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Last active July 24, 2017 21:19
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Overly complex dice rolling for D&D
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
from random import randint, seed
from collections import Iterable
from functools import total_ordering
def as_list(x):
if isinstance(x, Iterable):
return list(x)
return [x]
def roll(num_sides):
return Die(randint(1, num_sides), num_sides)
def roll_many(num_dice, num_sides):
num_dice = sum(as_list(num_dice))
num_sides = sum(as_list(num_sides))
return [roll(num_sides) for _ in range(num_dice)]
def roll_count(num_dice, num_sides):
rolls = roll_many(num_dice, num_sides)
return {int(x):rolls.count(x) for x in rolls}
def reroll(dice, values):
dice, values = as_list(dice), as_list(values)
return [die.reroll() if die in values else die for die in dice]
def reroll_all(dice, values):
dice, values = as_list(dice), as_list(values)
while any(die in values for die in dice):
dice = [die.reroll() if die in values else die for die in dice]
return dice
def take_low(dice, num_values):
dice = as_list(dice)
num_values = sum(as_list(num_values))
return sorted(dice)[:num_values]
def take_high(dice, num_values):
dice = as_list(dice)
num_values = sum(as_list(num_values))
return sorted(dice, reverse=True)[:num_values]
def add(a, b):
a = sum(as_list(a))
b = sum(as_list(b))
return a+b
def sub(a, b):
a = sum(as_list(a))
b = sum(as_list(b))
return a-b
def concat(a, b):
return as_list(a)+as_list(b)
def list_diff(a, b):
return [x for x in as_list(a) if x not in as_list(b)]
def if_op(a, b):
return b if (sum(as_list(a)) > 0) else 0
class Die:
def __init__(self, value, sides):
self.value = value
self.sides = sides
def reroll(self):
self.value = roll(self.sides).value
return self
def __int__(self):
return self.value
__index__ = __int__
def __lt__(self, other):
return int(self) < int(other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self) == int(other)
def __add__(self, other):
return int(self) + int(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return int(self) - int(other)
__radd__ = __add__
__rsub__ = __sub__
def __str__(self):
return str(int(self))
def __repr__(self):
return "{} ({})".format(self.value, self.sides)
class Operator:
def __init__(self, str, precedence, func):
self.str = str
self.precedence = precedence
self.func = func
def __call__(self, *args):
return self.func(*args)
def __str__(self):
return self.str
__repr__ = __str__
ops = {
'd': Operator('d', 3, roll_many),
'r': Operator('r', 2, reroll),
'R': Operator('R', 2, reroll_all),
't': Operator('t', 2, take_low),
'T': Operator('T', 2, take_high),
'+': Operator('+', 1, add),
'-': Operator('-', 1, sub),
'.': Operator('.', 1, concat),
'_': Operator('_', 1, list_diff),
'?': Operator('?', 0, if_op),
def evaluate_dice(expr):
return sum(as_list(evaluate_rpn(shunting_yard(tokenize(expr)))))
def evaluate_rpn(expr):
stack = []
while expr:
tok = expr.pop()
if isinstance(tok, Operator):
a, b = stack.pop(), stack.pop()
stack.append(tok(b, a))
return stack[0]
def shunting_yard(tokens):
outqueue = []
opstack = []
for tok in tokens:
if isinstance(tok, int):
outqueue = [tok] + outqueue
elif tok == '(':
elif tok == ')':
while opstack[-1] != '(':
outqueue = [opstack.pop()] + outqueue
while opstack and opstack[-1] != '(' and opstack[-1].precedence > tok.precedence:
outqueue = [opstack.pop()] + outqueue
while opstack:
outqueue = [opstack.pop()] + outqueue
return outqueue
def tokenize(expr):
global ops
while expr:
tok, expr = expr[0], expr[1:]
if tok in "0123456789":
while expr and expr[0] in "0123456789":
tok, expr = tok + expr[0], expr[1:]
tok = int(tok)
tok = ops[tok] if tok in ops else tok
yield tok
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
while True:
dice_str = input()
#seed(0) # used for testing - don't uncomment unless you want consistent dice rolls across different runs
print("{} => {}".format(dice_str, evaluate_dice(dice_str)))
except EOFError:
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