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Last active January 30, 2016 21:35
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Helpfull Date Helper for Magento 1
class {Vendor}_{Module}_Helper_Date extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract
// Format Dates
const ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_DATETIME = 'y-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
const ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_TIME = 'HH:mm:ss';
* Genera y Devuelve un Zend_Date a partir de un string YYYY-MM-DD
* @return Zend_Date
public function getDate($date = null, $locale = null)
$locale = (is_null($locale))
? Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocale()
: $locale;
return new Zend_Date($date, self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_DATE, $locale);
* Genera y Devuelve un Zend_Date a partir de un string YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
* @return Zend_Date
public function getDatetime($date = null, $locale = null)
$locale = (is_null($locale))
? Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocale()
: $locale;
return new Zend_Date($date, self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_DATETIME, $locale);
* Devuelve un Objeto Zend_Date con el valor NOW para el Store $store
* si $includeTime = TRUE lo genera con el Horario Actual
* @param int $store
* @param bool $includeTime
* @return Zend_Date
public function getNowStore($store = null, $includeTime = false)
$store = (is_null($store)) ? $this->getCurrentStoreId() : $store;
return Mage::app()->getLocale()->storeDate($store, null, $includeTime);
* Devuelve un string con el NOW en formato DATE para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowStoreDate($store = null)
return $this->formatDate($this->getNowStore($store));
* Devuelve un string con el NOW en formato DATETIME para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowStoreDatetime($store = null)
return $this->formatDatetime($this->getNowStore($store, true));
* Devuelve un string con el NOW en formato TIME para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowStoreTime($store = null)
return $this->formatTime($this->getNowStore($store, true));
public function getStoreDate($date, $store = null)
$zdate = $this->getLocaleModel()->storeDate($store, $date, true);
return $this->formatDate($zdate);
public function getStoreDatetime($date, $store = null)
$zdate = $this->getLocaleModel()->storeDate($store, $date, true);
return $this->formatDatetime($zdate);
* Devuelve un Objeto Zend_Date con el valor NOW UTC para el Store $store
* si $includeTime = TRUE lo genera con el Horario Actual
* @param int $store
* @param bool $includeTime
* @return Zend_Date
public function getNowUtc($store = null, $includeTime = false)
$store = (is_null($store)) ? $this->getCurrentStoreId() : $store;
$date = $this->getNowStoreDatetime($store);
return Mage::app()->getLocale()->utcDate($store, $date, $includeTime);
* Devuelve un string con el NOW (UTC) en formato DATETIME para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowUtcDate($store = null)
return $this->formatDate($this->getNowUtc($store));
* Devuelve un string con el NOW (UTC) en formato DATETIME para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowUtcDatetime($store = null)
return $this->formatDatetime($this->getNowUtc($store, true));
* Devuelve un string con el NOW(UTC) en formato TIME para el Store "$store"
* @param int $store
public function getNowUtcTime($store = null)
return $this->formatTime($this->getNowUtc($store, true));
* Devuelve Un Objeto Zend_Date a partirde del Date $date
* @param string $date
* @param int $store
* @param bool $includeTime
* @return Zend_Date
public function getUtc($date, $store = null, $includeTime = false)
$store = (is_null($store)) ? $this->getCurrentStoreId() : $store;
$date = ($includeTime)
? $this->formatDatetime($this->getDatetime($date))
: $this->formatDate($this->getDate($date));
return Mage::app()->getLocale()->utcDate($store, $date, $includeTime);
* Devuelve un String en Formato YYYY-MM-DD equivalente al deta UTC de $date
* @param string $date |
* @param type $store
* @return type
public function getUtcDate($date, $store = null)
return $this->formatDate($this->getUtc($date,$store));
* Devuelve un String en Formato YYYY-MM-DD equivalente al deta UTC de $date
* @param type $date
* @param type $store
* @return type
public function getUtcDatetime($date ,$store = null)
return $this->formatDatetime($this->getUtc($date,$store,true));
* @return Mage_Core_Model_Date
public function getDateModel()
return Mage::getModel('core/date');
* @return Mage_Core_Model_Locale
public function getLocaleModel()
return Mage::getModel('core/locale');
* Devuelve el ID del Store Actual
* @return type
public function getCurrentStoreId()
return Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
* Devuelve un String Formato "YYYY-MM-DD" a partir de un Zend_Date
* @param Zend_Date $date
* @return string
public function formatDate(Zend_Date $date)
return $date->toString(self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_DATE);
* Devuelve un String Formato "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" a partir de un Zend_Date
* @param Zend_Date $date
* @return string
public function formatDatetime(Zend_Date $date)
return $date->toString(self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_DATETIME);
* Devuelve un String Formato "HH:MM:SS" a partir de un Zend_Date
* @param Zend_Date $date
* @return string
public function formatTime(Zend_Date $date)
return $date->toString(self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_DB_TIME);
* Devuelve un String Formato "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" a partir de un Zend_Date
* @param Zend_Date $date
* @return string
public function formatXsdDatetime(Zend_Date $date)
return $date->toString(self::ZEND_DATE_FORMAT_XSD_DATETIME);
public function validateFromTo($from, $to, $store = null, $useUtc = false)
if(is_null($to)) {
return false;
$now = ($useUtc) ? $this->getNowUtc($store) : $this->getNowStore($store);
$to = ($useUtc) ? $this->getUtc($to) : $this->getDate($to);
if ($from) {
$from = ($useUtc) ? $this->getUtc($from) : $this->getDate($from);
if ($now->isLater($to)) {
return false;
if ($from) {
if ($now->isEarlier($from)) {
return false;
return true;
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