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Created October 23, 2024 16:06
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Exorde Real time Stream API JSON example 1
"item": {
"raw_content": "rusya devlet başkanı vladimir putin: türkiye'ye başsağlığı diliyorum. tusaş'a yapılan terör saldırısını şiddetle kınıyorum.",
"translated_content": "Russian President vladimir putin: I wish to head to turkey. I strongly say terror attack on tusaş.",
"created_at": "2024-10-23T15:48:11.000Z",
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"language": "tr",
"author": "eeaca23a25f5fcbd50c3aaa6f2dd5e32a1f29d6f",
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"analysis": {
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"Russian President",
"terror attack",
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