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MathewReiss / main.c
Created June 4, 2015 17:09
Pokedex main.c File
#include <pebble.h>
#include "pokedex.h"
#define POKEDEX_DATA 0
#define DATA 0
int DEBUG = 0;
int pokedex[152];
uint8_t array[19];
MathewReiss / phone.js
Created June 4, 2015 17:09
Pokedex phone.js File
var DEBUG = true;
//var name = "name", type = "type", stage = "stage", caught = "caught";
var grass = "grass", water = "water", fire = "fire", bug = "bug",
psychic = "psychic", flying = "flying", ghost = "ghost", fighting = "fighting",
normal = "normal", poison = "poison", electric = "electric", ground = "ground",
fairy = "fairy", rock = "rock", ice = "ice", dragon = "dragon";
var Pokemon = [
{ name : "MissingNo", type : "blank", stage : 100, caught : 0, species : "Glitch Pokemon"},
MathewReiss / pokedex.h
Created June 4, 2015 17:10
Pokedex pokedex.h File
This File Contains all the Pokemon Information
Kanto Pokedex
001 ... 151
Bulbasaur Mew
#define NUM_POKEMON 151