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Forked from Vodes/
Last active December 26, 2023 06:33
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Save McBaws/a5dcbb244c91bcfdedababf3ee652609 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ATTENTION: AS OF 22/09/2023 THIS PROJECT IS NOW BEING MAINTAINED AT ----------------------------------------------- Create Comparisons for multiple video clips with automatic upscaling and uploading. This fork has support for FrameInfo, trimming from start and end, user selected frames, saving frame numbers, and im…
I do not provide support for this unless its an actual error in the code and not related to your setup.
This script was originally written on VS R53 with Python 3.9 & has been tested on VS R63 with Python 3.11.
You'll need:
- Vapoursynth
- "pip install pathlib anitopy pyperclip requests requests_toolbelt natsort vstools rich colorama" in terminal (without quotes)
- "vsrepo install imwri lsmas sub" in terminal (without quotes) or the following installed to your usual Vapoursynth plugins folder:
- Note: plugins folder is typically found in "%AppData%\Roaming\VapourSynth\plugins64" or "C:\Program Files\VapourSynth\plugins"
- Optional: If using ffmpeg, ffmpeg must be installed and in PATH
How to use:
- Drop into a folder with the video files you want
- (Recommended) Rename your files to have the typical [Group] Show - EP.mkv naming, since the script will try to parse the group and show name.
e.g. [JPBD] Youjo Senki - 01.m2ts; [Baws] Youjo Senki - 01.mkv
- Change vars below (trim if needed)
- Run
### Change these if you need to.
# Ram Limit (in MB)
ram_limit = 4000
# Number of dark, bright, and high motion frames to algorithmically select.
frame_count_dark = 20
frame_count_bright = 10
frame_count_motion = 15
# Choose your own frames to export. Does not decrease the number of algorithmically selected frames.
user_frames = []
# Number of frames to choose randomly. Completely separate from frame_count_bright, frame_count_dark, and save_frames. Will change every time you run the script.
random_frames = 5
# Save the brightness data in a text file so it doesn't have to be reanalysed next time the script is run. Frames will be reanalysed if show/movie name or episode numbers change.
# Does not save user_frames or random_frames.
save_frames = True
# Use ffmpeg as the image renderer. (ffmpeg needs to be in path)
ffmpeg = True
# Print frame info on screenshots.
frame_info = True
# Upscale videos to make the clips match the highest found res.
upscale = True
# Scale all videos to one vertical resolution. Set to 0 to disable, otherwise input the desired vertical res.
single_res = 0
# Automatically upload to
slowpics = True
# Flags to toggle for slowpics settings.
hentai_flag = False
public_flag = True
# TMDB ID of show or movie being comped. Should be in the format "TV_XXXXXX" or "MOVIE_XXXXXX".
tmdbID = ""
# Remove the comparison after N days. Set to 0 to disable.
remove_after = 0
# Output link to discord webhook. Disabled if empty.
webhook_url = r""
# Automatically open url in default browser
browser_open = True
# Automatically delete the screenshot directory after uploading to
delete_screen_dir = True
Used to trim clips, or add blank frames to the beginning of a clip.
Clips are taken in alphabetical order of the filenames.
First input can be the filename, group name, or index of the file. Second input must be an integer.
trim_dict = {0: 1000, "Baws": 1046, 3:-50}
trim_dict_end = {"Kill la Kill - 01.mkv": 9251, 4: -12}
First clip will start at frame 1000.
Clip with group name "Baws" will start at frame 1046.
Clip with filename "Kill la Kill - 01.mkv" will end at frame 9251.
Fourth clip will have 50 blank frames appended to its start.
Fifth clip will end 12 frames early.
trim_dict = {}
trim_dict_end = {}
Actively adjusts a clip's fps to a target. Useful for sources like amazon hidive, which incorrectly converts 23.976fps to 24fps.
First input can be the filename, group name, or index of the file.
Second input must be a fraction split into a list. Numerator comes first, denominator comes second.
Second input can also be the string "set". This will make all other files, if unspecified fps, use the set file's fps.
change_fps = {0: [24, 1], 1: [24000, 1001]}
First clip will have its fps adjusted to 24fps
Second clip will have its fps adjusted to 23.976
Example 2:
change_fps = {0: [24, 1], "MTBB": "set"}
First clip will have its fps adjusted to 24
Every other clip will have its fps adjusted to match MTBB's
change_fps = {}
Specify which clip will be analyzed for frame selection algorithm.
Input can be the filename, group name, or index of the file.
By default will select the file which can be accessed the fastest.
analyze_clip = ""
##### Advanced Settings #####
# Random seed to use in frame selection algorithm. May change selected frames. Recommended to leave as default
random_seed = 20202020
# Filename of the text file in which the brightness data will be stored. Recommended to leave as default.
frame_filename = "generated.compframes"
# Directory in which the screenshots will be kept
screen_dirname = "screens"
# Minimum time between dark and light frames, in seconds. Motion frames use half this value
screen_separation = 10
# Number of frames in each direction over which the motion data will be averaged out. So a radius of 4 would take the average of 9 frames, the frame in the middle, and 4 in each direction.
# Higher value will make it less likely scene changes get picked up as motion, but may lead to less precise results.
motion_diff_radius = 4
### Not recommended to change stuff below
import os, sys, time, textwrap, re, uuid, random, pathlib, requests, vstools, webbrowser, colorama, shutil, zipfile, lzma, fractions
from rich.progress import Progress, BarColumn, TextColumn, TimeRemainingColumn
from natsort import os_sorted
import anitopy as ani
import pyperclip as pc
import vapoursynth as vs
from requests import Session
from functools import partial
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, BinaryIO, Union, Callable, TypeVar, Sequence, cast
RenderCallback = Callable[[int, vs.VideoFrame], None]
VideoProp = Union[int, Sequence[int],float, Sequence[float],str, Sequence[str],vs.VideoNode, Sequence[vs.VideoNode],vs.VideoFrame, Sequence[vs.VideoFrame],Callable[..., Any], Sequence[Callable[..., Any]]]
T = TypeVar("T", bound=VideoProp)
vs.core.max_cache_size = ram_limit
def FrameInfo(clip: vs.VideoNode,
title: str,
style: str = "sans-serif,20,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,""0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,0,7,10,10,10,1",
newlines: int = 3,
pad_info: bool = False) -> vs.VideoNode:
FrameInfo function stolen from awsmfunc, implemented by LibreSneed
Prints the frame number, frame type and a title on the clip
def FrameProps(n: int, f: vs.VideoFrame, clip: vs.VideoNode, padding: Optional[str]) -> vs.VideoNode:
if "_PictType" in f.props:
info = f"Frame {n} of {clip.num_frames}\nPicture type: {f.props['_PictType'].decode()}"
info = f"Frame {n} of {clip.num_frames}\nPicture type: N/A"
if pad_info and padding:
info_text = [padding + info]
info_text = [info]
clip = vs.core.sub.Subtitle(clip, text=info_text, style=style)
return clip
padding_info: Optional[str] = None
if pad_info:
padding_info = " " + "".join(['\n'] * newlines)
padding_title = " " + "".join(['\n'] * (newlines + 4))
padding_title = " " + "".join(['\n'] * newlines)
clip = vs.core.std.FrameEval(clip, partial(FrameProps, clip=clip, padding=padding_info), prop_src=clip)
clip = vs.core.sub.Subtitle(clip, text=[padding_title + title], style=style)
return clip
#used in lazylist to select frames
def dedupe(clip: vs.VideoNode, framelist: list, framecount: int, diff_thr: int, seed: int = None, motion: bool = False):
framelist_dedupe = [framelist[0]]
thr = round(clip.fps_num / clip.fps_den * diff_thr)
lastval = framelist[0]
for i in range(1, len(framelist)):
checklist = framelist[0:i]
x = framelist[i]
for y in checklist:
if x >= y + thr and x >= lastval + thr:
lastval = x
#if motion, dont select randomly. give ordered list
if motion:
return framelist_dedupe
if len(framelist_dedupe) > framecount:
framelist_dedupe = random.sample(framelist_dedupe, framecount)
return framelist_dedupe
def lazylist(clip: vs.VideoNode, dark_frames: int = 25, light_frames: int = 15, motion_frames: int = 0, seed: int = random_seed, diff_thr: int = screen_separation, diff_radius: int = motion_diff_radius,
dark_list: list = None, light_list: list = None, motion_list: list = None, save_frames: bool = False, file: str = None, files: list = None, files_info: list = None):
Blame Sea for what this shits out.
A function for generating a list of frames for comparison purposes.
Works by running `core.std.PlaneStats()` on the input clip,
iterating over all frames, and sorting all frames into 2 lists
based on the PlaneStatsAverage value of the frame.
Randomly picks frames from both lists, 8 from `dark` and 4
from `light` by default.
:param clip: Input clip
:param dark_frame: Number of dark frames
:param light_frame: Number of light frames
:param seed: seed for `random.sample()`
:param diff_thr: Minimum distance between each frames (In seconds)
:return: List of dark and light frames
all_dedupe = []
#if no frames were requested, return empty list before running algorithm
if dark_frames + light_frames + motion_frames == 0:
return [], dark_list, light_list, motion_list
dark = []
light = []
diff = []
motion = []
if dark_list is None or light_list is None or motion_list is None:
def checkclip(n, f, clip):
avg = f.props["PlaneStatsAverage"]
if 0.062746 <= avg <= 0.380000:
elif 0.450000 <= avg <= 0.800000:
if motion_list is None and motion_frames > 0:
#src = mvf.Depth(clip, 5)
gray = vstools.get_y(clip)
gray_last = vs.core.std.BlankClip(gray)[0] + gray
#make diff between frame and last frame, with prewitt (difference is white on black background)
diff_clip = vs.core.std.MakeDiff(gray_last, gray)
diff_clip = vs.core.std.Prewitt(diff_clip)
diff_clip = diff_clip.std.PlaneStats()
#print(n, f, diff.get_frame(n))
return clip
s_clip = clip.std.PlaneStats()
eval_frames = vs.core.std.FrameEval(clip, partial(checkclip, clip=s_clip), prop_src=s_clip)
#if group name is present, display only it and color it cyan. if group name isnt present, display file name and color it yellow.
if file is not None and files is not None and files_info is not None:
suffix = get_suffix(file, files, files_info)
if suffix == files_info[files.index(file)].get("file_name"):
message = f'Analyzing video: [yellow]{suffix.strip()}'
message = f"Analyzing video: [cyan]{suffix.strip()}"
message = "Analyzing video"
vstools.clip_async_render(eval_frames, progress=message)
dark = dark_list
light = light_list
diff = motion_list
#remove frames that are within diff_thr seconds of other frames. for dark and light, select random frames as well
dark_dedupe = dedupe(clip, dark, dark_frames, diff_thr, seed)
light_dedupe = dedupe(clip, light, light_frames, diff_thr, seed)
all_dedupe += (dark_dedupe + light_dedupe)
#find frames with most motion
if motion_frames > 0:
avg_diff = []
#get average difference over diff_radius frames in each direction
#store frame number in avg_diff as well in the form [frame, avg_diff]
for i, d in enumerate(diff):
if i >= (diff_radius) and i < (clip.num_frames - diff_radius):
if isinstance(d, float):
surr_frames = diff[i-diff_radius:i+diff_radius+1]
mean = sum(surr_frames) / len(surr_frames)
avg_diff.append([i, mean])
#sort avg_diff list based on the diff values, not the frame numbers
sorted_avg_diff = sorted(avg_diff, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
#remove frames that are in light or dark list from motion list
for i in sorted_avg_diff:
if i[0] in dark_dedupe or i[0] in light_dedupe:
#get first motion_frames frames from sorted_avg_diff and dedupe them
#if less than motion_frames left, repeat
while len(motion) < motion_frames and len(sorted_avg_diff) > 0:
for i in range(0, motion_frames):
if len(sorted_avg_diff) > 0:
#remove frames that are too close to other frames. uses lower diff_thr because high motion frames will be different from one another
motion = dedupe(clip, motion, motion_frames, round(diff_thr/2), seed, motion=True)
#remove dark and light frames from motion_dedupe
for frame in motion:
if frame in dark_dedupe or frame in light_dedupe:
all_dedupe += motion
if save_frames:
dark_list = dark
light_list = light
motion_list = diff
return all_dedupe, dark_list, light_list, motion_list
return all_dedupe
def _get_slowpics_header(content_length: str, content_type: str, sess: Session) -> Dict[str, str]:
Stolen from vardefunc, fixed by Jimbo
return {
"Accept": "*/*",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
"Accept-Language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Content-Length": content_length,
"Content-Type": content_type,
"Origin": "",
"Referer": "",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"X-XSRF-TOKEN": sess.cookies.get_dict()["XSRF-TOKEN"]
def screengen(progress, task1, task2, clip: vs.VideoNode, folder: str, suffix: str, frame_numbers: List = None, extended: int = 0, start: int = 1):
Stolen from Sea
Mod of Narkyy's screenshot generator, stolen from awsmfunc.
Generates screenshots from a list of frames.
Not specifying `frame_numbers` will use `ssfunc.util.lazylist()` to generate a list of frames.
progress, task1, and task2 were added by mcbaws to update the rich progress bar
:param folder: Name of folder where screenshots are saved.
:param suffix: Name prepended to screenshots (usually group name).
:param frame_numbers: List of frames to generate screenshots of.
:param start: Frame to start from.
:param delim: Delimiter for the external file.
folder_path = f"./{folder}"
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
for i, num in enumerate(frame_numbers, start=start):
filename = "{path}/{:03d} - {suffix}.png".format(
i, path=folder_path, suffix=suffix
#use of extended variable is to make sure we dont take the props of blank appended clip
matrix = clip.get_frame(extended).props._Matrix
if matrix == 2:
matrix = 1
#print(f"Saving Frame {i}/{len(frame_numbers)} from {suffix}", end="\r")
format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion"
progress.update(task1, advance=1)
progress.update(task2, advance=1)
#find video source with the highest resolution
def get_highest_res(files: List[str]) -> int:
height = 0
width = 0
filenum = -1
for f in files:
video = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(f)
if height < video.height:
height = video.height
width = video.width
max_res_file = filenum
return width, height, max_res_file
#get frames from a video source and appends them into one videonode
def get_frames(clip: vs.VideoNode, frames: List[int]) -> vs.VideoNode:
out = clip[frames[0]]
for i in frames[1:]:
out += clip[i]
return out
#estimates time it would take to read a file
#default size to read is 15 MB
def estimate_read_time(file, chunk_size: int=15728640):
#make sure that we don't read more than the filesize
file_size = os.path.getsize(file)
if chunk_size >= file_size:
chunk_size = file_size - 1
start_time = time.time()
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
start_time = time.time()
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
elapsed_time = (elapsed_time + time.time() - start_time)/2
estimated_time = (file_size / chunk_size) * elapsed_time
return estimated_time
#determine which file should be analyzed in order to select frames
def evaluate_analyze_clip(analyze_clip, files, files_info):
file_analysis_default = False
#check if analyze_clip is an int or string with an int in it
if (isinstance(analyze_clip, int) and analyze_clip >= 0) or (isinstance(analyze_clip, str) and analyze_clip.isdigit() and int(analyze_clip) >= 0):
first_file = files[int(analyze_clip)]
#check if analyze_clip is a group or file name
elif isinstance(analyze_clip, str) and analyze_clip != "":
matches = 0
for dict in files_info:
if analyze_clip == dict.get("release_group") or analyze_clip == dict.get("file_name") or analyze_clip in dict.get("file_name"):
first_file = files[files_info.index(dict)]
#if no matches found, use default
if matches == 0:
print('No file matching the "analyze_clip" parameter has been found. Using default.')
file_analysis_default = True
if matches > 1:
print('Too many files match the "analyze_clip" parameter. Using default.')
#if no clip specified, use default
file_analysis_default = True
#default: pick file with smallest read time
if file_analysis_default:
print("Determining which file to analyze...\n")
estimated_times = [estimate_read_time(file) for file in files]
first_file = files[estimated_times.index(min(estimated_times))]
return first_file
#get clip from file, apply trims to clip
def init_clip(file: str, files: list, trim_dict: dict, trim_dict_end: dict, change_fps: dict = {}, analyze_clip: str = None, files_info: list = None, return_file: bool = False):
#evaluate analyze_clip if it hasn't been already
if analyze_clip is not None and file is None and first_file is None:
file = evaluate_analyze_clip(analyze_clip, files, files_info)
findex = files.index(file)
clip = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(file)
if trim_dict.get(findex) is not None:
if trim_dict.get(findex) > 0:
clip = clip[trim_dict.get(findex):]
elif trim_dict.get(findex) < 0:
#append blank clip to beginning of source to "extend" it
clip = vs.core.std.BlankClip(clip)[:(trim_dict.get(findex) * -1)] + clip
#keep count of how many blank frames were appended
extended = trim_dict.get(findex) * -1
if trim_dict_end.get(findex) is not None:
clip = clip[:trim_dict_end.get(findex)]
if change_fps.get(findex) is not None:
clip = vstools.change_fps(clip, fractions.Fraction(numerator=change_fps.get(findex)[0], denominator=change_fps.get(findex)[1]))
if return_file:
return clip, file
return clip
#get group name or file name
def get_suffix(file: str, files: list, files_info: list):
findex = files.index(file)
suffix = None
if files_info[findex].get('release_group') is not None:
suffix = str(files_info[findex].get('release_group'))
if suffix is None:
suffix = files_info[findex].get("file_name")
return suffix
#convert a string to a float or int if possible
def str_to_number(string: str):
return int(string)
return float(string)
return string
def actual_script():
global first_file
first_file = None
#first file is only determined by analyze_clip if it is called
#find video files in the current directory, and exit if there are less than two
files = [file for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith(('.mkv', '.m2ts', '.mp4', '.webm'))]
files = os_sorted(files)
file_count = len(files)
if file_count < 2:
sys.exit("Not enough video files found.")
#use anitopy library to get dictionary of show name, episode number, episode title, release group, etc
files_info = []
for file in files:
anime_title = ""
anime_episode_number = ""
anime_episode_title = ""
#get anime title, episode number, and episode title
for dict in files_info:
if dict.get('anime_title') is not None and anime_title == "":
anime_title = dict.get('anime_title')
if dict.get('episode_number') is not None and anime_episode_number == "":
anime_episode_number = dict.get('episode_number')
if dict.get('episode_title') is not None and anime_episode_title == "":
anime_episode_title = dict.get('episode_title')
#what to name collection
if anime_title != "" and anime_episode_number != "":
collection_name = anime_title.strip() + " - " + anime_episode_number.strip()
elif anime_title != "":
collection_name = anime_title.strip()
elif anime_episode_title != "":
collection_name = anime_episode_title.strip()
collection_name = files_info[0].get('file_name')
collection_name = re.sub("\[.*?\]|\(.*?\}|\{.*?\}|\.[^.]+$", "", collection_name).strip()
#if anime title still isn't found, give it collection name
if anime_title == "":
anime_title = collection_name
#replace group or file names in trim_dict with file index
for d in [trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps]:
for i in list(d):
if isinstance(i, str):
for dict in files_info:
if i == dict.get("release_group") or i == dict.get("file_name") or i in dict.get("file_name"):
d[files_info.index(dict)] = d.pop(i)
#detects and sets up change_fps "set" feature
if (list(change_fps.values())).count("set") > 0:
if (list(change_fps.values())).count("set") > 1:
sys.exit('ERROR: More than one change_fps file using "set".')
#if "set" is found, get the index of its file, get its fps, and set every other unspecified file to that fps
findex = list(change_fps.keys())[list(change_fps.values()).index("set")]
del change_fps[findex]
file = files[findex]
temp_clip = vs.core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(file)
fps = [temp_clip.fps_num, temp_clip.fps_den]
for i in range(0, len(files)):
if i not in change_fps:
change_fps[i] = fps
#if file is already set to certain fps, remove it from change_fps
for findex, file in enumerate(files):
temp_clip = init_clip(file, files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end)
if change_fps.get(findex) is not None:
if temp_clip.fps_num / temp_clip.fps_den == change_fps.get(findex)[0] / change_fps.get(findex)[1]:
del change_fps[findex]
#print list of files
print('\nFiles found: ')
for findex, file in enumerate(files):
#highlight group names
groupname = files_info[findex].get("release_group")
if groupname is not None:
filename = file.split(groupname)
filename = filename[0] + colorama.Fore.CYAN + groupname + colorama.Fore.YELLOW + filename[1]
filename = files_info[findex].get("file_name")
#output filenames
print(colorama.Fore.YELLOW + filename + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL)
#output which files will be trimmed
if trim_dict.get(findex) is not None:
if trim_dict.get(findex) >= 0:
print(f" - Trimmed to start at frame {trim_dict.get(findex)}")
elif trim_dict.get(findex) < 0:
print(f" - {(trim_dict.get(findex) * -1)} frame(s) appended at start")
if trim_dict_end.get(findex) is not None:
if trim_dict_end.get(findex) >= 0:
print(f" - Trimmed to end at frame {trim_dict_end.get(findex)}")
elif trim_dict_end.get(findex) < 0:
print(f" - Trimmed to end {trim_dict_end.get(findex) * -1} frame(s) early")
if change_fps.get(findex) is not None:
print(f" - FPS changed to {change_fps.get(findex)[0]}/{change_fps.get(findex)[1]}")
#check if conflicting options are enabled
if (upscale and single_res > 0):
sys.exit("Can't use 'upscale' and 'single_res' functions at the same time.")
frames = []
#if save_frames is enabled, store generated brightness data in a text file, so they don't have to be analyzed again
if save_frames and (frame_count_dark + frame_count_bright + frame_count_motion) > 0:
mismatch = False
#if frame file exists, read from it
if os.path.exists(frame_filename) and os.stat(frame_filename).st_size > 0:
print(f'Reading data from "{frame_filename}"...')
with open(frame_filename) as frame_file:
generated_frames = frame_file.readlines()
#turn numbers into floats or ints, and get rid of newlines
for i, v in enumerate(generated_frames):
v = v.strip()
generated_frames[i] = str_to_number(v)
dark_list = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("dark:")+1:generated_frames.index("bright:")]
light_list = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("bright:")+1:generated_frames.index("motion:")]
motion_list = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("motion:")+1:]
analyzed_file = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("analyzed_file:") + 1]
analyzed_group = ani.parse(analyzed_file).get("release_group")
file_trim = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("analyzed_file_trim:") + 1]
file_trim_end = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("analyzed_file_trim:") + 2]
file_fps_num = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("analyzed_file_fps:") + 1]
file_fps_den = generated_frames[generated_frames.index("analyzed_file_fps:") + 2]
#check if a file with the same group name as the analyzed file is present in our current directory
group_found = False
for i, dict in enumerate(files_info):
if dict.get("release_group").lower() == analyzed_group.lower():
group_found = True
group_file_index = files.index(dict.get("file_name"))
#if file wasn't found but group name was, set file with the same group name
if analyzed_file not in files and group_found is True:
analyzed_file = files[group_file_index]
#check if show name, episode number, or the release which was analyzed has changed
if (generated_frames[generated_frames.index("show_name:") + 1] != anime_title
or generated_frames[generated_frames.index("episode_num:") + 1] != int(anime_episode_number)
or analyzed_file not in files):
mismatch = True
#check if trim for analyzed file has changed
if mismatch == False:
found_trim = 0
found_trim_end = 0
if files.index(analyzed_file) in trim_dict:
found_trim = trim_dict.get(files.index(analyzed_file))
if files.index(analyzed_file) in trim_dict_end:
found_trim_end = trim_dict_end.get(files.index(analyzed_file))
if (file_trim != found_trim
or file_trim_end != found_trim_end):
mismatch = True
#check if fps of analyzed file has changed
if mismatch == False:
temp_clip = init_clip(analyzed_file, files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps)
if file_fps_num / file_fps_den != temp_clip.fps_num / temp_clip.fps_den:
mismatch = True
#if mismatch is detected, re-analyze frames
if mismatch:
print("\nParameters have changed. Will re-analyze brightness data.\n")
#only spend time processing lazylist if we need to
elif (frame_count_dark + frame_count_bright + frame_count_motion) > 0:
clip = init_clip(files[0], files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps, analyze_clip, files_info)
frames.extend(lazylist(clip, frame_count_dark, frame_count_bright, frame_count_motion, dark_list=dark_list, light_list=light_list, motion_list=motion_list, file=files[0], files=files, files_info=files_info))
#if frame file does not exist or has less frames than specified, write to it
if not os.path.exists(frame_filename) or os.stat(frame_filename).st_size == 0 or mismatch:
#if this is the first time first_file is being called, it will be evaluated. if not, it will already be known, since it's a global variable
first, first_file = init_clip(first_file, files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps, analyze_clip, files_info, return_file=True)
#get the trim
first_trim = 0
first_trim_end = 0
if files.index(first_file) in trim_dict:
first_trim = trim_dict[files.index(first_file)]
if files.index(first_file) in trim_dict_end:
first_trim_end = trim_dict_end[files.index(first_file)]
frames_temp, dark_list, light_list, motion_list = lazylist(first, frame_count_dark, frame_count_bright, frame_count_motion, save_frames=True, file=first_file, files=files, files_info=files_info)
with open(frame_filename, 'w') as frame_file:
for val in dark_list:
for val in light_list:
for val in motion_list:
#if save_frames isn't enabled, run lazylist
elif (frame_count_dark + frame_count_bright + frame_count_motion) > 0:
first, first_file = init_clip(first_file, files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps, analyze_clip, files_info, return_file=True)
frames.extend(lazylist(first, frame_count_dark, frame_count_bright, frame_count_motion, file=first_file, files=files, files_info=files_info))
if random_frames > 0:
print("Getting random frames...\n")
#get list of all frames in clip
frame_ranges = list(range(0, init_clip(files[0], files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps).num_frames))
'''#removes any frame within frames_near distance of any frame in "frames" list
frame_ranges = [frame for frame in frame_ranges if all(abs(frame - f) > frames_near for f in frames)]
#makes sure there are enough valid frames to sample from. if not, just passes all valid frames
if len(frame_ranges) > random_frames:
frame_ranges = random.sample(frame_ranges, random_frames)'''
#removes duplicate frames and randomly selects
frame_ranges = dedupe(init_clip(files[0], files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps), frame_ranges, random_frames, diff_thr=4)
#add user specified frames to list
#remove dupes and sort
frames = [*set(frames)]
#if no frames selected, terminate program
if len(frames) == 0:
sys.exit("No frames have been selected, unable to proceed.")
#print comma separated list of which frames have been selected
print(f"Selected {len(frames)} frames:")
first = True
message = ""
for f in frames:
if not first:
message+=", "
first = False
print(textwrap.fill(message, os.get_terminal_size().columns), end="\n\n")
if upscale:
max_width, max_height, max_res_file = get_highest_res(files)
#create screenshot directory, if one already exists delete it first
screen_dir = pathlib.Path("./" + screen_dirname + "/")
if os.path.isdir(screen_dir):
print("Generating screenshots:")
#initialize progress bar, specify information to be output
#would use expand=True but the lazylist progress bar doesn't so i'd rather go for consistency
with Progress(TextColumn("{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TextColumn("{task.completed}/{}"), TextColumn("{task.percentage:>3.02f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn()) as progress:
total_gen_progress = progress.add_task("[green]Total", total=len(frames) * len(files))
file_gen_progress = progress.add_task("", total=len(frames), visible=0)
for file in files:
findex = files.index(file)
extended = 0
clip = init_clip(file, files, trim_dict, trim_dict_end, change_fps)
#get release group or filename of file
suffix = get_suffix(file, files, files_info)
#remove any characters not suited for filepath
suffix = suffix.replace("[\\/:\"*?<>|]+", "").strip()
if suffix == files_info[files.index(file)].get("file_name"):
message = f'[yellow]{suffix}'
message = f'[cyan]{suffix}'
progress.reset(file_gen_progress, description=message, visible=1)
if ffmpeg:
import subprocess
#get matrix of clip, account for negative trim "extensions"
if trim_dict.get(findex) is not None and trim_dict.get(findex) < 0:
matrix = clip.get_frame(trim_dict.get(findex) * -1).props._Matrix
matrix = clip.get_frame(0).props._Matrix
if matrix == 2:
matrix = 1
#upscale depending on options selected. if none are, just convert colorspace
if single_res > 0 and clip.height != single_res:
clip = vs.core.resize.Spline36(clip, int(round(clip.width * (single_res / clip.height), 0)), single_res, format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion")
elif upscale and clip.height != max_height:
clip = vs.core.resize.Spline36(clip, int(round(clip.width * (max_height / clip.height), 0)), max_height, format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion")
clip = clip.resize.Spline36(format=vs.RGB24, matrix_in=matrix, dither_type="error_diffusion")
#if frame_info option selected, print frame info to screen
if frame_info:
clip = FrameInfo(clip, title=suffix)
#get a clip with only the desired frames appended to one another
clip = get_frames(clip, frames)
clip = clip.std.ShufflePlanes([1, 2, 0], vs.RGB).std.AssumeFPS(fpsnum=1, fpsden=1)
path_images = [
f"{screen_dir}/{f} - {suffix}.png"
for f in frames
#generate screens with ffmpeg
for i, path_image in enumerate(path_images):
ffmpeg_line = f"ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -f rawvideo -video_size {clip.width}x{clip.height} -pixel_format gbrp -framerate {str(clip.fps)} -i pipe: -pred mixed -ss {i} -t 1 \"{path_image}\""
with subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_line, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as process:
clip.output(cast(BinaryIO, process.stdin), y4m=False)
progress.update(total_gen_progress, advance=1)
progress.update(file_gen_progress, advance=1)
#upscale depending on options selected
if single_res > 0 and clip.height != single_res:
clip = vs.core.resize.Spline36(clip, int(round(clip.width * (single_res / clip.height), 0)), single_res, dither_type="error_diffusion")
elif upscale and clip.height != max_height:
clip = vs.core.resize.Spline36(clip, int(round(clip.width * (max_height / clip.height), 0)), max_height, dither_type="error_diffusion")
#if frame_info option selected, print frame info to screen
if frame_info:
clip = FrameInfo(clip, title=suffix)
screengen(progress, total_gen_progress, file_gen_progress, clip, screen_dirname, suffix, frames, extended)
if slowpics:
browserId = str(uuid.uuid4())
fields: Dict[str, Any] = {
'collectionName': collection_name,
'hentai': str(hentai_flag).lower(),
'optimize-images': 'true',
'browserId': browserId,
'public': str(public_flag).lower()
if tmdbID != "":
fields |= {'tmdbId': str(tmdbID)}
if remove_after != "" and remove_after != 0:
fields |= {'removeAfter': str(remove_after)}
all_image_files = os_sorted([f for f in os.listdir(screen_dir) if f.endswith('.png')])
#check if all image files are present before uploading. if not, wait a bit and check again. if still not, exit program
if len(all_image_files) < len(frames) * len(files):
all_image_files = os_sorted([f for f in os.listdir(screen_dir) if f.endswith('.png')])
if len(all_image_files) < len(frames) * len(files):
sys.exit(f'ERROR: Number of screenshots in "{screen_dirname}" folder does not match expected value.')
for x in range(0, len(frames)):
#current_comp is list of image files for this frame
current_comp = [f for f in all_image_files if f.startswith(str(frames[x]) + " - ")]
#add field for comparison name. after every comparison name there needs to be as many image names as there are comped video files
fields[f'comparisons[{x}].name'] = str(frames[x])
#iterate over the image files for this frame
for imageName in current_comp:
i = current_comp.index(imageName)
image = pathlib.Path(f"{screen_dir}/{imageName}")
fields[f'comparisons[{x}].imageNames[{i}]'] = os.path.basename(' - ', 1)[1].replace(".png", "")
##this would upload the images all at once, but that wouldnt let us get progress
#fields[f'comparisons[{x}].images[{i}].file'] = (' - ', 1)[1].replace(".png", ""), image.read_bytes(), 'image/png')
with Session() as sess:
files = MultipartEncoder(fields, str(uuid.uuid4()))
comp_req =
'', data=files.to_string(),
headers=_get_slowpics_header(str(files.len), files.content_type, sess)
comp_response = comp_req.json()
collection = comp_response["collectionUuid"]
key = comp_response["key"]
#print("\n", comp_response["images"])
with Progress(TextColumn("{task.description}"), BarColumn(), TextColumn("{task.completed}/{}"), TextColumn("{task.percentage:>3.02f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn()) as progress:
upload_progress = progress.add_task("[bright_magenta]Uploading to Slowpoke Pics", total=len(all_image_files))
for index, image_section in enumerate(comp_response["images"]):
base = index * file_count
for image_index, image_id in enumerate(image_section):
#print("\nbase:", base, "\nimage_index:", image_index)
upload_info = {
"collectionUuid": collection,
"imageUuid": image_id,
"file": (all_image_files[base + image_index], pathlib.Path(f"{screen_dir}/{all_image_files[base + image_index]}").read_bytes(), 'image/png'),
'browserId': browserId,
upload_info = MultipartEncoder(upload_info, str(uuid.uuid4()))
upload_response =
'', data=upload_info.to_string(),
headers=_get_slowpics_header(str(upload_info.len), upload_info.content_type, sess)
progress.update(upload_progress, advance=1)
assert upload_response.status_code == 200, "Status code not 200"
assert upload_response.content.decode() == "OK", "Content not OK"
slowpics_url = f'{key}'
print(f'\nSlowpoke Pics url: {slowpics_url}', end='')
if browser_open:
if webhook_url:
data = {"content": slowpics_url}
if, data).status_code < 300:
print('Posted to webhook.')
print('Failed to post on webhook!')
if delete_screen_dir and os.path.isdir(screen_dir):
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