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Created July 15, 2019 07:40
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jsdoc example
* @public
const metadata = {
tag: "ui5-select",
slots: /** @lends sap.ui.webcomponents.main.Select.prototype */ {
* Defines the <code>ui5-select</code> options.
* <br/><br/>
* <b>Note:</b> Only one selected option is allowed.
* If more than one option is defined as selected, the last one would be considered as the selected one.
* <br/><br/>
* <b>Note:</b> Use the <code>ui5-option</code> component to define the desired options.
* @type {Option[]}
* @slot
* @public
"default": {
propertyName: "options",
type: Option,
listenFor: { include: ["*"] },
properties: /** @lends sap.ui.webcomponents.main.Select.prototype */ {
* Defines whether <code>ui5-select</code> is in disabled state.
* </br></br>
* <b>Note:</b> A disabled <code>ui5-select</code> is noninteractive.
* @type {boolean}
* @defaultvalue false
* @public
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
* Determines the name with which the <code>ui5-select</code> will be submitted in an HTML form.
* The value of the <code>ui5-select</code> will be the value of the currently selected <code>ui5-option</code>.
* <b>Important:</b> For the <code>name</code> property to have effect, you must add the following import to your project:
* <code>import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.js";</code>
* <b>Note:</b> When set, a native <code>input</code> HTML element
* will be created inside the <code>ui5-select</code> so that it can be submitted as
* part of an HTML form. Do not use this property unless you need to submit a form.
* @type {string}
* @defaultvalue ""
* @public
name: {
type: String,
* Defines the value state of <code>ui5-select</code>.
* Available options are: <code>None</code>, <code>Success</code>, <code>Warning</code> and <code>Error</code>.
* @type {string}
* @defaultvalue "None"
* @public
valueState: {
type: ValueState,
defaultValue: ValueState.None,
_text: {
type: String,
_opened: {
type: Boolean,
_focused: {
type: Boolean,
events: /** @lends sap.ui.webcomponents.main.Select.prototype */ {
* Fired when the selected item changes.
* @event
* @param {HTMLElement} item the selected item.
* @public
change: {
detail: {
selectedOption: {},
* @class
* The <code>ui5-select</code> component is used to create a drop-down list.
* The items inside the <code>ui5-select</code> define the available options by using the <code>ui5-option</code> component.
* <h3>Keyboard Handling</h3>
* The <code>ui5-select</code> provides advanced keyboard handling.
* If the <code>ui5-select</code> is focused,
* you can open or close the drop-down by pressing <code>F4</code>, <code>ALT+UP</code> or <code>ALT+DOWN</code> keys.
* Once the drop-down is opened, you can use the <code>UP</code> and <code>DOWN</code> arrow keys
* to navigate through the available options and select one by pressing the <code>Space</code> or <code>Enter</code> keys.
* <br>
* <h3>ES6 Module Import</h3>
* <code>import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Select";</code>
* <br>
* <code>import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/Option";</code>
* @constructor
* @author SAP SE
* @alias sap.ui.webcomponents.main.Select
* @extends sap.ui.webcomponents.base.UI5Element
* @tagname ui5-select
* @appenddocs Option
* @public
* @since 0.8.0
class Select extends UI5Element {
static get metadata() {
return metadata;
static get render() {
return litRender;
static get template() {
return SelectTemplate;
static get styles() {
return selectCss;
constructor() {
this._syncedOptions = [];
this._selectedIndex = -1;
this._selectedIndexBeforeOpen = -1;
this._escapePressed = false;
this._lastSelectedOption = null;
onBeforeRendering() {
get _isPickerOpen() {
const popover = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#ui5-select--popover");
return popover && popover._isOpen;
* Returns currently selected option
* @returns { ui5-option }
* @public
get selectedOption() {
return this.options.find(option => option.selected);
_togglePopover() {
const popover = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#ui5-select--popover");
if (this.disabled) {
if (this._isPickerOpen) {
} else {
_syncSelection() {
let lastSelectedOptionIndex = -1;
const opts =, index) => {
if (opt.selected) {
lastSelectedOptionIndex = index;
opt.selected = false;
return {
selected: false,
icon: opt.icon,
value: opt.value,
textContent: opt.textContent,
id: opt._id,
if (lastSelectedOptionIndex > -1) {
opts[lastSelectedOptionIndex].selected = true;
this.options[lastSelectedOptionIndex].selected = true;
this._text = opts[lastSelectedOptionIndex].textContent;
this._selectedIndex = lastSelectedOptionIndex;
} else {
this._text = "";
this._selectedIndex = -1;
if (lastSelectedOptionIndex === -1 && opts[0]) {
opts[0].selected = true;
this.options[0].selected = true;
this._selectedIndex = 0;
this._text = this.options[0].textContent;
this._syncedOptions = opts;
_enableFormSupport() {
const FormSupport = getFeature("FormSupport");
if (FormSupport) {
FormSupport.syncNativeHiddenInput(this, (element, nativeInput) => {
nativeInput.disabled = element.disabled;
nativeInput.value = element._currentlySelectedOption.value;
} else if ( {
console.warn(`In order for the "name" property to have effect, you should also: import "@ui5/webcomponents/dist/features/InputElementsFormSupport.js";`); // eslint-disable-line
_keydown(event) {
if (isShow(event)) {
if (!this._isPickerOpen) {
this._handleArrowNavigation(event, true);
_keyup(event) {
if (isSpace(event) && !this._isPickerOpen) {
_getSelectedItemIndex(item) {
return [], item);
_select(index) {
this.options[this._selectedIndex].selected = false;
this._selectedIndex = index;
this.options[index].selected = true;
_selectionChange(event) {
const selectedItemIndex = this._getSelectedItemIndex(event.detail.item);
_applyFocusAfterOpen() {
if (!this._currentlySelectedOption) {
const li = this.shadowRoot.querySelector(`#${this._currentlySelectedOption._id}-li`);
li.parentElement._itemNavigation.currentIndex = this._selectedIndex;
li && li.focus();
_handlePickerKeydown(event) {
this._handleArrowNavigation(event, false);
_handleArrowNavigation(event, shouldFireEvent) {
let nextIndex = -1;
const isDownKey = isDown(event);
const isUpKey = isUp(event);
if (isDownKey || isUpKey) {
if (isDownKey) {
nextIndex = this._getNextOptionIndex();
} else {
nextIndex = this._getPreviousOptionIndex();
this.options[this._selectedIndex].selected = false;
this.options[nextIndex].selected = true;
this._selectedIndex = nextIndex === -1 ? this._selectedIndex : nextIndex;
if (shouldFireEvent) {
this.fireEvent("change", { selectedOption: this.options[nextIndex] });
if (isEscape(event)) {
this._escapePressed = true;
if (isEnter(event) || isSpace(event)) {
this._shouldClosePopover = true;
_getNextOptionIndex() {
return this._selectedIndex === (this.options.length - 1) ? 0 : (this._selectedIndex + 1);
_getPreviousOptionIndex() {
return this._selectedIndex === 0 ? (this.options.length - 1) : (this._selectedIndex - 1);
_beforeOpen() {
this._selectedIndexBeforeOpen = this._selectedIndex;
this._lastSelectedOption = this.options[this._selectedIndex];
_afterClose() {
if (this._escapePressed) {
this._escapePressed = false;
} else if (this._lastSelectedOption !== this.options[this._selectedIndex]) {
this.fireEvent("change", { selectedOption: this.options[this._selectedIndex] });
this._lastSelectedOption = this.options[this._selectedIndex];
get _currentSelectedItem() {
return this.shadowRoot.querySelector(`#${this.options[this._selectedIndex]._id}-li`);
get _currentlySelectedOption() {
return this.options[this._selectedIndex];
get classes() {
return {
main: {
"sapWCSelect": true,
"sapWCSelectFocused": this._focused,
"sapWCSelectDisabled": this.disabled,
"sapWCSelectOpened": this._opened,
"sapWCSelectState": this.valueState !== "None",
[`sapWCSelect${this.valueState}`]: true,
"sapUiSizeCompact": getCompactSize(),
get tabIndex() {
return this.disabled ? "-1" : "0";
get rtl() {
return getEffectiveRTL() ? "rtl" : undefined;
static async define(...params) {
await Promise.all([
export default Select;
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