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Created April 13, 2022 20:04
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pylabels PACKZON label sheet spec
import labels
from import shapes
# This gist shows how to print data onto PACKZON label sheets. This gist depends on two libraries: pylabels, and reportlab, which also have a few peer dependencies. See their documentation for install instructions.
# 750 Labels 2.625" x 1" | 66.675mm x 25.4mm
# Specifications:
# Label Size: 2.625" x 1" | 66.675mm x 25.4mm
# Sheet Size: 8.5" x 11" | 215.9mm x 279.4mm
# Shape: Round Corner Rectangle
# Top Margin: 0.5" | 12.7mm
# Bottom Margin: 0.5" | 12.7mm
# Left Margin: 0.1875" | 4.7625mm
# Right Margin: 0.1875" | 4.7625mm
# Vertical Spacing: 0 | 0mm
# Horizontal Spacing: 0.125" | 3.175mm
# In order, this function takes page width, page height, columns, rows, label width, label height
specs = labels.Specification(215.9, 279.4, 3, 10, 66.675, 25.4, corner_radius=2, row_gap=0, column_gap=3.175)
# Draw labels here using data from `obj`
def draw_label(label, width, height, obj):
# First two args are coordinates, starting from the bottom left
s = shapes.String(0, 0, 'Hello world')
sheet = labels.Sheet(specs, draw_label, border=True)
# Replace with data you wish to label
data = []
for datum in data:
print("{0:d} label(s) output on {1:d} page(s).".format(
sheet.label_count, sheet.page_count))
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