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Last active October 30, 2018 00:51
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javaquarium python generators
import collections
import random
chiffres, lettres = '0123456789', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
regles = (line.strip() for line in open('pop.txt') if line.strip() and not line.startswith("//"))
def valgen(dep, diff = 0, sent=-1):
while dep != sent:
dep = (yield dep) or dep + diff
jours_arrivees = valgen(dep=0)
arrivees = collections.defaultdict(list)
for ligne in regles:
if ligne.startswith('='):
jours_arrivees.send(int(''.join(_ for _ in ligne if _ in chiffres)))
PLANTE, MEROU, THON, PCLOWN, SOLE, BAR, CARPE = valgen(dep=0, diff=1, sent=7)
carnivores = {MEROU, THON, PCLOWN}
herbivores = {SOLE, BAR, CARPE}
tous = carnivores | herbivores | {PLANTE}
aquarium = []
poissons = (e for e in aquarium if e.espece in herbivores | carnivores)
algues = (e for e in aquarium if e.espece == PLANTE)
class Entite:
def __next__(self):
try: # impossible de muter StopIteration avec send, contrairement a next
self.age.send(next(self.age) + 1)
except StopIteration:
self.pv.send(next(self.pv) + self.pv_gagnes_par_tour)
except StopIteration:
if self.espece != PLANTE and next(self.pv) <= 5:
def manger(self):
cible = {
"carn": lambda self: random.choice(poissons),
"herb": lambda self: random.choice(algues)
cible.pv.send(max(0, next(cible.pv) - cible.pv_perdu_si_mange))
except StopIteration:
def se_reproduire(self):
test = {
PLANTE: lambda self:next(self.pv) >= 10
}.get(self.espece, lambda self: random.choice(poissons).sexuellement_compatible(self))
def gen_entite(prenom, espece, age):
ent = Entite()
ent.prenom = prenom
ent.espece = espece
ent.regne = lambda self: "carn" if self.espece in carnivores else "herb" if self.espece in herbivores else "plante"
ent.pv = valgen(dep=10, diff=0, sent=0)
ent.age = valgen(dep=age, diff=0, sent=20)
ent.en_vie = lambda self: next(self.pv, False) is not False and next(self.age, False) is not False
ent.pv_gagnes_par_tour = +1 if espece == PLANTE else -1
ent.pv_perdu_si_mange = -2 if espece == PLANTE else -4
ent.a_faim = lambda self: next(self.pv) <= 5
ent.sexuellement_compatible = lambda self, other: self.espece == other.espece and self.sexe() != other.sexe()
return ent
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