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Rafayel Mkrtchyan MicBrain

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MicBrain / gist:679724000d4bb87663aa
Last active February 11, 2016 19:14
Recursive Method of Fibonacci numbers in MIPS
li $a0, 5
jal fib
move $a0, $v0
jal print_int
jal print_newline
addiu $sp, $sp, -12
MicBrain / gist:42c736cac71c4f306bd3
Created February 26, 2015 17:46
Pascal's triangle in MAL
pascal: add $sp, $sp, -16 # prologue
sw $31, 0($sp)
sw $4, 4($sp)
sw $5, 8($sp)
sw $16, 12($sp)
li $2, 1 # return 1 if base case
beqz $5, ret
beq $4, $5, ret
MicBrain / gist:a2caaa88f81acd177f06
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Test Add and WaitForNext from MultiFetcher
int main () {
std::string *brr = new std::string("");
std::string *grr = new std::string("");
std::string *vrr = new std::string("");
std::string *zrr = new std::string("");
std::string *rrr = new std::string("");
std::string *arr = new std::string("");
std::string *crr = new std::string("");
download::JobInfo info1 = download::JobInfo(brr);
void MultiFetcher::Add(JobInfo *info) {
assert(info != NULL);
assert(info->url != NULL);
Failures result;
result = PrepareDownloadDestination(info);
if (result != kFailOk)
return result;
if (info->expected_hash) {
MicBrain / gist:437606e97e24982a83ae
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
WaitForNext() Function
JobInfo* MultiFetcher::WaitForNext() {
int index;
int timeout = -1;
int length = getJobInfoList().size();
download_mgr->watch_fds_ =
static_cast<struct pollfd *>(smalloc(length * sizeof(struct pollfd)));
download_mgr->watch_fds_size_ = length;
for (index = 0; index < length; index++) {
download_mgr->watch_fd_[index].fd = JobInfo[idx].pipe_fd
download_mgr->watch_fd_[index].events = POLLIN | POLLPRI;
/* Problem 1.1: Implement an algorithm to determine if a string
* has all unique characters. What if you cannot use additional
* data structures?
* @author: Rafayel Mkrtchyan
* @date: 9/13/2015
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
/* Problem 1.2: Implement a function void reverse(char* str)
* in C or C++, which reverses a null-terminated string.
* @author: Rafayel Mkrtchyan
* @date: 9/14/2015
#include <iostream>
/* This function takes an iterative approach to problem
* using an O(n) speed.
/* Given two strings, write a method to decide if one is a
* permutation of the other.
* @author: Rafayel Mkrtchyan
* @date: 9/16/2015
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
MicBrain / gist:d1f6fcdd04fd988623f0
Last active December 30, 2015 21:17
Sending request to your Facebook friends
<title>First Meteor App.</title>
<h1> fb-welcome</h1>
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : '444506449070273',
MicBrain / metatags.html
Last active April 8, 2024 12:53
The list of useful meta tags used in HTML5 documents.
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<meta charset="utf-8">
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