "command": "window.fullscreen.toggle", "title": "Window: Toggle Fullscreen", "description": "Enter/exit fullscreen", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "window.maximize", "title": "Window: Maximize", "description": "Maximize the window" },
{ "command": "window.minimize", "title": "Window: Minimize", "description": "Minimize the window" },
{ "command": "window.opacity.decrease", "title": "Window: Decrease Opacity", "description": "Decrease the opacity of the window" },
{ "command": "window.opacity.increase", "title": "Window: Increase Opacity", "description": "Increase the opacity of the window" },
{ "command": "window.opacity.reset", "title": "Window: Reset Opacity", "description": "Reset the opacity of the window" },
{ "command": "window.opacity.set", "title": "Window: Set Opacity...", "description": "Set the opacity of the window", "args": "opacity?" },
{ "command": "window.screenshot", "title": "Window: Screenshot", "description": "Take a screenshot of the window" },
{ "command": "", "title": "Window: Show", "description": "Show the window" },
{ "command": "window.toggleMaximize", "title": "Window: Toggle Maximize", "description": "Maximize/unmaximize the window", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "window.toggleMinimize", "title": "Window: Toggle Minimize", "description": "Minimize/unminimize the window", "args": "force?" },
{ "command": "window.unmaximize", "title": "Window: Unmaximize", "description": "Unmaximize the window" },
{ "command": "window.unminimize", "title": "Window: Unminimize", "description": "Unminimize the window" }
Copy link

If you want to view all commands available in the current Notable version, simply open the Commands help page from within the app.

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