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Created December 3, 2019 02:21
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$TASK_NAME = "Update Active Hours"
$DEFAULT_LOCATION = "C:\update_active_hours.ps1"
function GetHelp {
Write-Output "This script creates a scheduled task that runs every 6 hours to update the computer's Active Hours."
Write-Output "Parameters:"
Write-Output " -TaskName The name of the scheduled task (Default: ${TASK_NAME})"
Write-Output " -ScriptLocation The location of the script to schedule (Default: ${DEFAULT_LOCATION})"
Write-Output " -DeleteTask Flag to delete the named scheduled task"
Write-Output " -Help Display help"
Write-Output ""
if ($help) {
exit 0
if (!$taskName) {
$taskName = $TASK_NAME
Write-Output "Using Default Task Name: $taskName"
} else {
Write-Output "Using Task Name: $taskName"
if (!$scriptLocation) {
if (Test-Path -Path "${DEFAULT_LOCATION}") {
$scriptLocation = $DEFAULT_LOCATION
Write-Output "Using script in location: ${scriptLocation}"
} else {
Write-Output "Unable to locate script at ${DEFAULT_LOCATION}"
Write-Output "Please move script to that location or specify location with -scriptLocation parameter."
Exit 0
} else {
Write-Output "Using script in location: ${scriptLocation}"
$scheduledJob = SCHTASKS.exe /Query /TN "${taskName}" 2> $null
if ($deleteTask) {
if ($scheduledJob) {
SCHTASKS.exe /Delete /TN "${taskName}" /F
Write-Output "${taskName} scheduled task deleted."
} else {
Write-Output "${taskName} scheduled task never enabled - no action taken."
Exit 0
} else {
if ($scheduledJob) {
Write-Output "${taskName} scheduled task already exists - no action taken."
Exit 0
} else {
Write-Output "Creating scheduled task: ${taskName}."
SCHTASKS.exe /Create /RU "SYSTEM" /SC HOURLY /MO 6 /TN "${taskName}" `
/TR "Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File ${scriptLocation}"
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