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Created July 23, 2017 21:29
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mitesh@ip-192-168-86-30.ec2.internal:~/aiq: ./pants test ::
16:27:19 00:00 [main]
(To run a reporting server: ./pants server)
16:27:19 00:00 [setup]
16:27:19 00:00 [parse]
Executing tasks in goals: bootstrap -> imports -> unpack-jars -> deferred-sources -> gen -> jvm-platform-validate -> resolve -> webpack -> compile -> resources -> test
16:27:20 00:01 [bootstrap]
16:27:20 00:01 [substitute-aliased-targets]
16:27:20 00:01 [jar-dependency-management]
16:27:20 00:01 [bootstrap-jvm-tools]
16:27:20 00:01 [provide-tools-jar]
16:27:20 00:01 [imports]
16:27:20 00:01 [ivy-imports]
16:27:20 00:01 [unpack-jars]
16:27:20 00:01 [unpack-jars]
16:27:20 00:01 [deferred-sources]
16:27:20 00:01 [deferred-sources]
16:27:20 00:01 [gen]
16:27:20 00:01 [thrift]
16:27:20 00:01 [protoc]
16:27:20 00:01 [antlr]
16:27:20 00:01 [ragel]
16:27:20 00:01 [jaxb]
16:27:20 00:01 [wire]
16:27:20 00:01 [scrooge]
16:27:20 00:01 [twirl]
16:27:20 00:01 [routes]
16:27:20 00:01 [jvm-platform-validate]
16:27:20 00:01 [jvm-platform-validate]
16:27:20 00:01 [cache]
No cached artifacts for 97 targets.
Invalidated 97 targets.
16:27:21 00:02 [resolve]
16:27:21 00:02 [ivy]
16:27:21 00:02 [webpack]
16:27:21 00:02 [webpack-resolve]
16:27:21 00:02 [webpack]
16:27:21 00:02 [webpack-bundle]
16:27:23 00:04 [compile]
16:27:23 00:04 [compile-jvm-prep-command]
16:27:23 00:04 [jvm_prep_command]
16:27:23 00:04 [scalafmt]
16:27:23 00:04 [compile-prep-command]
16:27:23 00:04 [compile]
16:27:23 00:04 [zinc]
16:27:23 00:04 [jvm-dep-check]
16:27:23 00:04 [python-eval]
16:27:23 00:04 [pythonstyle]
16:27:23 00:04 [scalastyle]
16:27:23 00:04 [resources]
16:27:23 00:04 [prepare]
16:27:23 00:04 [cache]......
Using cached artifacts for 6 targets.
16:27:24 00:05 [services]
16:27:24 00:05 [test]
16:27:24 00:05 [test-jvm-prep-command]
16:27:24 00:05 [jvm_prep_command]
16:27:24 00:05 [test-prep-command]
16:27:24 00:05 [test]
16:27:24 00:05 [pytest]
16:27:24 00:05 [run]
============== test session starts ===============
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.10 -- py-1.4.34 -- pytest-2.6.4
plugins: cov, timeout
collected 98 items
test/python/ ...
test/python/ ..
test/python/ ...................
test/python/ ....
test/python/ ...
test/python/ ..
test/python/ .
test/python/ ..
test/python/ .........
test/python/ ..
test/python/ ......
test/python/ ...
test/python/ ..
test/python/ ........
test/python/ .....
test/python/ .
test/python/ ....
test/python/ .
test/python/ ....
test/python/ .
test/python/ ..
test/python/ ..
test/python/ ...........
test/python/ .
=========== 98 passed in 2.54 seconds ============
16:27:58 00:39 [junit]
16:27:59 00:40 [cache].
Using cached artifacts for 1 target.
16:27:59 00:40 [run]
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