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Created September 11, 2017 12:05
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Installed fonts
i Asana-Math: A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
i Type1fonts: Font installation guide
i academicons: Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
i accanthis: Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
i accfonts: Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones
i accfonts.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of accfonts
i addfont: easier use of fonts without LaTeX support
i adforn: OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
i ae: Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts
i aecc: Almost European Concrete Roman virtual fonts
i aeguill: Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
i alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
i alkalami: A font for Arabic-based writing systems in Nigeria and Niger
i allrunes: Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
i altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX
i amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
i anonymouspro: Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
i antiqua: URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX
i anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX
i arabtex: Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
i aramaic-serto: Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
i archaic: A collection of archaic fonts
i arev: Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans
i arimo: Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
i arphic: Arphic (Chinese) font packages
i arphic-ttf: TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts
i asapsym: Using the free ASAP Symbol font with LaTeX and Plain TeX
i ascii-font: Use the ASCII "font" in LaTeX
i augie: Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
i auncial-new: Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros
i aurical: Calligraphic fonts for use with LaTeX in T1 encoding
i avantgar: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i awesomebox: Draw admonition blocks in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons
i b1encoding: LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
i baekmuk: Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts
i barcodes: Fonts for making barcodes
i bartel-chess-fonts: A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams
i baskervald: Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
i bbding: A symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
i bbm: "Blackboard-style" cm fonts
i bbm-macros: LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
i bbold-type1: An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
i belleek: Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
i bera: Bera fonts
i berenisadf: Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
i beton: Use Concrete fonts
i bgreek: Using Beccari's fonts in betacode for classical Greek
i blacklettert1: T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
i boisik: A font inspired by Baskerville design
i bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
i bookhands: A collection of book-hand fonts
i bookman: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i boondox: Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
i brushscr: A handwriting script font
i bxnewfont: Enhanced \newfont command
i cabin: A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
i caladea: Support for the Caladea family of fonts
i calligra: Calligraphic font
i cantarell: LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
i carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
i carolmin-ps: Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
i cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
i cbfonts: Complete set of Greek fonts
i cbfonts-fd: LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
i cc-pl: Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
i ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
i cfr-lm: Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
i charter: Charter fonts
i cherokee: A font for the Cherokee script
i chess: Fonts for typesetting chess boards
i chessfss: A package to handle chess fonts
i chivo: Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
i cinzel: LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
i cjk-gs-integrate: Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
i clearsans: Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
i cm: Computer Modern fonts
i cm-lgc: Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
i cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
i cm-unicode: Computer Modern Unicode font family
i cmbright: Computer Modern Bright fonts
i cmcyr: Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
i cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
i cochineal: Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
i collection-fontsextra: Additional fonts
i collection-fontsrecommended: Recommended fonts
i collection-fontutils: Graphics and font utilities
i collection-metapost: MetaPost and Metafont packages
i combofont: Add NFSS-declarations of combo fonts to LuaLaTeX documents
i comfortaa: Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
i concmath: Concrete Math fonts
i concmath-fonts: Concrete mathematics fonts
i concrete: Concrete Roman fonts
i context-cmttbf: Use Computer Modern Typewriter bold font in ConTeXt
i context-simplefonts: Simplified font usage for ConTeXt
i context-typescripts: Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt
i cormorantgaramond: Cormorant Garamond family of fonts
i countriesofeurope: A font with the images of the countries of Europe
i courier: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i courier-scaled: Provides a scaled Courier font
i crimson: Crimson fonts with LaTeX support
i cryst: Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
i cs: Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
i cyrillic: Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
i dancers: Font for Conan Doyle's "The Dancing Men"
i dantelogo: A font for DANTE's logo
i decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character
i dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
i dice: A font for die faces
i dictsym: DictSym font and macro package
i dingbat: Two dingbat symbol fonts
i drm: A complete family of fonts written in Metafont
i droid: LaTeX support for the Droid font families
i duerer: Computer Duerer fonts
i duerer-latex: LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
i ebgaramond: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
i ebgaramond-maths: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
i ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
i ecc: Sources for the European Concrete fonts
i eco: Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
i eiad: Traditional style Irish fonts
i eiad-ltx: LaTeX support for the eiad font
i electrum: Electrum ADF fonts collection
i elvish: Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
i epigrafica: A Greek and Latin font
i epsdice: A scalable dice "font"
i erewhon: Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
i esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
i ethiop: LaTeX macros and fonts for typesetting Amharic
i ethiop-t1: Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
i euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
i euler: Use AMS Euler fonts for math
i eulerpx: A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
i eulervm: Euler virtual math fonts
i euro-ce: Euro and CE sign font
i eurosym: Metafont and macros for Euro sign
i fandol: Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting
i fbb: A free Bembo-like font
i fc: Fonts for African languages
i fdsymbol: A maths symbol font
i feyn: A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
i feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
i fge: A font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
i figbas: Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music
i fira: Fira fonts with LaTeX support
i fixcmex: Fully scalable version of Computer Modern Math Extension font
i fntproof: A programmable font test pattern generator
i foekfont: The title font of the Mads Fok magazine
i font-change: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX
i font-change-xetex: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
i fontawesome: Font containing web-related icons
i fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX
i fontbook: Generate a font book
i fontch: Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX
i fontinst: Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX
i fontinst.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of fontinst
i fontmfizz: Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX
i fontname: Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
i fontools: Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
i fontools.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of fontools
i fonts-churchslavonic: Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
i fonts-tlwg: Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
i fontspec: Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
i fonttable: Print font tables from a LaTeX document
i fontware: (shortdesc missing)
i fontware.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of fontware
i fontwrap: Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks
i fourier: Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
i fouriernc: Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
i fpl: SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
i frcursive: French cursive hand fonts
i frederika2016: An OpenType Greek calligraphy font
i fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
i fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
i garuda-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
i genealogy: A compilation genealogy font
i gentium-tug: Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
i gfsartemisia: A modern Greek font design
i gfsbaskerville: A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville
i gfsbodoni: A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
i gfscomplutum: A Greek font with a long history
i gfsdidot: A Greek font based on Didot's work
i gfsneohellenic: A Greek font in the Neo-Hellenic style
i gfsporson: A Greek font, originally from Porson
i gfssolomos: A Greek-alphabet font
i gillcm: Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
i gillius: Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
i gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
i go: Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
i gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
i gothic: A collection of old German-style fonts
i greek-fontenc: LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
i greektex: Fonts for typesetting Greek/English documents
i grotesq: URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
i gsftopk: Convert "Ghostscript fonts" to PK files
i hacm: Font support for the Arka language
i hands: Pointing hand font
i helvetic: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i heuristica: Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
i hfbright: The hfbright fonts
i hfoldsty: Old style numerals with EC fonts
i ibycus-babel: Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel
i ibygrk: Fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek
i iffont: Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
i imfellenglish: IM Fell English fonts with LaTeX support
i inconsolata: A monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
i initials: Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts
i installfont: A bash script for installing a LaTeX font family
i installfont.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of installfont
i ipaex: IPA and IPAex fonts from Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan.
i ipaex-type1: IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
i iwona: A two-element sans-serif font
i jablantile: Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan
i jamtimes: Expanded Times Roman fonts
i japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
i junicode: A TrueType font for mediaevalists
i kerkis: Kerkis (Greek) font family
i kixfont: A font for KIX codes
i knuth-lib: A small library of Metafont sources
i knuthotherfonts: (shortdesc missing)
i kpfonts: A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
i latex-fonts: A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions
i latex-papersize: Calculate LaTeX settings for any font and paper size
i lato: Lato font family and LaTeX support
i lcdftypetools: A bundle of outline font manipulation tools
i lcyw: Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
i levy: Fonts for typesetting classical greek
i lfb: A Greek font with normal and bold variants
i lgreek: LaTeX macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
i lh: Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings
i libertine: Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
i libertinus: The Libertinus font family
i libertinust1math: A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
i librebaskerville: LaTeX support for the Libre Baskerville family of fonts
i librebodoni: Libre Bodoni fonts with LaTeX support
i librecaslon: Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
i libris: Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
i linearA: Linear A script fonts
i lm: Latin modern fonts in outline formats
i lm-math: OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern
i lobster2: Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
i lxfonts: Set of slide fonts based on CM
i manfnt-font: (shortdesc missing)
i marvosym: Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font
i mathabx-type1: Outline version of the mathabx fonts
i mathastext: Use the text font in maths mode
i mathdesign: Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
i mathdots: Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
i mathpazo: Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
i mathspec: Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
i mcf2graph: Draw chemical structure diagrams with Metafont/MetaPost
i mdsymbol: Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
i merriweather: Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
i metafont: A system for specifying fonts
i metafont-beginners: An introductory tutorial for Metafont
i metafont.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of metafont
i metapost: A development of Metafont for creating graphics
i metatex: Incorporate Metafont pictures in TeX source
i metatype1: Generate Type 1 fonts from MetaPost
i mf2pt1: Produce PostScript Type 1 fonts from Metafont source
i mflogo: LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts
i mflogo-font: Metafont logo font
i mfnfss: Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
i mfpic: Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands
i mftinc: Pretty-print Metafont source
i mfware: Supporting tools for use with Metafont
i miama: The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
i mintspirit: LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
i missaali: A late medieval OpenType textura font
i mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
i moresize: Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
i musixtex-fonts: Fonts used by MusixTeX
i mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages
i mxedruli: A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets
i nanumtype1: Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts
i ncntrsbk: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i newpx: Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
i newtx: Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
i newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
i newtxtt: Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
i niceframe-type1: Type 1 versions of the fonts recommended in niceframe
i nimbus15: Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
i nkarta: A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts
i norasi-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the norasi font
i noto: Support for Noto fonts
i obnov: Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts
i ocr-b: Fonts for OCR-B
i ocr-b-outline: OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType
i ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts
i ofs: Macros for managing large font collections
i ogham: Fonts for typesetting Ogham script
i oldlatin: Compute Modern-like font with long s
i oldstandard: Old Standard: A Unicode Font for Classical and Medieval Studies
i opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
i orkhun: A font for orkhun script
i overlock: Overlook sans fonts with LaTeX support
i pacioli: Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
i padauk: a high-quality TrueType font that supports the many diverse languages that use the Myanmar script
i palatino: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
i pb-diagram: A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
i phaistos: Disk of Phaistos font
i philokalia: A font to typeset the Philokalia Books
i phonetic: Metafont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
i pigpen: A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
i pkfix: Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
i pl: Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
i playfair: Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
i plnfss: Font selection for Plain TeX
i plstmary: St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
i polski: Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
i poltawski: Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
i prodint: A font that provides the product integral symbol
i ps2pk: Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font
i pslatex: Use PostScript fonts by default
i psnfss: Font support for common PostScript fonts
i ptex-fontmaps: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
i ptex-fontmaps.x86_64-linux: x86_64-linux files of ptex-fontmaps
i ptex-fonts: Fonts for use with pTeX
i punk: Donald Knuth's punk font
i punk-latex: LaTeX support for punk fonts
i punknova: OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font
i pxchfon: Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
i pxfonts: Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics
i pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters
i pxtxalfa: Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
i pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
i quattrocento: LaTeX support for Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts
i recycle: A font providing the "recyclable" logo
i relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding
i relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size
i roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
i romande: Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support
i rosario: Using the free Rosario fonts with LaTeX
i rsfs: Ralph Smith's Formal Script font
i rsfso: A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs
i sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit
i sansmath: Maths in a sans font
i sansmathfonts: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
i sauter: Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts
i sauterfonts: Use Sauter's fonts in LaTeX
i semaphor: Semaphore alphabet font
i shobhika: An OpenType Devanagari font designed for scholars
i skak: Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
i skaknew: The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
i skull: A font to draw a skull
i slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts
i starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font
i stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
i substitutefont: Easy font substitution
i superiors: Attach superior figures to a font family
i svrsymbols: 'A new font with symbols for use in Physics texts.'
i symbol: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i t1utils: Simple Type 1 font manipulation programs
i tapir: A simple geometrical font
i tengwarscript: LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts
i tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors
i tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
i tex-gyre-math: Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
i tfrupee: A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol
i times: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i tinos: Tinos fonts with LaTeX support
i tipa: Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters
i tpslifonts: A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
i trajan: Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome
i txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
i txfontsb: Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
i txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters
i txuprcal: Upright calligraphic font based on TX calligraphic
i type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX
i typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts
i typicons: Font containing a set of web-related icons
i typoaid: Macros for font diagnostics
i ucharclasses: Font actions in XeTeX according to what is being processed
i uhc: Fonts for the Korean language
i umtypewriter: Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
i unfonts-core: TrueType version of Un-fonts
i unfonts-extra: TrueType version of Un-fonts
i universa: Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font
i universalis: Universalis font, with support
i uptex-fonts: Fonts for use with upTeX
i utopia: Adobe Utopia fonts
i variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts
i varisize: Change font size in Plain TeX
i venturisadf: Venturis ADF fonts collection
i wadalab: Wadalab (Japanese) font packages
i wasy: The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts)
i wasy2-ps: Type 1 versions of wasy2 fonts
i wasysym: LaTeX support file to use the WASY2 fonts
i wnri: Ridgeway's fonts
i wnri-latex: LaTeX support for wnri fonts
i wsuipa: International Phonetic Alphabet fonts
i xcharter: Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts
i xetexfontinfo: Report font features in XeTeX
i xits: A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting
i yannisgr: Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous
i yfonts: Support for old German fonts
i yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format
i yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
i zapfchan: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i zapfding: URW "Base 35" font pack for LaTeX
i zhmetrics: TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX
i zhmetrics-uptex: Chinese font metrics for upTeX
i zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
i zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
i zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
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