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Last active January 15, 2025 19:05
A Google Summer of Code 2024 Project with the AFLplusplus Organization [Report]

Integrate Intel PT tracing into LibAFL QEMU

A Google Summer of Code 2024 Project with the AFLplusplus Organization
Mentor: @rmalmain
Project repository:

Note: This report is not intended to be purely technical documentation of the developed code. Instead, its goal is to describe my GSoC 2024 contributor experience, link to the developed code, summarize the current state of the project, and outline the challenges and lessons learned.

Project Description

LibAFL is a fuzzing library that covers a wide range of use cases. One of its components, LibAFL QEMU1, provides an API for fuzzing programs executed within QEMU, a popular open-source emulator and virtualizer.

Until now, LibAFL QEMU has only supported emulation via QEMU's Tiny Code Generator (TCG) emulator. This project aims to enhance the LibAFL QEMU component by integrating Intel® Processor Trace (PT)2 tracing capabilities. Intel PT is a hardware feature that captures various runtime information, including the outcomes of conditional branches. This allows the tracer to reconstruct the execution flow of a program, making it a valuable tool for fuzzing. With Intel PT, LibAFL QEMU will be able to use virtualization through QEMU-KVM, leveraging the power of hardware-assisted virtualization for faster and more efficient fuzzing.

What work was done

Study of Related Work

The first step was to study different projects related to fuzzing and/or Intel PT. Initially, the plan was to adapt the fuzzer kAFL/Nyx3 to LibAFL. However, after investigating the Intel PT driver available in the Linux kernel, it was decided to take a different approach and build on top of it. This driver is part of the perf suite and can be accessed from userspace through the perf syscalls.

Leveraging Intel PT is not a novel idea in fuzzing, some projects, in addition to kAFL/Nyx3, already take advantage of it 456.

While investigating the Linux kernel driver code, I found a little bug for which I sent a patch that got merged (and back-ported as well!). It was my first contribution to the Linux kernel! 🎉 This gave me the chance to learn how the Linux kernel development process works.

First Proof of Concept (POC)

To test the feasibility of using the built-in Linux kernel driver, a POC was developed by working directly on the QEMU codebase in C. The code, available in this fork, interacts with the kernel through syscalls, memmaps, and ioctls to manage Intel PT throughout the VM lifecycle. The modified QEMU is capable of tracing the execution of a KVM VM (with a single CPU core) using Intel PT. As a test, a small bootloader was written and run in the modified QEMU, and the collected Intel PT traces accurately showed the execution flow. This confirmed that it is possible to trace a QEMU-KVM instance with Intel PT, using the perf driver under the hood. The main advantages of this approach with respect to kAFL/Nyx are that it does not require a custom kernel, avoids the need to code and maintain a complex driver, and relies on a mature implementation.

Preparing LibAFL for different accelerators support

As mentioned earlier, LibAFL only supported the QEMU TCG emulator. To support the KVM accelerator, the LibAFL QEMU API was enhanced to allow users to set up the QEMU instance programmatically in a more structured way, including the option to choose an accelerator. This enhancement was implemented in PR 2339.

Porting the code to Rust in LibAFL

The next step was to port the code developed in C within the QEMU project to Rust within the LibAFL project. This was addressed in PR 2471. The C nature of the kernel made this task challenging, especially when dealing with shared memory and code from the Linux kernel. The goal of this implementation was to create a safe and general-purpose interface rather than a target-specific Proof of Concept. At this stage, the decoding of the traces was introduced, which involved converting compressed branch information (taken/not taken, destination address, ...) into a sequence of executed program basic blocks.

LibAFL QEMU defines a modules system that allows the library user to compose its fuzzer with the desired modules. Therefore, I started setting up the module responsible for setting up the hooks (sort of callbacks) which goal is essentially to call the lower level functions at right moment during fuzzing. This part is still to be refined and completed, and I will continue working on this in the coming months after GSoC.

If you want to know more, you can have a look at the code in Contributions!


What's left to do

There are still some tasks left to do, and several improvements can be made:

  • Complete and test the IntelPTModule
  • Handle full PT buffers to avoid losing traces
  • Implement Intel PT filtering by CR3 value
  • Use memory snapshots for faster executions
  • Improve traces decoding
    • by tweaking Intel PT parameters (like PSB frequency)
    • by trying to use libxdc
  • Support parallel fuzzing


I'd like to thank my mentor, Romain, and all the LibAFL ppl. I look forward to continue working together!

Additional References

Here are some additional references, more or less related to the project, that I found useful or came across during my GSoC:


  1. LibAFL QEMU: A Library for Fuzzing-oriented Emulation, 2024, Romain Malmain and Andrea Fioraldi and Aurélien Francillon

  2. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals, Volume 3C, Chapter 33

  3. Nyx: Greybox Hypervisor Fuzzing using Fast Snapshots and Affine Types, 2021, Sergej Schumilo, Cornelius Aschermann, Ali Abbasi, Simon Wörner, and Thorsten Holz 2

  4. Honggfuzz fuzzer, Intel PT code

  5. ptfuzzer

  6. Ptrix

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