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Created May 28, 2019 04:05
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const double minHeight = 120;
const double iconStartSize = 44; //<-- add edge values
const double iconEndSize = 120; //<-- add edge values
const double iconStartMarginTop = 36; //<-- add edge values
const double iconEndMarginTop = 80; //<-- add edge values
const double iconsVerticalSpacing = 24; //<-- add edge values
const double iconsHorizontalSpacing = 16; //<-- add edge values
class _ExhibitionBottomSheetState extends State<ExhibitionBottomSheet>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
double get itemBorderRadius => lerp(8, 24); //<-- increase item border radius
double get iconSize => lerp(iconStartSize, iconEndSize); //<-- increase icon size
double iconTopMargin(int index) =>
iconEndMarginTop + index * (iconsVerticalSpacing + iconEndSize)) +
headerTopMargin; //<-- calculate top margin based on header margin, and size of all of icons above (from small to big)
double iconLeftMargin(int index) =>
lerp(index * (iconsHorizontalSpacing + iconStartSize), 0); //<-- calculate left margin (from big to small)
double lerp(double min, double max) =>
lerpDouble(min, max, _controller.value);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ...
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
fontSize: headerFontSize,
topMargin: headerTopMargin,
for (Event event in events) _buildIcon(event), //<-- Add icons to the stack
Widget _buildIcon(Event event) {
int index = events.indexOf(event); //<-- Get index of the event
return Positioned(
height: iconSize, //<-- Specify icon's size
width: iconSize, //<-- Specify icon's size
top: iconTopMargin(index), //<-- Specify icon's top margin
left: iconLeftMargin(index), //<-- Specify icon's left margin
child: ClipRRect(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.horizontal(
left: Radius.circular(itemBorderRadius), //<-- Set the rounded corners
right: Radius.circular(itemBorderRadius),
child: Image.asset(
fit: BoxFit.cover,
alignment: Alignment(lerp(1, 0), 0), //<-- Play with alignment for extra style points
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