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MarkBaker /
Last active March 31, 2016 05:00
Iterating over an SPLHeap appears to remove entries from the heap

Trying a little experiment with PHP's SPLHeap, but puzzled by the fact that iterating over the heap seems to be removing each entry as I access it.

The code

class ExtendedSPLHeap extends \SPLHeap {

    protected function compare($a, $b) {
        if ($a->latitude == $b->latitude) {
            return 0;
MarkBaker /
Last active April 17, 2018 15:58
PHPExcel formula debugging (prior to 1.7.9)

PHPExcel formula debugging

Prior to version 1.7.9

/** Error reporting */
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
MarkBaker / Duplicate Keys in Array
Created July 20, 2013 23:33
Using PHP 5.5 Generators to simulate an array with duplicate keys
function duplicateKeys($string) {
$string = strtolower($string);
$length = strlen($string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) {
yield ord(strpos($string, $string[$i])) => $string[$i];
foreach (duplicateKeys('badass') as $i => $value) {
echo $i , ' -> ' , $value, PHP_EOL;
MarkBaker / PHPExcel PHPNW13 Hackathon
Last active December 22, 2015 21:49
Objectives for the PHPNW13 Hackathon

For the Open Source PHPExcel library (

  • Autodetect separator, enclosure and line endings for CSV Reader

    An autodetect option that will identify the separator (e.g. comma, semicolon, pipe, tab, etc), the enclosure (e.g. quote, double quote), enclosure escape character (e.g. "" or ") and line endings for csv files, and set them up for the CSV reader.

  • Helper Wizards for number format masks

MarkBaker / UK Postcode Parse
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
UK Postcode Parsing
function parsePostcode2($postcode) {
$postcode = preg_replace('/\s*/','',strtoupper($postcode));
$sector = substr($postcode,0,-2);
$outcode = $district = substr($sector,0,-1);
list($area) = sscanf($district,'%[A-Z]');
$incode = substr($postcode,-3);
return array(
MarkBaker /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Cat-Tracker - A PHP Generator-based Reader for reading GPX trackpoint files

This is a simple reader class for gpx files retrieved from the G-Paws Cat Tracker that allows you to loop over the trackpoints read from that file, returning lat/lon as attributes of a simple stdClass object as the returned "key" from the Reader, and ele/time as attributes of a simple stdClass object as the returned "value"

The Reader class

class gpxReader

    public function __construct($fileName)
Verifying that +markbaker is my blockchain ID.
MarkBaker / anonymousFactory.php
Created January 29, 2016 09:49
Dynamic Instantiation of a class with optional Traits
class baseClass {
protected $a;
protected $b;
public function __construct($a, $b = null) {
$this->a = $a;
$this->b = $b;
class evidenceController {
public function getDetails($id){
$course = Course::with(['courseType'])
$view = View::make('courses/parts/details')
->with('course', $course);
MarkBaker /
Last active May 17, 2022 21:55
The following code can be used to submit an issue with the PHPSpreadsheet calculation engine

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;

