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Last active May 21, 2016 13:49
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Generator Elucidator

Generators are an interesting trope of programming languages that have been around for a long time but have just recently become a popular tool for the modern programmer. Python has had generators for some time but JavaScript is just recenlty gained them in ES2015. What exactly is a generator in these languages and does Perl 6 support something like it? It turns out Perl 6 has a number of features that—though not a one-to-one comparison—provide the same or more expressiveness.

Python & JS Generators

Python generators were added back in 2001. To define a generator you declare just as you would a regular function (def foo():) but instead of using return you use the yield keyword. This allows you to pass a value to the caller of your function and then pause the execution of your generator function until it is called again. At which point, it will proceed from just following the previous yield statement until it reaches another yield or the end of the function.

Generators like this (and JavaScript's) are known as semi-coroutines and this is because unlike full coroutines, they don't pass to some other coroutine, they merely return intermediary values to the caller's scope. While seemingly limited, this pattern is quite useful for creating iterators in a highly-customizable way. For the terminology nut: a generator function builds a generator iterator which can then be called and used just as other iterables. In both Python and JavaScript this is done by calling the next function on the iterator (in JavaScript's case it's actually a method) or via the for loop.

Note: Generators are also used as a means of representing asynchronous control flow but I will leave that to you to find out why Perl 6 already has numerous builtin features for accomplishing that. In this article, I will focus on representing generator iterators and the ability to pause execution.

Face Value

While the generator pattern can be useful in the right context, its direct equivalent is not present in Perl 6. However, there are a number of other tools at your disposal that cover all of the places you would want to use a generator. First, let's take a look at an example generator function.

def countfrom(n):
    while True:
        yield n
        n += 1

counter = countfrom(10)
next(counter) # 10
next(counter) # 11

There we have a simple Python generator that when called with next, will execute the function until the yield producing the value n that was provided to the function. Then it stops. The incrementing of n does not occur until a successive call to next. At which point it would increment and then follow the while back to the start of the loop and yield the incremented value.

Stateful Solution

I think the simplest—and perhaps closest—representation of this would be with the state declarator:

sub countfrom($n) {
    # state variables maintain their value each call to the sub
    state $counted = $n;
    return $counted++;

# xx means "times" i.e., it creates a list of RHS elements
# each containing the LHS.
say countfrom(10) xx 10; #={(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)}

This sub accurately reflects the simple generator above. The state variable is maintained between calls and thus each successive call to countfrom is returning an updated value. The argument to the routine isn't even used in subsequent calls. To better illustrate this you could return an anonymous routine that would allow calling without providing a value:

sub countfrom($n) {
    sub {
      state $counted = $n;
      return $counted++;

my &counter = countfrom(10);
say counter() xx 10; #={(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19)}

my &indices = countfrom(0);
say indices() xx 10; #={(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)}

At usage-level this is very close to the Python code however unlike in Python this function could not be dropped into a for loop. But there are other structures that could utilize this and I'll cover one after I show a slightly more complicated generator function.

Let's assume we had a generator that was to calculate some value and return it, then calculate some more and return the new value, then execute some more and return a final value. Here is the basic Python version:

def simple_generator_function():
    # calculating...
    yield 1
    # calculating...
    yield 10
    # calculating...
    yield 100

One possible solution here would be to separate the calculations and "yields" into separate code blocks inside a state array and just return a shifted and called block:

sub simple {
    state @yields = [
        { #`{ Calculating... } 1 }
        { #`{ Calculating... } 2 }
        { #`{ Calculating... } 3 }
    try @yields.shift.()

say simple(); #-> 1
say simple(); #-> 2
say simple(); #-> 3
say simple(); #-> Nil

That isn't so bad. The unfortunate part is that you have to introduce separate lexical scopes for each part of the process so you'd have to carefully pull out any variables that are needed across each block and declare them in the outermost routine scope. Now let me show you how you can use this in a looping construct:

my $i = simple();
repeat {
    say $i * 100
} while $i = simple()

Once the value reaches Nil the block no longer executes.

Lets nitpick a couple things about the state approach. For one, you are now introducing state into a routine. State already has a bad enough reputation, now we're gonna put some inside a routine?! That's nuts! I thought part of the point of generators was to avoid extra state. (Brief counterpoint: though we definitely should do our best to limit scope, careful (re: minimal or isolated) usage of these state variables can be a boon to your workflow and your codes readability.)

Another nit is that this solution can quickly become complex. Each unpaused part of the routine needs to be a separate closure and pretty soon you might have all sorts of my or state declarations at the beginning of the outermost routine body to account for separated scopes. (Brief counterpoint: more explicit scoping is not always bad; complex Python generators can quickly become a mess and with this pattern you would be required to rein it in.)

gather, take, Repeat

Perhaps the closest match for generators is really the list-building gather/take duo. The gather keyword—in some ways similar to the function* keyword in JavaScript—informs the compiler that "within these walls, take returns a value to be pushed onto an array". A bit like laying the guts of the generator out wherein the block is the building grounds for the array's elements.

my @values = gather {
    # calculating...
    take 1;
    # calculating...
    take 10;
    # calculating...
    take 100
say @values #={[1 10 100]}

However they are not entirely the same as arrays because the resultant structure is actually a Seq which is inherently lazy. As long as you remain in the Seq domain, your generator-like will lazily execute, but if you try to turn it into an Array, Perl 6 will eagerly collect all values. In the example above, @values was eagerly collected as the assignment to the container turns it into an Array. Here's an example of a gather block that stays as a Seq and thus is lazily executed:

(gather {
    for 'a', 'b' ... * {
        take $_;
#={(a b)}

If you want to use shift as you would next in Python, you'll need to use that lazy keyword to make sure that the generated Array does not eagerly collect all values:

(lazy gather {
    for <a b c d e f g> {
        take ($_.ord.Int + 1).chr

The gather/take construct is perhaps the closest to Python/JavaScript generators that Perl 6 has but there are a few other use-cases for generators that Perl 6 has some great tools for.

Laudable Lazy "Lists"

In Perl 6 you can easily write lazy lists (really they are lazy Seq values). First of all, the basic Range is lazy by default (but also will be eagerly collected if you convert it to an Array):

say (1..1_000_000);             #={1..1000000}
say (1..1_000_000)[5..10];      #={(6 7 8 9 10 11)}
say (100..Inf)[0..5];           #={(100 101 102 103 104 105)}
say (100..Inf).Array.[0..5]     #={hangs indefinitely}
say (lazy 100..Inf).Array.shift #={100}

Another way to generate lazy Seq values is with the sequence operator (...). It creates a Seq just like the range operator but it also allows you to specify a pattern:

(1, 3... *)[^10].say #={(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)}
(10, 20 ... *)[5].say #={50}
(100, 200 ... 1000)[*-2..*-1].say #={(900 1000)}
(1, 2 ... *).Array.[5].say #={hangs indefinitely}
(lazy 1, 2 ... *).Array.[5].say #={6}

So you see, in some instances that you might use a generator in another language, Perl 6 would allow you to quite simply create expressions via nifty operators like .. or ... and there are many more!

There's one final set of tools that (though also available to Python and JavaScript programmers via __next__ in Python and Symbol.iterator in JavaScript) is useful when you would consider using the generator pattern: the Iterator and Iterable roles.

Iterator: Rise of the Classes

Like Python and Java, Perl 6 has the distinction between an Iterator and an Iterable. An Iterator is the actual sequence of values that is to be iterated over. An Iterable is anything that can produce an Iterator. The reason for this distinction is that the Iterator contains the state that is shifted as it works through the available values and the Iterable is the originating collection that has no need to contain the state corresponding to the process of iteration. It's a distinction of "roles". The data in an Iterable-roled class is meant for collection while the data in an Iterator-roled class is meant for iteration. In fact, this corroborates that same distinction between a generator function (here an Iterable) and a generator iterator (here an Iterator)

In Perl 6, the Iterable role requires that a class provides an iterator method which returns some value implementing the Iterator role. For an example we will skip generating this and just use Seq to hande the providing of our Iterator:

class CustomerList does Iterator {

    use JSON::Fast;

    has @!keys;
    has %!name;
    has %!email;
    has %!phone;

    submethod BUILD(Str:D :$json) {
        my @json := from-json($json);
        for @json -> %customer {
                ==> map(*.substr: 0, 1)
                ==> map(*.grep: {/<[A..Z]>/})
                ==> flat()
                ==> join('')
                ==> my $key;
            %!name{$key} = %customer<name>;
            %!email{$key} = %customer<email>;
            %!phone{$key} = %customer<phone>;

    method pull-one {
        return IterationEnd unless @!keys;
        my $key = @!keys.shift;
            name  => %!name{$key}:delete,
            email => %!email{$key}:delete,
            phone => %!phone{$key}:delete

    method names  { %!name.values  }
    method emails { %!email.values }
    method phones { %!phone.values }


my $cl = json => q:to/JSON/;
        "name": "Apples & Oranges Inc.",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 123-4567"
        "name": "Buttercream Corporation",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(555) 765-4321"

$cl.names>>.perl.say; #= ("Buttercream Corporation" "Apples \& Oranges Inc.")
$_<phone>.say for$cl);
#= (555) 123-4567
#= (555) 765-4321

As you can see, it is quite a bit more verbose. I tried to show a semi-reasonable usecase for something more complex than the other tools I've described (albeit still slightly contrived). In retrospect, I could see actually using the Iterable role and returning Iterator values for each of the methods.

To nitpick on this pattern, properly utilizing this requires being fully invested in an object-oriented model for your program. In other cases, using gather/take or the stateful approach will prove simpler and equally expressive.

While generators or semi-coroutines are not directly available in the same form as Python or JavaScript, there are still many available paths you can take in Perl 6 to accomplish the same results. If you find another interesting pattern, please provide the details in a comment or email!

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