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Getting Frequency and FFT plots with THD+N figure from Bitscope DDR file
# (c) 2016 Derrik Walker v2.0
# Python Library for bitscope functions
# This is the Library goes with the blog post:
# This is licensed for use under the GNU General Pulbic License v2
# 2016-08-10 DW2 Initial Version
# 2016-09-08 DW2 Fixed a bug in the file parsing
# 2016-10-12 DW2 Initial release
import sys, csv
import numpy as np
class dso_data:
channel0 = 0
channel1 = 1
sig0 = []
sig1 = []
rate0 = None
rate1 = None
count0 = None
count1 = None
data0 = []
data1 = []
def __init__( self, fname ):
f = open(fname, 'r')
except IOError:
print ( "Error reading file:", fname )
with f:
reader = csv.reader( f )
next ( reader ) # skip the header
for row in reader:
if int( row[2] ) == dso_data.channel0:
self.rate0 = float( row[7] )
self.count0 = float( row[8] )
self.data0.extend( [ float( x ) for x in row[9:len(row)] ])
if int( row[2] ) == dso_data.channel1:
self.rate1 = float( row[7] )
self.count1 = float( row[8] )
self.data1.extend( [ float( x ) for x in row[9:len(row)] ])
self.sig0 = np.array( self.data0 )
self.sig1 = np.array( self.data1 )
def data( self, channel ):
# returns the raw data
if( channel == 0 ):
return self.data0
elif ( channel == 1 ):
return self.data0
return None
def sig( self, channel ):
# returns the numpy array of data
if( channel == 0 ):
return self.sig0
elif ( channel == 1 ):
return self.sig1
return None
def rate( self, channel ):
# returns the sampling rate
if( channel == 0 ):
return self.rate0
elif( channel == 1 ):
return self.rate1
return None
# (c) 2016 Derrik Walker v2.0
# adapted by Marco Duiker
# Generate an fft plot data 'recorded' from the Bitscope DSO program and the dso_data class from
# Add THD + N to the title
# usage:
# [-c <channel>] -f <file>.csv
# Where <file.csv> is a "recorded" output from the Bitscope DSO program
# This is the scipt goes with the blog post:
# And is enhanced by Marco Duiker with
# This is licensed for use under the GNU General Pulbic License v2
# 2016-06-15 DW2 Initial Version
# 2016-07-04 DW2 Added cmd line support for specifying the channel
# 2016-08-10 DW2 Moved bitscope spacific funtions to
# 2016-10-12 DW2 Initial release
from __future__ import division
import sys
from scipy.signal import blackmanharris
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft, rfftfreq
from numpy import argmax, sqrt, mean, absolute, arange, log10
import numpy as np
import getopt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import bitscope
def rms_flat(a):
Return the root mean square of all the elements of *a*, flattened out.
return sqrt(mean(absolute(a)**2))
def find_range(f, x):
Find range between nearest local minima from peak at index x
for i in arange(x+1, len(f)):
if f[i+1] >= f[i]:
uppermin = i
for i in arange(x-1, 0, -1):
if f[i] <= f[i-1]:
lowermin = i + 1
return (lowermin, uppermin)
def THDN(signal, sample_rate):
Measure the THD+N for a signal and print the results
Prints the estimated fundamental frequency and the measured THD+N. This is
calculated from the ratio of the entire signal before and after
Currently this tries to find the "skirt" around the fundamental and notch
out the entire thing. A fixed-width filter would probably be just as good,
if not better.
# Get rid of DC and window the signal
signal -= mean(signal) # TODO: Do this in the frequency domain, and take any skirts with it?
windowed = signal * blackmanharris(len(signal)) # TODO Kaiser?
# Measure the total signal before filtering but after windowing
total_rms = rms_flat(windowed)
# Find the peak of the frequency spectrum (fundamental frequency), and
# filter the signal by throwing away values between the nearest local
# minima
f = rfft(windowed)
i = argmax(abs(f))
frequency = sample_rate * (i / len(windowed))
#print 'Frequency: %f Hz' % (frequency) # Not exact
lowermin, uppermin = find_range(abs(f), i)
f[lowermin: uppermin] = 0
# Transform noise back into the signal domain and measure it
# TODO: Could probably calculate the RMS directly in the frequency domain instead
noise = irfft(f)
THDN = rms_flat(noise) / total_rms
#print "THD+N: %.4f%% or %.1f dB" % (THDN * 100, 20 * log10(THDN))
return THDN, frequency
def usage():
print( "Usage: dso_fft [-c <channel> ] -f <file.csv>, where <file.csv> is the recorded output from the Bitscope's DSO" )
file = None
channel = 0
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "hc:f:", ["help", "channel=", "file=" ] )
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for o, a in opts:
if o in ( "-c", "--channel" ):
channel = int( a )
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
file = a
assert False, "ERRRR"
if not file:
if channel > 1 or channel < 0:
print( "channel out of range!" )
dso = bitscope.dso_data( file )
data = channel ) # raw data as Python array
rate = dso.rate( channel ) # just the rate
sig = dso.sig( channel ) # a numpy array of the data
if rate == None:
print( "It appears that channel", channel, "has no data!" )
time = [ x/rate for x in range( 0, len(data) ) ]
fft = abs( rfft( sig ) ) / ( len(sig)/2 )
freq = abs( rfftfreq( sig.size, d=1/rate ) )
thdn, frequency = THDN(sig, rate)
plt.subplot( 211 )
plt.xlabel( "Time (sec)" )
plt.ylabel( "Voltage" )
plt.title( "Original Signal" )
plt.plot( time, dso.data0 )
plt.subplot( 212 )
plt.xlabel( "Frequency (Hz) " + "(Fundamental frequency: %s Hz)" % round(frequency) )
plt.ylabel( "Magnitude" )
plt.title( "FFT of Signal" + " (THD+N: %.4f%% or %.1f dB)" % (thdn * 100, 20 * log10(thdn)) )
plt.plot( freq, fft )
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