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Last active August 24, 2024 18:05
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  • Save MPThLee/3ccb554b9d882abc6313330e38e5dfaa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MPThLee/3ccb554b9d882abc6313330e38e5dfaa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This code doesn't work anymore. I just decided to remove this code. You can check working code on comments.
* !!!! This code doesn't work anymore !!!!
* - You can check working code on comments. I won't update this code anymore.
* Also, I just decided to remove this code. You can check revisions for old code.
* Since this code was made for discord client that almost 5 years ago, It seems like doesn't work anymore.
* I don't want people keep arguing in the comments, i decided to remove this code.
* Note: This code is now fulfilled with Javascript comments. This code won't work even if you pasted to console. doesn't do anything.
* Reference:
// Older gist description: Enable Discord Developer Menus in any environment except mobile app without BetterDiscord using Console.
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(BetterDiscord steals tokens, so I'd avoid using it on non-throwaway accounts.)

do you have anything to back this up or are you just speaking out of your ass

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