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Created June 24, 2020 19:20
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with import <nixpkgs> {};
mbedtlsVersion = "2.21.0";
mbedtls = fetchurl {
url = "${mbedtlsVersion}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1f9dc0hpmp4g3l90wlk3glx5xl0hnnabmjagmr8fdbcnfl5r63ij";
mbedcryptoVersion = "3.1.0";
mbedcrypto = fetchurl {
url = "${mbedcryptoVersion}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0sxpz3anpwv1cff606jjzxq4pbkh3s1k16a82b3in0v06pq1s5vy";
glibcVersion = "2.31";
glibc = fetchurl {
url = "${glibcVersion}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "19xxlbz6q3ahyjdfjjmcrg17v9iakpg8b6m9v0qgzzwah3xn8bfb";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "graphene";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "oscarlab";
repo = "graphene";
rev = "d97183865d6af4bf75fd7ef108d1b3baabb6f578";
sha256 = "1z768855929chz5pl1xcvvwp84p0pcxlwql3n29w5ncbv3jh2rqv";
patches = [
DL_OFFLINE = "true";
postPatch = ''
patchShebangs ./Scripts
ln -s ${mbedtls} Pal/lib/crypto/mbedtls-${mbedtlsVersion}.tar.gz
ln -s ${mbedcrypto} Pal/lib/crypto/mbedcrypto-${mbedcryptoVersion}.tar.gz
ln -s ${glibc} LibOS/glibc-${glibcVersion}.tar.gz
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/graphene
for lib in Runtime/*.so* Runtime/pal-* Runtime/pal_loader; do
# copy symlinks and dereferenced lib
cp $lib $out/share/graphene
cp $(realpath "$lib") $out/share/graphene
makeWrapper $out/share/graphene/pal_loader $out/bin/pal_loader \
--set PAL_HOST Linux
nativeBuildInputs = [
enableParallelBuilding = true;
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